Source code for cwatm.management_modules.data_handling

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name:        Data handling
# Purpose:     Transforming netcdf to numpy arrays, checking mask file
# Author:      PB
# Created:     13/07/2016
# Copyright:   (c) PB 2016
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

import os, glob
import calendar

#import numpy as np
from . import globals
from cwatm.management_modules.checks import *
from cwatm.management_modules.timestep import *
from cwatm.management_modules.replace_pcr import *
from cwatm.management_modules.messages import *

import difflib  # to check the closest word in settingsfile, if an error occurs
import math
from cwatm.management_modules.dynamicModel import *

from netCDF4 import Dataset,num2date,date2num,date2index
#from netcdftime import utime

from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo import osr
from osgeo import gdalconst
import warnings

[docs]def valuecell( coordx, coordstr, returnmap = True): """ to put a value into a raster map -> invert of cellvalue, map is converted into a numpy array first :param coordx: x,y or lon/lat coordinate :param coordstr: String of coordinates :return: 1D array with new value """ coord = [] col = [] row = [] for xy in coordx: try: coord.append(float(xy)) except: msg = "Error 101: Gauges in settings file: " + xy + " in " + coordstr + " is not a coordinate" raise CWATMError(msg) null = np.zeros((maskmapAttr['row'], maskmapAttr['col'])) null[null == 0] = -9999 for i in range(int(len(coord) / 2)): col.append(int((coord[i * 2] - maskmapAttr['x']) * maskmapAttr['invcell'])) row.append(int((maskmapAttr['y'] - coord[i * 2 + 1]) * maskmapAttr['invcell'])) if col[i] >= 0 and row[i] >= 0 and col[i] < maskmapAttr['col'] and row[i] < maskmapAttr['row']: null[row[i], col[i]] = i + 1 else: x1 = maskmapAttr['x'] x2 = x1 + maskmapAttr['cell']* maskmapAttr['col'] y1 = maskmapAttr['y'] y2 = y1 - maskmapAttr['cell']* maskmapAttr['row'] box = "%5s %5.1f\n" %("",y1) box += "%5s ---------\n" % "" box += "%5s | |\n" % "" box += "%5.1f | |%5.1f <-- Box of mask map\n" %(x1,x2) box += "%5s | |\n" % "" box += "%5s ---------\n" % "" box += "%5s %5.1f\n" % ("", y2) #print box print("%2s %-17s %10s %8s" % ("No", "Name", "time[s]", "%")) msg = "Error 102: Coordinates: x = " + str(coord[i * 2]) + ' y = ' + str( coord[i * 2 + 1]) + " of gauge is outside mask map\n\n" msg += box msg +="\nPlease have a look at \"MaskMap\" or \"Gauges\"" raise CWATMError(msg) if returnmap: mapnp = compressArray(null).astype(np.int64) return mapnp else: return col, row
[docs]def setmaskmapAttr(x,y,col,row,cell): """ Definition of cell size, coordinates of the meteo maps and maskmap :param x: upper left corner x :param y: upper left corner y :param col: number of cols :param row: number of rows :param cell: cell size :return: - """ invcell = round(1/cell,0) # getgeotransform only delivers single precision! if invcell == 0: invcell = 1/cell cell = 1 / invcell if (x-int(x)) != 0.: if abs(x - int(x)) > 1e9: x = 1/round(1/(x-int(x)),4) + int(x) else: x = round(x,6) if (y - int(y)) != 0.: if abs(y - int(y)) > 1e9: y = 1 / round(1 / (y - int(y)), 4) + int(y) else: y = round(y,6) # This is still not ok! Some rounding issues still appear sometimes maskmapAttr['x'] = x maskmapAttr['y'] = y maskmapAttr['col'] = col maskmapAttr['row'] = row maskmapAttr['cell'] = cell maskmapAttr['invcell'] = invcell
[docs]def loadsetclone(self,name): """ load the maskmap and set as clone :param name: name of mask map, can be a file or - row col cellsize xupleft yupleft - :return: new mask map """ filename = cbinding(name) coord = filename.split() if len(coord) == 2: name = "Ldd" if len(coord) == 5: # changed order of x, y i- in setclone y is first in CWATM # settings x is first # setclone row col cellsize xupleft yupleft # retancle: Number of Cols, Number of rows, cellsize, upper left corner X, upper left corner Y mapnp = np.ones((int(coord[1]), int(coord[0]))) setmaskmapAttr(float(coord[3]),float(coord[4]), int(coord[0]),int(coord[1]),float(coord[2])) #mapnp[mapnp == 0] = 1 #map = numpy2pcr(Boolean, mapnp, -9999) elif len(coord) < 3: filename = os.path.splitext(cbinding(name))[0] + '.nc' try: nf1 = Dataset(filename, 'r') value = list(nf1.variables.items())[-1][0] # get the last variable name #x1 = nf1.variables.values()[0][0] #x2 = nf1.variables.values()[0][1] #xlast = nf1.variables.values()[0][-1] x1 = nf1.variables['lon'][0] x2 = nf1.variables['lon'][1] xlast = nf1.variables['lon'][-1] y1 = nf1.variables['lat'][0] ylast = nf1.variables['lat'][-1] # swap to make y1 the biggest number if y1 < ylast: y1, ylast = ylast, y1 cellSize = np.abs(x2 - x1) invcell = round(1/cellSize) nrRows = int(0.5 + np.abs(ylast - y1) * invcell + 1) nrCols = int(0.5 + np.abs(xlast - x1) * invcell + 1) x = x1 - cellSize / 2 y = y1 + cellSize / 2 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") mapnp = np.array(nf1.variables[value][0:nrRows, 0:nrCols]) nf1.close() setmaskmapAttr( x, y, nrCols, nrRows, cellSize) flagmap = True except: # load geotiff try: filename = cbinding(name) nf2 = gdal.Open(filename, gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly) geotransform = nf2.GetGeoTransform() geotrans.append(geotransform) setmaskmapAttr( geotransform[0], geotransform[3], nf2.RasterXSize, nf2.RasterYSize, geotransform[1]) band = nf2.GetRasterBand(1) #bandtype = gdal.GetDataTypeName(band.DataType) mapnp = band.ReadAsArray(0, 0, nf2.RasterXSize, nf2.RasterYSize) # 10 because that includes all valid LDD values [1-9] mapnp[mapnp > 10] = 0 mapnp[mapnp < -10] = 0 flagmap = True except: raise CWATMFileError(filename,msg = "Error 201: File reading Error\n", sname=name) if Flags['check']: checkmap(name, filename, mapnp, flagmap, False,0) else: msg = "Error 103: Maskmap: " + filename + " is not a valid mask map nor valid coordinates nor valid point\n" msg +="Or there is a whitespace or undefined character in Maskmap" raise CWATMError(msg) # put in the ldd map # if there is no ldd at a cell, this cell should be excluded from modelling maskldd = loadmap('Ldd', compress = False) maskarea = np.bool8(mapnp) mask = np.logical_not(np.logical_and(maskldd,maskarea)) # mask=np.isnan(mapnp) # mask[mapnp==0] = True # all 0 become mask out mapC =,mask)) # Definition of compressed array and info how to blow it up again maskinfo['mask']=mask maskinfo['shape']=mask.shape maskinfo['maskflat']=mask.ravel() # map to 1D not compresses maskinfo['shapeflat']=maskinfo['maskflat'].shape #length of the 1D array maskinfo['mapC']=mapC.shape # length of the compressed 1D array maskinfo['maskall']['shapeflat']) # empty map 1D but with mask maskinfo['maskall'].mask = maskinfo['maskflat'] globals.inZero=np.zeros(maskinfo['mapC']) if Flags['check']: checkmap("Mask+Ldd", "",,mask), flagmap, True, mapC) outpoints = 0 if len(coord) == 2: outpoints = valuecell(coord, filename) outpoints[outpoints < 0] = 0 print("Create catchment from point and river network") mask2D, xleft, yup = self.routing_kinematic_module.catchment(outpoints) mapC = maskfrompoint(mask2D, xleft, yup) + 1 area = np.sum(loadmap('CellArea')) * 1e-6 print("Number of cells in catchment: %6i = %7.0f km2" % (np.sum(mask2D), area)) # if the final results map should be cover up with some mask: if "coverresult" in binding: coverresult[0] = returnBool('coverresult') if coverresult[0]: cover = loadmap('covermap', compress=False, cut = False) cover[cover > 1] = False cover[cover == 1] = True coverresult[1] = cover return mapC
[docs]def maskfrompoint(mask2D, xleft, yup): """ load a static map either value or pc raster map or netcdf :param mask2D: 2D array of new mask :param xleft: left lon coordinate :param yup: upper lat coordinate :return: new mask map """ if xleft == -1: msg = "Error 104: MaskMap point does not have a valid value in the river network (LDD)" raise CWATMError(msg) x = xleft * maskmapAttr['cell'] + maskmapAttr['x'] y = maskmapAttr['y'] - yup * maskmapAttr['cell'] maskmapAttr['x'] = x maskmapAttr['y'] = y maskmapAttr['col'] = mask2D.shape[1] maskmapAttr['row'] = mask2D.shape[0] mask = np.invert(np.bool8(mask2D)) mapC =, mask)) # Definition of compressed array and info how to blow it up again maskinfo['mask'] = mask maskinfo['shape'] = mask.shape maskinfo['maskflat'] = mask.ravel() # map to 1D not compresses maskinfo['shapeflat'] = maskinfo['maskflat'].shape # length of the 1D array maskinfo['mapC'] = mapC.shape # length of the compressed 1D array maskinfo['maskall'] =['shapeflat']) # empty map 1D but with mask maskinfo['maskall'].mask = maskinfo['maskflat'] globals.inZero = np.zeros(maskinfo['mapC']) return mapC
