management_modules package¶
Data management¶
data_handling module¶
Managing data and data handling
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.cbinding(inBinding)[source]¶
Check if variable in settings file has a counterpart in the source code
- Parameters
inBinding – parameter in settings file
Not tested because you need to change the name eg PrecipiationMaps = … -> Precipitation = …
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.checkMeteo_Wordclim(meteodata, wordclimdata)[source]¶
reads the map attributes of meteo dataset and wordclima dataset and compare if it has the same map extend
- Parameters
nmeteodata – name of the meteo netcdf file
wordlclimdata – cname of the wordlclim netcdf file
- Returns
True if meteo and wordclim has the same mapextend
:raises if map extend is different
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.checkOption(inBinding)[source]¶
Check if option in settings file has a counterpart in the source code
- Parameters
inBinding – parameter in settings file
Not tested because you need to change the name eg gridSizeUserDefined = True -> gridSizeUser = True
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.compressArray(map, name='None', zeros=0.0)[source]¶
Compress 2D array with missing values to 1D array without missing values
- Parameters
map – in map
name – filename of the map
zeros – add zeros (default= 0) if values of map are to big or too small
- Returns
Compressed 1D array
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.decompress(map)[source]¶
Decompress 1D array without missing values to 2D array with missing values
- Parameters
map – numpy 1D array as input
- Returns
2D array for displaying
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.divideValues(x, y, default=0.0)[source]¶
returns the result of a division that possibly involves a zero
- Parameters
x –
y – divisor
default – return value if y =0
- Returns
result of
or default if y = 0
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.getmeta(key, varname, alternative)[source]¶
get the meta data information for the netcdf output from the global variable metaNetcdfVar
- Parameters
key – key
varname – variable name e.g. self.var.Precipitation
- Returns
metadata information
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.loadmap(name, lddflag=False, compress=True, local=False, cut=True)[source]¶
load a static map either value or pc raster map or netcdf
- Parameters
name – name of map
lddflag – if True the map is used as a ldd map
compress – if True the return map will be compressed
local – if True the map is local and will be not cut
cut – if True the map will be not cut
- Returns
1D numpy array of map
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.loadsetclone(self, name)[source]¶
load the maskmap and set as clone
- Parameters
name – name of mask map, can be a file or - row col cellsize xupleft yupleft -
- Returns
new mask map
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.mapattrNetCDF(name, check=True)[source]¶
get the 4 corners of a netcdf map to cut the map defines the rectangular of the mask map inside the netcdf map calls function
- Parameters
name – name of the netcdf file
check – checking if netcdffile exists
- Returns
- Raises
if cell size is different –
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.mapattrNetCDFMeteo(name, check=True)[source]¶
get the map attributes like col, row etc from a netcdf map and define the rectangular of the mask map inside the netcdf map calls function
- Parameters
name – name of the netcdf file
check – checking if netcdffile exists
- Returns
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.mapattrTiff(nf2)[source]¶
map attributes of a geotiff file
- Parameters
nf2 –
- Returns
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.maskfrompoint(mask2D, xleft, yup)[source]¶
load a static map either value or pc raster map or netcdf
- Parameters
mask2D – 2D array of new mask
xleft – left lon coordinate
yup – upper lat coordinate
- Returns
new mask map
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.metaNetCDF()[source]¶
get the map metadata from precipitation netcdf maps
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.multinetdf(meteomaps, usebuffer, startcheck='dateBegin')[source]¶
- Parameters
meteomaps – list of meteomaps to define start and end time
.param usebuffer: for certain map downscaling an additional cell around the maps is needed :param startcheck: date of beginning simulation :return
- Raises
if no map stack in meteo map folder –
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.readCoord(name)[source]¶
get the meta data information for the netcdf output from the global variable metaNetcdfVar
- Parameters
name – name of the netcdf file
- Returns
latitude, longitude, cell size, inverse cell size
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.readCoordNetCDF(name, check=True)[source]¶
reads the map attributes col, row etc from a netcdf map
- Parameters
name – name of the netcdf file
