Source code for cwatm.management_modules.timestep

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name:        Handling of timesteps and dates
# Purpose:
# Author:      P. Burek
# Created:     09/08/2016
# Copyright:   (c) burekpe 2016
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

import os
import calendar
import datetime
import time as xtime
import numpy as np
from cwatm.management_modules.data_handling import *
from cwatm.management_modules.globals import *
from cwatm.management_modules.messages import *
from netCDF4 import Dataset,num2date,date2num,date2index

import difflib  # to check the closest word in settingsfile, if an error occurs

[docs]def datenum(date): """ converts date to a int number based on the calender and unit of the netcdf file :param date: :return: number of the date """ num = round(date2num(date, units=dateVar['unit'], calendar=dateVar['calendar'])) # changed to round because some date in netcdf have 12:00 as starting time -> results in -0.5 return num // dateVar['unitConv']
[docs]def numdate(num, add = 0): """ converts int into date based on the calender and unit of the netcdf file :param num: number of the day :param add: addition to date in days :return: date """ return (num2date(int(num) * dateVar['unitConv'] + add, units=dateVar['unit'], calendar=dateVar['calendar']))
[docs]def date2str(date): """ Convert date to string of date e.g. 27/12/2018 :param date: date as (datetime) :return: date string """ return "%02d/%02d/%02d" % (, date.month, date.year)
[docs]def ctbinding(inBinding): """ Check if variable in settings file has a counterpart in source code :param x: variable in settings file to be tested :return: - :raises: if variable is not found send an error: :meth:`management_modules.messages.CWATMError` """ test = inBinding in binding if test: return binding[inBinding] else: # not tested because you have to remove eg stepstart to test this closest = difflib.get_close_matches(inBinding, list(binding.keys())) if not closest: closest = ["- no match -"] msg = "Error 118: ===== Timing in the section: [TIME-RELATED_CONSTANTS] is wrong! =====\n" msg += "No key with the name: \"" + inBinding + "\" in the settings file: \"" + settingsfile[0] + "\"\n" msg += "Closest key to the required one is: \""+ closest[0] + "\"" raise CWATMError(msg)
[docs]def timemeasure(name,loops=0, update = False, sample = 1): """ Measuring of the time for each subroutine :param name: name of the subroutine :param loops: if it it called several times this is added to the name :param update: :param sample: :return: add a string to the time measure string: timeMesString """ timeMes.append(xtime.perf_counter()) if loops == 0: s = name else: s = name +"_%i" % loops timeMesString.append(s) return
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Calendar routines # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def Calendar(input,errorNo = 0): """ Get the date from CalendarDayStart in the settings xml Reformatting the date till it fits to datetime :param input: string from the settingsfile should be somehow a date :param errorNo: 0: check startdate, enddate 1: check startinit :return: a datetime date """ date = None try: date = float(input) except ValueError: d = input.replace('.', '/') d = d.replace('-', '/') year = d.split('/')[-1:] if len(year[0]) == 4: formatstr = "%d/%m/%Y" else: formatstr = "%d/%m/%y" if len(year[0]) == 1: d = d.replace('/', '.', 1) d = d.replace('/', '/0') d = d.replace('.', '/') print(d) try: date = datetime.datetime.strptime(d, formatstr) except: if errorNo == 0: msg = "Error 119: Either date in StepStart is not a date or in SpinUp or StepEnd it is neither a number or a date!" raise CWATMError(msg) elif errorNo == 1: msg = "Error 120: First date in StepInit is neither a number or a date!" raise CWATMError(msg) elif errorNo > 1: return -99999 return date