[docs]def loadmap(name, lddflag=False,compress = True, local = False, cut = True): """ load a static map either value or pc raster map or netcdf :param name: name of map :param lddflag: if True the map is used as a ldd map :param compress: if True the return map will be compressed :param local: if True the map is local and will be not cut :param cut: if True the map will be not cut :return: 1D numpy array of map """ value = cbinding(name) filename = value mapC = 0 # initializing to prevent warning in code inspection try: # loading an integer or float but not a map mapC = float(value) flagmap = False load = True if Flags['check']: checkmap(name, filename, mapC, False, False, 0) except ValueError: load = False if not load: # read a netcdf (single one not a stack) filename = os.path.splitext(value)[0] + '.nc' # get mapextend of netcdf map and calculate the cutting #cut0, cut1, cut2, cut3 = mapattrNetCDF(filename) try: nf1 = Dataset(filename, 'r') cut0, cut1, cut2, cut3 = mapattrNetCDF(filename, check = False) # load netcdf map but only the rectangle needed #nf1 = Dataset(filename, 'r') value = list(nf1.variables.items())[-1][0] # get the last variable name if (nf1.variables[maskmapAttr['coordy']][0] - nf1.variables[maskmapAttr['coordy']][-1]) < 0: msg = "Error 202: Latitude is in wrong order\n" raise CWATMFileError(filename, msg) if not timestepInit: #with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") # in order to ignore some invalid value comments if cut: mapnp = nf1.variables[value][cut2:cut3, cut0:cut1].astype(np.float64) else: mapnp = nf1.variables[value][:] else: if 'time' in nf1.variables: timestepI = Calendar(timestepInit[0]) if type(timestepI) is datetime.datetime: timestepI = date2num(timestepI,nf1.variables['time'].units) else: timestepI = int(timestepI) -1 if not(timestepI in nf1.variables['time'][:]): msg = "Error 105 time step " + str(int(timestepI)+1)+" not stored in "+ filename raise CWATMError(msg) itime = np.where(nf1.variables['time'][:] == timestepI)[0][0] if cut: mapnp = nf1.variables[value][itime,cut2:cut3, cut0:cut1] else: mapnp = nf1.variables[value][itime][:] else: if cut: mapnp = nf1.variables[value][cut2:cut3, cut0:cut1] else: mapnp = nf1.variables[value][:] nf1.close() except: filename = cbinding(name) try: nf2 = gdal.Open(filename, gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly) band = nf2.GetRasterBand(1) mapnp = band.ReadAsArray(0, 0, nf2.RasterXSize, nf2.RasterYSize).astype(np.float64) # if local no cut if not local: if cut: cut0, cut1, cut2, cut3 = mapattrTiff(nf2) mapnp = mapnp[cut2:cut3, cut0:cut1] except: msg = "Error 203: File does not exists" raise CWATMFileError(filename,msg,sname=name) try: if any(maskinfo) and compress: mapnp.mask = maskinfo['mask'] except: ii=0 if compress: mapC = compressArray(mapnp,name=filename) if Flags['check']: checkmap(name, filename, mapnp, True, True, mapC) else: mapC = mapnp if Flags['check']: checkmap(name, filename, mapnp, True, False, 0) return mapC
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compressing to 1-dimensional numpy array # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def compressArray(map, name="None", zeros = 0.): """ Compress 2D array with missing values to 1D array without missing values :param map: in map :param name: filename of the map :param zeros: add zeros (default= 0) if values of map are to big or too small :return: Compressed 1D array """ if map.shape != maskinfo['mask'].shape: msg = "Error 105: " + name + " has a different shape than area or ldd \n" raise CWATMError(msg) mapnp1 =, maskinfo['mask']) mapC = # if fill: mapC[np.isnan(mapC)]=0 if name != "None": if np.max(np.isnan(mapC)): msg = "Error 106:" + name + " has less valid pixels than area or ldd \n" raise CWATMError(msg) # test if map has less valid pixel than (or ldd) # if a value is bigger or smaller than 1e20, -1e20 than the standard value is taken mapC[mapC > 1.E20] = zeros mapC[mapC < -1.E20] = zeros return mapC
[docs]def decompress(map): """ Decompress 1D array without missing values to 2D array with missing values :param map: numpy 1D array as input :return: 2D array for displaying """ #['shapeflat'], dtype=map.dtype) dmap = maskinfo['maskall'].copy() dmap[~maskinfo['maskflat']] = map[:] dmap = dmap.reshape(maskinfo['shape']) # check if integer map (like outlets, lakes etc try: checkint = str(map.dtype) except: checkint = "x" if checkint == "int16" or checkint == "int32": dmap[dmap.mask] = -9999 elif checkint == "int8": dmap[dmap < 0] = 0 else: dmap[dmap.mask] = -9999 return dmap
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NETCDF # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def getmeta(key,varname,alternative): """ get the meta data information for the netcdf output from the global variable metaNetcdfVar :param key: key :param varname: variable name e.g. self.var.Precipitation :return: metadata information """ ret = alternative if varname in metaNetcdfVar: if key in metaNetcdfVar[varname]: ret = metaNetcdfVar[varname][key] return ret