check – checking if netcdffile exists
- Returns
latitude, longitude, cell size, inverse cell size
- Raises
if no netcdf map can be found –
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.readmeteodata(name, date, value='None', addZeros=False, zeros=0.0, mapsscale=True, buffering=False, extendback=False)[source]¶
load stack of maps 1 at each timestamp in netcdf format
- Parameters
name – file name
date –
value – if set the name of the parameter is defined
addZeros –
zeros – default value
mapsscale – if meteo maps have the same extend as the other spatial static m
buffering – if buffer should be applied before cutting the map to the mask extent
- Returns
Compressed 1D array of meteo data
- Raises
if data is wrong –
if meteo netcdf file cannot be opened –
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.readnetcdf12month(name, month, value='None')[source]¶
load maps in netcdf format (12 maps for each month)
- Parameters
namebinding – file name in settings file
value – (optional) netcdf variable name. If not given -> last variable is taken
- Month number
of month from 0 to 11
- Returns
Compressed 1D array of netcdf stored data
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.readnetcdf2(namebinding, date, useDaily='daily', value='None', addZeros=False, cut=True, zeros=0.0, meteo=False, usefilename=False, compress=True)[source]¶
load stack of maps 1 at each timestamp in netcdf format
- Parameters
namebinding – file name in settings file
date –
useDaily – if True daily values are used
value – if set the name of the parameter is defined
addZeros –
cut – if True the map is clipped to mask map
zeros – default value
meteo – if map are meteo maps
usefilename – if True filename is given False: filename is in settings file
compress – True - compress data to 1D
- Returns
Compressed 1D array of netcdf stored data
- Raises
if netcdf file cannot be opened –
if netcdf file is not of the size of mask map –
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.readnetcdfInitial(name, value, default=0.0)[source]¶
load initial condition from netcdf format
- Parameters
name – file name
value – netcdf variable name
default – (optional) if no variable is found a warning is given and value is set to default
- Returns
Compressed 1D array of netcdf stored data
- Raises
if netcdf file is not of the size of mask map –
if varibale name is not included in the netcdf file –
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.readnetcdfWithoutTime(name, value='None')[source]¶
load maps in netcdf format (has no time format)
- Parameters
namebinding – file name in settings file
value – (optional) netcdf variable name. If not given -> last variable is taken
- Returns
Compressed 1D array of netcdf stored data
-, name, compr=True)[source]¶
For debugging: Save the 2D array as .map or .tif
- Parameters
name – Filename of the map
valueIn – 1D or 2D array in
compr – (optional) array is 1D (default) or 2D
- Returns
Example: > report(c:/temp/, self_.var_.ksat1)
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.returnBool(inBinding)[source]¶
Test if parameter is a boolean and return an error message if not, and the boolean if everything is ok
- Parameters
inBinding – parameter in settings file
- Returns
boolean of inBinding
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.setmaskmapAttr(x, y, col, row, cell)[source]¶
Definition of cell size, coordinates of the meteo maps and maskmap
- Parameters
x – upper left corner x
y – upper left corner y
col – number of cols
row – number of rows
cell – cell size
- Returns
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.valuecell(coordx, coordstr, returnmap=True)[source]¶
to put a value into a raster map -> invert of cellvalue, map is converted into a numpy array first
- Parameters
coordx – x,y or lon/lat coordinate
coordstr – String of coordinates
- Returns
1D array with new value
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.writeIniNetcdf(netfile, varlist, inputlist)[source]¶
write variables to netcdf init file
- Parameters
netfile – file name
varlist – list of variable to be written in the netcdf file
inputlist – stack of 1D arrays
- Returns
- cwatm.management_modules.data_handling.writenetcdf(netfile, prename, addname, varunits, inputmap, timeStamp, posCnt, flag, flagTime, nrdays=None, dateunit='days', netcdfindex=False)[source]¶
write a netcdf stack
- Parameters
netfile – file name
prename – 1st part of variable name with tell which variable e.g. discharge
addname – part of the variable name with tells about the timestep e.g. daily, monthly
varunits – unit of the variable
inputmap – 1D array to be put as netcdf
timeStamp – time
posCnt – calculate nummer of the indece for time
flag – to indicate if the file is new -> netcdf header has to be written,or simply appending data
flagtime – to indicate the variable is time dependend (not a single array!)
nrdays – (optional) if indicate number of days are set in the time variable (makes files smaller!)