[docs]def datetoInt(dateIn,begin,both=False): """ Calculates the integer of a date from a reference date :param dateIn: date :param begin: reference date :param both: if set to True both the int and the string of the date are returned :return: integer value of a date, starting from begin date """ date1 = Calendar(dateIn) if type(date1) is datetime.datetime: #str1 = date1.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") # to cope with dates before 1990 str1 = date2str(date1) d1 = datenum(date1) d2 = datenum(begin) int1 = int(d1 - d2) + 1 # to be used with different days in a year e.g. 360_years else: int1 = int(date1) str1 = str(date1) if both: return int1,str1 else: return int1
[docs]def addmonths(d,x): """ Adds months to a date :param d: date :param x: month to add :return: date with added months """ days_of_month = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] newmonth = ((( d.month - 1) + x ) % 12 ) + 1 newyear = d.year + ((( d.month - 1) + x ) // 12 ) if > days_of_month[newmonth-1]: newday = days_of_month[newmonth-1] else: newday = return datetime.datetime( newyear, newmonth, newday)
[docs]def datetosaveInit(initdates,begin,end): """ Calculates the save init dates :param initdates: one or several dates :param begin: reference date :param end: end date :return: integer value of a dates, starting from begin date """ # datetosaveInit(initdates, dateVar['dateBegin'], dateVar['dateEnd']) # dd = datetoInt(d, dateVar['dateBegin']) # dateVar['intInit'].append(datetoInt(d, dateVar['dateBegin'])) i = 0 dateVar['intInit'] = [] dd =[] for d in initdates: i += 1 date1 = Calendar(d,i) # check if it a row of dates if date1 == -99999: if not(d[-1] in ["d", "m","y"]): msg = "Error 121: Second value in StepInit is not a number or date nor indicating a repetition of year(y), month(m) or day(d) \n" msg +="e.g. 2y for every 2 years or 6m for every 6 month" raise CWATMError(msg) else: try: add = int(d[0:-1]) except: msg = "Error 122: Third value in StepInit is not an integer after 'y' or 'm' or 'd'" raise CWATMError(msg) #start = begin + datetime.timedelta(days=dateVar['intInit'][0]-1) d1 = datenum(begin) start = numdate(d1, dateVar['intInit'][0]-1) j = 1 while True: if d[-1] == 'y': #date2 = start + relativedelta(years=+ add * j) date2 = start try: date2 = date2.replace(year=date2.year + add * j) except ValueError: #date2 = date2 - datetime.timedelta(days = 1) d1 = datenum(date2) date2 = numdate(d1, -1) date2 = date2.replace(year=date2.year + add * j) elif d[-1] == 'm': #date2 = start + relativedelta(months=+ add * j) date2 = addmonths(start, add * j) else: #date2 = start + datetime.timedelta(days= add * j) d1 = datenum(start) date2 = numdate(d1, add*j) if date2 > end: break else: #int1 = (date2 - begin).days + 1 d1 = datenum(date2) d2 = datenum(begin) int1 = int(d1 - d2) + 1 dateVar['intInit'].append(int1) dd.append(date2) j += 1 return if type(date1) is datetime.datetime: #int1 = (date1 - begin).days + 1 d1 = datenum(date1) d2 = datenum(begin) int1 = int(d1 - d2) + 1 else: int1 = int(date1) dateVar['intInit'].append(int1) ii = 1
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs]def checkifDate(start,end,spinup,name): """ Checks if start date is earlier than end date etc And set some date variables :param start: start date :param end: end date :param spinup: date till no output is generated = warming up time :return: a list of date variable in: dateVar """ #begin = Calendar(ctbinding('CalendarDayStart')) try: name = glob.glob(os.path.normpath(name))[0] except: msg = "Error 215: Cannot find precipitation maps\n" raise CWATMFileError(name,msg, sname='PrecipitationMaps') nf1 = Dataset(name, 'r') try: dateVar['calendar'] = nf1.variables['time'].calendar dateVar['unit'] = nf1.variables['time'].units