[docs]def metaNetCDF(): """ get the map metadata from precipitation netcdf maps """ try: name = cbinding('PrecipitationMaps') name1 = glob.glob(os.path.normpath(name))[0] nf1 = Dataset(name1, 'r') for var in nf1.variables: metadataNCDF[var] = nf1.variables[var].__dict__ nf1.close() except: msg = "Error 204: Trying to get metadata from netcdf\n" raise CWATMFileError(cbinding('PrecipitationMaps'),msg)
[docs]def readCoord(name): """ get the meta data information for the netcdf output from the global variable metaNetcdfVar :param name: name of the netcdf file :return: latitude, longitude, cell size, inverse cell size """ namenc = os.path.splitext(name)[0] + '.nc' try: nf1 = Dataset(namenc, 'r') nc = True except: nc = False if nc: lat, lon, cell, invcell, rows, cols = readCoordNetCDF(namenc) else: raster = gdal.Open(name) rows = raster.RasterYSize cols = raster.RasterXSize gt = raster.GetGeoTransform() cell = gt[1] invcell = round(1.0 / cell, 0) if invcell == 0: invcell = 1. / cell # getgeotransform only delivers single precision! cell = 1 / invcell lon = gt[0] lat = gt[3] #lon = 1 / round(1 / (x1 - int(x1)), 4) + int(x1) #lat = 1 / round(1 / (y1 - int(y1)), 4) + int(y1) return lat, lon, cell, invcell, rows, cols
[docs]def readCoordNetCDF(name,check = True): """ reads the map attributes col, row etc from a netcdf map :param name: name of the netcdf file :param check: checking if netcdffile exists :return: latitude, longitude, cell size, inverse cell size :raises if no netcdf map can be found: :meth:`management_modules.messages.CWATMFileError` """ if check: try: nf1 = Dataset(name, 'r') except: msg = "Error 205: Checking netcdf map \n" raise CWATMFileError(name,msg) else: # if subroutine is called already from inside a try command nf1 = Dataset(name, 'r') if not('coordx' in maskmapAttr.keys()): if 'lon' in nf1.variables.keys(): maskmapAttr['coordx'] = 'lon' maskmapAttr['coordy'] = 'lat' else: maskmapAttr['coordx'] = 'x' maskmapAttr['coordy'] = 'y' rows = nf1.variables[maskmapAttr['coordy']].shape[0] cols = nf1.variables[maskmapAttr['coordx']].shape[0] lon0 = nf1.variables[maskmapAttr['coordx']][0] lon1 = nf1.variables[maskmapAttr['coordx']][1] lat0 = nf1.variables[maskmapAttr['coordy']][0] latlast = nf1.variables[maskmapAttr['coordy']][-1] nf1.close() # swap to make lat0 the biggest number if lat0 < latlast: lat0, latlast = latlast, lat0 cell = round(np.abs(lon1 - lon0),8) invcell = round(1.0 / cell, 0) if invcell == 0: invcell = 1./cell lon = round(lon0 - cell / 2,8) lat = round(lat0 + cell / 2,8) return lat,lon, cell,invcell,rows,cols
[docs]def readCalendar(name): nf1 = Dataset(name, 'r') dateVar['calendar'] = nf1.variables['time'].calendar nf1.close()
[docs]def checkMeteo_Wordclim(meteodata, wordclimdata): """ reads the map attributes of meteo dataset and wordclima dataset and compare if it has the same map extend :param nmeteodata: name of the meteo netcdf file :param wordlclimdata: cname of the wordlclim netcdf file :return: True if meteo and wordclim has the same mapextend :raises if map extend is different :meth:`management_modules.messages.CWATMFileError` """ try: nf1 = Dataset(meteodata, 'r') except: msg = "Error 206: Checking netcdf map \n" raise CWATMFileError(meteodata, msg) lonM0 = nf1.variables['lon'][0] lon1 = nf1.variables['lon'][1] cellM = round(np.abs(lon1 - lonM0) / 2.,8) lonM0 = round(lonM0 - cellM,8) lonM1 = round(nf1.variables['lon'][-1] + cellM,8) latM0 = nf1.variables['lat'][0] latM1 = nf1.variables['lat'][-1] nf1.close() # swap to make lat0 the biggest number if latM0 < latM1: latM0, latM1 = latM1, latM0 latM0 = round(latM0 + cellM,8) latM1 = round(latM1 - cellM,8) # load Wordclima data try: nf1 = Dataset(wordclimdata, 'r') except: msg = "Error 207: Checking netcdf map \n" raise CWATMFileError(wordclimdata, msg) lonW0 = nf1.variables['lon'][0] lon1 = nf1.variables['lon'][1] cellW = round(np.abs(lon1 - lonW0) / 2.,8) lonW0 = round(lonW0 - cellW,8) lonW1 = round(nf1.variables['lon'][-1] + cellW,8) latW0 = nf1.variables['lat'][0] latW1 = nf1.variables['lat'][-1] nf1.close() # swap to make lat0 the biggest number if latW0 < latW1: latW0, latW1 = latW1, latW0 latW0 = round(latW0 + cellW,8) latW1 = round(latW1 - cellW,8) # calculate the controll variable contr1 = (lonM0 + lonM1 + latM0 + latM1) contr2 = (lonW0 + lonW1 + latW0 + latW1) contr = abs(round(contr1 - contr2,5)) check = True if contr > 0.00001: #msg = "Data from meteo dataset and Wordclim dataset does not match" #raise CWATMError(msg) check = False return check