dateunit – (optional) dateunit indicate if the timestep in netcdf is days, month or years
- Returns
flag: to indicate if the file is set up
timestep module¶
Managing time
- cwatm.management_modules.timestep.Calendar(input, errorNo=0)[source]¶
Get the date from CalendarDayStart in the settings xml Reformatting the date till it fits to datetime
- Parameters
input – string from the settingsfile should be somehow a date
errorNo – 0: check startdate, enddate 1: check startinit
- Returns
a datetime date
- cwatm.management_modules.timestep.addmonths(d, x)[source]¶
Adds months to a date
- Parameters
d – date
x – month to add
- Returns
date with added months
- cwatm.management_modules.timestep.checkifDate(start, end, spinup, name)[source]¶
Checks if start date is earlier than end date etc And set some date variables
- Parameters
start – start date
end – end date
spinup – date till no output is generated = warming up time
- Returns
a list of date variable in: dateVar
- cwatm.management_modules.timestep.ctbinding(inBinding)[source]¶
Check if variable in settings file has a counterpart in source code
- Parameters
x – variable in settings file to be tested
- Returns
- Raises
if variable is not found send an error:
- cwatm.management_modules.timestep.date2indexNew(date, nctime, calendar, select='nearest', name='')[source]¶
The original netCDF4 library cannot handle month and years Replace: date2index This one checks for days, month and years And set some date variables
- Parameters
date – date
nctime – time unit of the netcdf file
select – (optional) which date is selected, default: nearest
name – (optional) name of th dataset
- Returns
- cwatm.management_modules.timestep.date2str(date)[source]¶
Convert date to string of date e.g. 27/12/2018 :param date: date as (datetime) :return: date string
- cwatm.management_modules.timestep.datenum(date)[source]¶
converts date to a int number based on the calender and unit of the netcdf file :param date: :return: number of the date
- cwatm.management_modules.timestep.datetoInt(dateIn, begin, both=False)[source]¶
Calculates the integer of a date from a reference date
- Parameters
dateIn – date
begin – reference date
both – if set to True both the int and the string of the date are returned
- Returns
integer value of a date, starting from begin date
- cwatm.management_modules.timestep.datetosaveInit(initdates, begin, end)[source]¶
Calculates the save init dates
- Parameters
initdates – one or several dates
begin – reference date
end – end date
- Returns
integer value of a dates, starting from begin date
- cwatm.management_modules.timestep.numdate(num, add=0)[source]¶
converts int into date based on the calender and unit of the netcdf file :param num: number of the day :param add: addition to date in days :return: date
- cwatm.management_modules.timestep.timemeasure(name, loops=0, update=False, sample=1)[source]¶
Measuring of the time for each subroutine
- Parameters
name – name of the subroutine
loops – if it it called several times this is added to the name
update –
sample –
- Returns
add a string to the time measure string: timeMesString
configuration module¶
Loading and parsing of the settings file
- class cwatm.management_modules.configuration.ExtParser(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
addition to the parser to replace placeholders
PathRoot = C:/work MaskMap = $(FILE_PATHS:PathRoot)/data/areamaps/area.tif
- cwatm.management_modules.configuration.parse_configuration(settingsFileName)[source]¶
Parse settings file
- Parameters
settingsFileName – name of the settings file
- Returns
parameters in list: binding, options in list: option
- cwatm.management_modules.configuration.read_metanetcdf(metaxml, name)[source]¶
Read the metadata for netcdf output files unit, long name, standard name and additional information
- Parameters
metaxml – file mit information for netcdf files (metadata)
name – file name information
- Returns
List with metadata information: metaNetcdfVar
management_modules.messages module¶
Error handling - giving out messages
- exception cwatm.management_modules.messages.CWATMDirError(filename, msg='', sname='')[source]¶
The error handling class prints out an error
- Parameters
Warning – class CWATMError
- Returns
prints out a message about file error
- exception cwatm.management_modules.messages.CWATMError(msg)[source]¶
The error handling class prints out an error
- Parameters
Warning – class CWATMError
- Returns
prints out a message about an error
- exception cwatm.management_modules.messages.CWATMFileError(filename, msg='', sname='')[source]¶
The error handling class prints out an error
- Parameters
Warning – class CWATMError
- Returns
prints out a message about file error
- exception cwatm.management_modules.messages.CWATMRunInfo(outputS)[source]¶
prints out an error
- Parameters
Warning – class warning
- Returns
prints out a message
- Warning
warning given with a header and a message from the subroutine
- exception cwatm.management_modules.messages.CWATMWarning(msg)[source]¶
the error handling class prints out an error
- Parameters
Warning – class warning
- Returns
prints out a message
Handling output of CWatM
management_modules.output module¶
- class cwatm.management_modules.output.outputTssMap(model)[source]¶
Output of time series and map
Global variables
Variable [self.var]
river network in upstream direction
Area of cell
Channel discharge
Program management¶
Global definition of variables
globals module¶
Global definition of variables
dynamicModel module¶
Framework of initial and dynamic modules
replace_pcr module¶
Some pcr operation are done in numpy
- cwatm.management_modules.replace_pcr.npareaaverage(values, areaclass)[source]¶
numpy area average procedure
- Parameters
values –
areaclass –
- Returns
calculates the average area of a class
- cwatm.management_modules.replace_pcr.npareamajority(values, areaclass)[source]¶
numpy area majority procedure
- Parameters
values –
areaclass –
- Returns
calculates the majority of an area of a class