except: dateVar['calendar'] = 'standard' dateVar['unit'] = "days since 1901-01-01T00:00:00Z" nf1.close() unitconv1 = ["DAYS","HOUR","MINU","SECO"] unitconv2 = [1,24,1440,86400] unitconv3 = dateVar['unit'] [:4].upper() try: dateVar['unitConv'] = unitconv2[unitconv1.index(unitconv3)] except: dateVar['unitConv'] = 1 startdate = Calendar(ctbinding('StepStart')) if type(startdate) is datetime.datetime: begin = startdate else: msg = "Error 123: \"StepStart = " + ctbinding('StepStart') + "\"\n" msg += "StepStart has to be a valid date!" raise CWATMError(msg) # spinup date = date from which maps are written if ctbinding(spinup).lower() == "none" or ctbinding(spinup) == "0": spinup = start dateVar['intStart'],strStart = datetoInt(ctbinding(start),begin,True) dateVar['intEnd'],strEnd = datetoInt(ctbinding(end),begin,True) dateVar['intSpin'], strSpin = datetoInt(ctbinding(spinup), begin, True) # test if start and end > begin if (dateVar['intStart']<0) or (dateVar['intEnd']<0) or ((dateVar['intEnd']-dateVar['intStart'])<0): #strBegin = begin.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") strBegin = date2str(begin) msg="Error 124: Start Date: "+strStart+" and/or end date: "+ strEnd + " are wrong!\n or smaller than the first time step date: "+strBegin raise CWATMError(msg) if (dateVar['intSpin'] < dateVar['intStart']) or (dateVar['intSpin'] > dateVar['intEnd']): #strBegin = begin.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") strBegin = date2str(begin) msg="Error 125: Spin Date: "+strSpin + " is wrong!\n or smaller/bigger than the first/last time step date: "+strBegin+ " - "+ strEnd raise CWATMError(msg) dateVar['currDate'] = begin dateVar['dateBegin'] = begin #dateVar['dateStart'] = begin + datetime.timedelta(days=dateVar['intSpin']-1) d1 = datenum(begin) startint = int(d1 + dateVar['intSpin'] -1) dateVar['dateStart'] = numdate(startint) dateVar['diffdays'] = dateVar['intEnd'] - dateVar['intSpin'] + 1 #dateVar['dateEnd'] = dateVar['dateStart'] + datetime.timedelta(days=dateVar['diffdays']-1) dateVar['dateStart1'] = begin + datetime.timedelta(days=dateVar['intSpin'] - 1) dateVar['dateEnd1'] = dateVar['dateStart1'] + datetime.timedelta(days=dateVar['diffdays'] - 1) d1 = datenum(dateVar['dateStart']) endint = int(d1 + dateVar['diffdays']) dateVar['dateEnd'] = numdate(endint, -1) dateVar['curr'] = 0 dateVar['currwrite'] = 0 #dateVar['datelastmonth'] = datetime.datetime(year=dateVar['dateEnd'].year, month= dateVar['dateEnd'].month, day=1) - datetime.timedelta(days=1) d1 = datenum(datetime.datetime(year=dateVar['dateEnd'].year, month= dateVar['dateEnd'].month, day=1)) dateVar['datelastmonth'] = numdate(d1, -1) #dateVar['datelastyear'] = datetime.datetime(year=dateVar['dateEnd'].year, month= 1, day=1) - datetime.timedelta(days=1) d1 = datenum(datetime.datetime(year=dateVar['dateEnd'].year, month=1, day=1)) dateVar['datelastyear'] = numdate(d1, -1) dateVar['checked'] = [] # noinspection PyTypeChecker #dates = np.arange(dateVar['dateStart'], dateVar['dateEnd']+ datetime.timedelta(days=1), datetime.timedelta(days = 1)).astype(datetime.datetime) #for d in dates: # mid of month days for dint in range(startint, endint): d = numdate(dint) dnext = numdate(dint, 1) #if == calendar.monthrange(d.year, d.month)[1]: if d.month != dnext.month: if d.month == 12: dateVar['checked'].append(2) else: dateVar['checked'].append(1) else: # mark mid of month day #if d.month == 2 and # dateVar['checked'].append(-1) #if d.month != 2 and # dateVar['checked'].append(-1) dateVar['checked'].append(0) dateVar['diffMonth'] = dateVar['checked'].count(1) + dateVar['checked'].count(2) dateVar['diffYear'] = dateVar['checked'].count(2)