[docs]def mapattrNetCDF(name, check=True): """ get the 4 corners of a netcdf map to cut the map defines the rectangular of the mask map inside the netcdf map calls function :meth:`management_modules.data_handling.readCoord` :param name: name of the netcdf file :param check: checking if netcdffile exists :return: cut1,cut2,cut3,cut4 :raises if cell size is different: :meth:`management_modules.messages.CWATMError` """ lat, lon, cell, invcell, rows, cols = readCoord(name) if maskmapAttr['invcell'] != invcell: msg = "Error 107: Cell size different in maskmap: " + \ binding['MaskMap'] + " and: " + name raise CWATMError(msg) xx = maskmapAttr['x'] yy = maskmapAttr['y'] #cut0 = int(0.0001 + np.abs(xx - lon) * invcell) # argmin() ?? #cut2 = int(0.0001 + np.abs(yy - lat) * invcell) # cut0 = int(np.abs(xx + maskmapAttr['cell']/2 - lon) * invcell) # argmin() ?? cut2 = int(np.abs(yy - maskmapAttr['cell']/2 - lat) * invcell) # cut1 = cut0 + maskmapAttr['col'] cut3 = cut2 + maskmapAttr['row'] return cut0, cut1, cut2, cut3
[docs]def mapattrNetCDFMeteo(name, check = True): """ get the map attributes like col, row etc from a netcdf map and define the rectangular of the mask map inside the netcdf map calls function :meth:`management_modules.data_handling.readCoordNetCDF` :param name: name of the netcdf file :param check: checking if netcdffile exists :return: cut0,cut1,cut2,cut3,cut4,cut5,cut6,cut7 """ lat, lon, cell, invcell, rows, cols = readCoordNetCDF(name, check) # x0,xend, y0,yend - borders of fine resolution map lon0 = maskmapAttr['x'] lat0 = maskmapAttr['y'] lonend = lon0 + maskmapAttr['col'] / maskmapAttr['invcell'] latend = lat0 - maskmapAttr['row'] / maskmapAttr['invcell'] # cut for 0.5 deg map based on finer resolution # lats = nc_simulated.variables['lat'][:] # in_lat = discharge_location[1] # lat_idx = geo_idx(in_lat, lats) # geo_idx = (np.abs(dd_array - dd)).argmin() # geo_idx(dd, dd_array): cut0 = int(0.0001 + np.abs(lon0 - lon) * invcell) cut2 = int(0.0001 + np.abs(lat0 - lat) * invcell) # lon and lat of coarse meteo dataset lonCoarse = (cut0 * cell) + lon latCoarse = lat - (cut2 * cell) cut4 = int(0.0001 + np.abs(lon0 - lonCoarse) * maskmapAttr['invcell']) cut5 = cut4 + maskmapAttr['col'] cut6 = int(0.0001 + np.abs(lat0 - latCoarse) * maskmapAttr['invcell']) cut7 = cut6 + maskmapAttr['row'] # now coarser cut of the coarse meteo dataset cut1 = int(0.0001 + np.abs(lonend - lon) * invcell) cut3 = int(0.0001 + np.abs(latend - lat) * invcell) # test if fine cut is inside coarse cut cellx = (cut1 - cut0) * maskmapAttr['reso_mask_meteo'] celly = (cut3 - cut2) * maskmapAttr['reso_mask_meteo'] if cellx < cut5: cut1 += 1 if celly < cut7: cut3 += 1 if maskmapAttr['coordy'] == 'lat': if cut1 > (360 * invcell): cut1 = int(360 * invcell) if cut3 > (180 * invcell): cut3 = int(180 * invcell) return cut0, cut1, cut2, cut3, cut4, cut5, cut6, cut7
[docs]def mapattrTiff(nf2): """ map attributes of a geotiff file :param nf2: :return: cut0,cut1,cut2,cut3 """ geotransform = nf2.GetGeoTransform() x1 = geotransform[0] y1 = geotransform[3] #maskmapAttr['col'] = nf2.RasterXSize #maskmapAttr['row'] = nf2.RasterYSize cellSize = geotransform[1] #invcell = round(1/cellSize,0) if cellSize > 1: invcell = 1 / cellSize else: invcell = round(1/cellSize,0) # getgeotransform only delivers single precision! cellSize = 1 / invcell if (x1-int(x1)) != 0: x1 = 1/round(1/(x1-int(x1)),4) + int(x1) if (y1-int(y1)) != 0: y1 = 1 / round(1 / (y1 - int(y1)), 4) + int(y1) if maskmapAttr['invcell'] != invcell: msg = "Error 108: Cell size different in maskmap: " + \ binding['MaskMap'] raise CWATMError(msg) x = x1 - cellSize / 2 y = y1 + cellSize / 2 cut0 = int(0.01 + np.abs(maskmapAttr['x'] - x) * invcell) cut2 = int(0.01 + np.abs(maskmapAttr['y'] - y) * invcell) cut1 = cut0 + maskmapAttr['col'] cut3 = cut2 + maskmapAttr['row'] return cut0, cut1, cut2, cut3
[docs]def multinetdf(meteomaps, startcheck = 'dateBegin'): """ :param meteomaps: list of meteomaps to define start and end time :param startcheck: date of beginning simulation :return: :raises if no map stack in meteo map folder: :meth:`management_modules.messages.CWATMFileError` """ end = dateVar['dateEnd'] for maps in meteomaps: name = cbinding(maps) nameall = glob.glob(os.path.normpath(name)) if not nameall: msg ="Error 208: File missing \n" raise CWATMFileError(name,msg, sname=maps) nameall.sort() meteolist = {} startfile = 0 for filename in nameall: try: nf1 = Dataset(filename, 'r') except: msg = "Error 209: Netcdf map stacks: " + filename +"\n" raise CWATMFileError(filename, msg, sname=maps) nctime = nf1.variables['time'] unitconv1 = ["DAYS", "HOUR", "MINU", "SECO"] unitconv2 = [1, 24, 1440, 86400] try: unitconv3 = nctime.units[:4].upper() datediv = unitconv2[unitconv1.index(unitconv3)] except: datediv = 1 datestart = num2date(nctime[:][0] ,units=nctime.units,calendar=nctime.calendar) # sometime daily records have a strange hour to start with -> it is changed to 0:00 to haqve the same record datestart = datestart.replace(hour=0, minute=0) dateend = num2date(nctime[:][-1], units=nctime.units, calendar=nctime.calendar) datestartint = int(nctime[0]) // datediv dateendint = int(nctime[:][-1]) // datediv dateend = dateend.replace(hour=0, minute=0) #if dateVar['leapYear'] > 0: startint = int(date2num(dateVar[startcheck],nctime.units,calendar=nctime.calendar)) start = num2date(startint, units=nctime.units, calendar=nctime.calendar) startint = startint // datediv endint = int(date2num(end, nctime.units, calendar=nctime.calendar)) endint = endint // datediv #else: # start = dateVar[startcheck] if startfile == 0: # search first file where dynamic run starts if (dateendint >= startint) and (datestartint <= startint): # if enddate of a file is bigger than the start of run startfile = 1 #indstart = (start - datestart).days indstart = startint - datestartint #indend = (dateend -datestart).days indend = dateendint - datestartint meteolist[startfile-1] = [filename,indstart,indend, start,dateend] inputcounter[maps] = indstart # startindex of timestep 1 #start = dateend + datetime.timedelta(days=1) #start = start.replace(hour=0, minute=0) startint = dateendint + 1 start = num2date(startint * datediv, units=nctime.units, calendar=nctime.calendar) else: if (datestartint >= startint) and (datestartint < endint ): startfile += 1 indstart = startint - datestartint indend = dateendint - datestartint meteolist[startfile - 1] = [filename, indstart,indend, start, dateend,] #start = dateend + datetime.timedelta(days=1) #start = start.replace(hour=0, minute=0) startint = dateendint + 1 start = num2date(startint * datediv, units=nctime.units, calendar=nctime.calendar) nf1.close() meteofiles[maps] = meteolist flagmeteo[maps] = 0
[docs]def readmeteodata(name, date, value='None', addZeros = False, zeros = 0.0,mapsscale = True, buffering=False): """ load stack of maps 1 at each timestamp in netcdf format :param name: file name :param date: :param value: if set the name of the parameter is defined :param addZeros: :param zeros: default value :param mapsscale: if meteo maps have the same extend as the other spatial static m :param buffering: if buffer should be applied before cutting the map to the mask extent :return: Compressed 1D array of meteo data :raises if data is wrong: :meth:`management_modules.messages.CWATMError` :raises if meteo netcdf file cannot be opened: :meth:`management_modules.messages.CWATMFileError` """ try: meteoInfo = meteofiles[name][flagmeteo[name]] idx = inputcounter[name] filename = os.path.normpath(meteoInfo[0]) except: date1 = "%02d/%02d/%02d" % (, date.month, date.year) msg = "Error 210: Netcdf map error for: " + name + " -> " + cbinding(name) + " on: " + date1 + ": \n" raise CWATMError(msg) try: nf1 = Dataset(filename, 'r') except: msg = "Error 211: Netcdf map stacks: \n" raise CWATMFileError(filename,msg, sname = name) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") if value == "None": value = list(nf1.variables.items())[-1][0] # get the last variable name if value in ["x","y","lon","lat","time"]: for i in range(2,5): value = list(nf1.variables.items())[-i][0] if not(value in ["x","y","lon","lat","time"]) : break # check if mask = map size -> if yes do not cut the map cutcheckmask = maskinfo['shape'][0] * maskinfo['shape'][1] cutcheckmap = nf1.variables[value].shape[1] * nf1.variables[value].shape[2] cutcheck = True if cutcheckmask == cutcheckmap: cutcheck = False #checkif latitude is reversed turn_latitude = False if (nf1.variables[maskmapAttr['coordy']][0] - nf1.variables[maskmapAttr['coordy']][-1]) < 0: turn_latitude = True mapnp = nf1.variables[value][idx].astype(np.float64) mapnp = np.flipud(mapnp) if cutcheck: if turn_latitude: mapnp = mapnp[cutmapFine[2]:cutmapFine[3], cutmapFine[0]:cutmapFine[1]] #TODO: make buffering work if lattitude is turned else: if buffering: buffer = 1 # buffer1 # --------- # buffer3¦ ¦ buffer4 # ¦ ¦ # --------- # buffer2 buffer4, buffer2 = [1,1] #if the input map should be used until the last column there is no buffer if nf1.variables[value].shape[2] == cutmapFine[1]: buffer4 = 