[docs]def date2indexNew(date, nctime, calendar, select='nearest', name =""): """ The original netCDF4 library cannot handle month and years Replace: date2index This one checks for days, month and years And set some date variables :param date: date :param nctime: time unit of the netcdf file :param select: (optional) which date is selected, default: nearest :param name: (optional) name of th dataset :return: index """ unit = nctime.units.split() if unit[0].upper() =="DAYS": index = date2index(date, nctime, calendar=nctime.calendar, select='nearest') elif unit[0][0:5].upper() =="MONTH": year0 = int(unit[2][0:4]) month0 = int(unit[2][6:7]) value = (date.year - year0) * 12 + (date.month - month0) if value > max(nctime[:]): value = max(nctime[:]) - 11 + (date.month - month0) msg = " - " + date.strftime('%Y-%m') + " is later then the last dataset in " + name + " -" msg += " instead last year/month dataset is used" if Flags['loud']: print(CWATMWarning(msg)) index = np.where(nctime[:] == value)[0][0] elif unit[0][0:4].upper() == "YEAR": year0 = int(unit[2][0:4]) value = date.year - year0 if value > max(nctime[:]): value = max(nctime[:]) msg = " - " + date.strftime('%Y') + " is later then the last dataset in " + name + " -" msg += " instead last year dataset is used" if Flags['loud']: print(CWATMWarning(msg)) if value < min(nctime[:]): value = min(nctime[:]) msg = " - " + date.strftime('%Y') + " is earlier then the first dataset in " + name + " -" msg += " instead first year dataset is used" if Flags['loud']: print(CWATMWarning(msg)) index = np.where(nctime[:] == value)[0][0] else: index = date2index(date, nctime, calendar=nctime.calendar, select='nearest') return index
[docs]def timestep_dynamic(self): """ Dynamic part of setting the date Current date is increasing, checking if beginning of month, year :return: a list of date variable in: dateVar """ #print "leap:", globals.leap_flag[0] #dateVar['currDate'] = dateVar['dateBegin'] + datetime.timedelta(days=dateVar['curr']) d1 = datenum(dateVar['dateBegin']) dateVar['currDate'] = numdate(d1, dateVar['curr']) datevarInt = d1 + dateVar['curr'] #dateVar['currDatestr'] = dateVar['currDate'].strftime("%d/%m/%Y") dateVar['currDatestr'] = date2str(dateVar['currDate']) #dateVar['doy'] = int(dateVar['currDate'].strftime('%j')) # replacing this because date less than 1900 is not used firstdoy = datetime.datetime(dateVar['currDate'].year,1,1) #dateVar['doy'] = (dateVar['currDate'] - firstdoy).days + 1 firstdoyInt = datenum(firstdoy) dateVar['doy'] = int(datevarInt - firstdoyInt + 1) dateVar['10day'] = int((dateVar['doy']-1)/10) dateVar['laststep'] = False if (dateVar['intStart'] + dateVar['curr']) == dateVar['intEnd']: dateVar['laststep'] = True dateVar['currStart'] = dateVar['curr'] + 1 dateVar['curr'] += 1 # count currwrite only after spin time if dateVar['curr'] >= dateVar['intSpin']: dateVar['currwrite'] += 1 dateVar['currMonth'] = dateVar['checked'][:dateVar['currwrite']].count(1) + dateVar['checked'][:dateVar['currwrite']].count(2) dateVar['currYear'] = dateVar['checked'][:dateVar['currwrite']].count(2) # first timestep dateVar['newStart'] = dateVar['curr'] == 1 dateVar['newMonth'] = dateVar['currDate'].day == 1 dateVar['newYear'] = (dateVar['currDate'].day == 1) and (dateVar['currDate'].month == 1) dateVar['new10day'] = ((dateVar['doy'] - 1) / 10.0) == dateVar['10day'] d1month = datenum(datetime.datetime(year=dateVar['currDate'].year, month=dateVar['currDate'].month, day=1)) if dateVar['currDate'].month == 12: month = 1 year = dateVar['currDate'].year + 1 else: month = dateVar['currDate'].month + 1 year = dateVar['currDate'].year d2month = datenum(datetime.datetime(year=year, month=month, day=1)) d1year = datenum(datetime.datetime(year=dateVar['currDate'].year, month=1, day=1)) d2year = datenum(datetime.datetime(year=dateVar['currDate'].year + 1, month=1, day=1)) dateVar['daysInMonth'] = d2month - d1month dateVar['daysInYear'] = d2year - d1year return