0 # if the input map should be used at the last row there is no buffer if nf1.variables[value].shape[1] == cutmapFine[3]: buffer2 = 0 # if the input map should be used at the first row or column there is no buffer if (cutmapFine[2] == 0) and (cutmapFine[0] == 0): mapnp = nf1.variables[value][idx, cutmapFine[2]:cutmapFine[3] + buffer2, cutmapFine[0]:cutmapFine[1] + buffer4].astype(np.float64) buffer1, buffer3 = [0,0] # if the input map should be used at the first row there is no buffer elif cutmapFine[2] == 0: mapnp = nf1.variables[value][idx, cutmapFine[2]:cutmapFine[3] + buffer2, cutmapFine[0] - buffer:cutmapFine[1] + buffer4].astype(np.float64) buffer1, buffer3 = [0, 1] # if the input map should be used at the first column there is no buffer elif cutmapFine[0] == 0: mapnp = nf1.variables[value][idx, cutmapFine[2] - buffer:cutmapFine[3] + buffer2, cutmapFine[0]:cutmapFine[1] + buffer4].astype(np.float64) buffer1, buffer3 = [1,0] else: mapnp = nf1.variables[value][idx, cutmapFine[2] - buffer:cutmapFine[3] + buffer2, cutmapFine[0] - buffer:cutmapFine[1] + buffer4].astype(np.float64) buffer1, buffer3 = [1, 1] else: mapnp = nf1.variables[value][idx, cutmapFine[2]:cutmapFine[3], cutmapFine[0]:cutmapFine[1]].astype(np.float64) else: if not(turn_latitude): mapnp = nf1.variables[value][idx].astype(np.float64) try: mapnp.mask.all() mapnp = mapnp[mapnp>1e15] = np.nan except: ii =1 nf1.close() # add zero values to maps in order to supress missing values if addZeros: mapnp[np.isnan(mapnp)] = zeros if mapsscale: # if meteo maps have the same extend as the other spatial static maps -> meteomapsscale = True if maskinfo['shapeflat'][0]!= mapnp.size: msg = "Error 109: " + name + " has less or more valid pixels than the mask map \n" msg += "if it is the ET maps, it might be from another run with different mask. Please look at the option: calc_evaporation" raise CWATMWarning(msg) mapC = compressArray(mapnp, name=filename,zeros = zeros) if Flags['check']: checkmap(name, filename, mapnp, True, True, mapC) else: # if static map extend not equal meteo maps -> downscaling in readmeteo mapC = mapnp if Flags['check']: checkmap(name, filename, mapnp, True, False, 0) # increase index and check if next file #if (dateVar['leapYear'] == 1) and calendar.isleap(date.year): # if (date.month ==2) and ( == 28): # ii = 1 # dummmy for not doing anything # else: inputcounter[name] += 1 if inputcounter[name] > meteoInfo[2]: inputcounter[name] = 0 flagmeteo[name] += 1 if buffering: buffer = [buffer1, buffer2, buffer3, buffer4] else: buffer = None return mapC, buffer
[docs]def readnetcdf2(namebinding, date, useDaily='daily', value='None', addZeros = False,cut = True, zeros = 0.0,meteo = False, usefilename = False, compress = True): """ load stack of maps 1 at each timestamp in netcdf format :param namebinding: file name in settings file :param date: :param useDaily: if True daily values are used :param value: if set the name of the parameter is defined :param addZeros: :param cut: if True the map is clipped to mask map :param zeros: default value :param meteo: if map are meteo maps :param usefilename: if True filename is given False: filename is in settings file :param compress: True - compress data to 1D :return: Compressed 1D array of netcdf stored data :raises if netcdf file cannot be opened: :meth:`management_modules.messages.CWATMFileError` :raises if netcdf file is not of the size of mask map: :meth:`management_modules.messages.CWATMWarning` """ # in case a filename is used e.g. because of direct loading of pre results if usefilename: name = namebinding else: name = cbinding(namebinding) filename = os.path.normpath(name) try: nf1 = Dataset(filename, 'r') except: msg = "Error 212: Netcdf map stacks: \n" raise CWATMFileError(filename,msg, sname = namebinding) if value == "None": value = list(nf1.variables.items())[-1][0] # get the last variable name # date if used daily, monthly or yearly or day of year idx = None # will produce an error and indicates something is wrong with date if useDaily == "DOY": # day of year 1-366 idx = date - 1 if useDaily == "10day": # every 10 days idx = date if useDaily == "month": idx = int(date.month) - 1 if useDaily in ["monthly","yearly","daily"]: # DATE2INDEX TAKES A LONG TIME TO GET THE INDEX, THIS SHOULD BE A FASTER VERSION, ONCE THE FIRST INDEX IS COLLECTED if (value in inputcounter) and meteo: inputcounter[value] += 1 idx = inputcounter[value] else: if useDaily == "yearly": date = datetime.datetime(date.year, int(1), int(1)) # if useDaily == "monthly": date = datetime.datetime(date.year, date.month, int(1)) # A netCDF time variable object - time index (in the netCDF file) nctime = nf1.variables['time'] if nctime.calendar in ['noleap', '365_day']: dateVar['leapYear'] = 1 idx = date2indexNew(date, nctime, calendar=nctime.calendar, select='nearest', name = name) elif nctime.calendar in ['360_day']: dateVar['leapYear'] = 2 idx = date2indexNew(date, nctime, calendar=nctime.calendar, select='nearest', name = name) else: #idx = date2index(date, nctime, calendar=nctime.calendar, select='exact') idx = date2indexNew(date, nctime, calendar=nctime.calendar, select='nearest', name = name) if meteo: inputcounter[value] = idx #checkif latitude is reversed turn_latitude = False try: if (nf1.variables['lat'][0] - nf1.variables['lat'][-1]) < 0: turn_latitude = True mapnp = nf1.variables[value][idx].astype(np.float64) mapnp = np.flipud(mapnp) except: ii = 1 if cut: if turn_latitude: mapnp = mapnp[cutmap[2]:cutmap[3], cutmap[0]:cutmap[1]] else: mapnp = nf1.variables[value][idx, cutmap[2]:cutmap[3], cutmap[0]:cutmap[1]].astype(np.float64) else: if not(turn_latitude): mapnp = nf1.variables[value][idx].astype(np.float64) try: mapnp.mask.all() mapnp = except: ii =1 nf1.close() # add zero values to maps in order to supress missing values if addZeros: mapnp[np.isnan(mapnp)] = zeros if not compress: return mapnp if maskinfo['shapeflat'][0]!= mapnp.size: msg = "Error 110: " + name + " has less or more valid pixels than the mask map \n" raise CWATMWarning(msg) mapC = compressArray(mapnp, name=filename) if Flags['check']: checkmap(value, filename, mapnp, True, True, mapC) return mapC
[docs]def readnetcdfWithoutTime(name, value="None"): """ load maps in netcdf format (has no time format) :param namebinding: file name in settings file :param value: (optional) netcdf variable name. If not given -> last variable is taken :return: Compressed 1D array of netcdf stored data """ filename = os.path.normpath(name) try: nf1 = Dataset(filename, 'r') except: msg = "Error 213: Netcdf map stacks: \n" raise CWATMFileError(filename,msg) if value == "None": value = list(nf1.variables.items())[-1][0] # get the last variable name ''' if (nf1.variables[maskmapAttr['coordy']][0] - nf1.variables[maskmapAttr['coordy']][-1]) < 0: msg = "Error 111: Latitude is in wrong order\n" raise CWATMFileError(filename, msg) ''' mapnp = nf1.variables[value][cutmap[2]:cutmap[3], cutmap[0]:cutmap[1]].astype(np.float64) nf1.close() mapC = compressArray(mapnp, name=filename) if Flags['check']: checkmap(value, filename, mapnp, True, True, mapC) return mapC
[docs]def readnetcdfInitial(name, value,default = 0.0): """ load initial condition from netcdf format :param name: file name :param value: netcdf variable name :param default: (optional) if no variable is found a warning is given and value is set to default :return: Compressed 1D array of netcdf stored data :raises if netcdf file is not of the size of mask map: :meth:`management_modules.messages.CWATMError` :raises if varibale name is not included in the netcdf file: :meth:`management_modules.messages.CWATMWarning` """ filename = os.path.normpath(name) try: nf1 = Dataset(filename, 'r') except: msg = "Error 214: Netcdf Initial file: \n" raise CWATMFileError(filename,msg) if value in list(nf1.variables.keys()): try: if (nf1.variables[maskmapAttr['coordy']][0] - nf1.variables[maskmapAttr['coordy']][-1]) < 0: msg = "Error 112: Latitude is in wrong order\n" raise CWATMFileError(filename, msg) mapnp = (nf1.variables[value][:].astype(np.float64)) nf1.close() mapC = compressArray(mapnp, name=filename) if Flags['check']: checkmap(value, filename, mapnp, True, True, mapC) a = globals.inZero if mapC.shape != globals.inZero.shape: msg = "Error 113: map shape is different than mask shape\n" raise CWATMError(msg) return mapC except: #nf1.close() msg ="Error 114: ===== Problem reading initial data ====== \n" msg += "Initial value: " + value + " is has not the same shape as the mask map\n" msg += "Maybe put\"load_initial = False\"" raise CWATMError(msg) else: nf1.close() msg = "Warning: Initial value: " + value + " is not included in: " + name + " - using default: " + str(default) print(CWATMWarning(msg)) return default
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def writenetcdf(netfile,prename,addname,varunits,inputmap, timeStamp, posCnt, flag,flagTime, nrdays=None, dateunit="days"): """ write a netcdf stack :param netfile: file name :param prename: 1st part of variable name with tell which variable e.g. discharge :param addname: part of the variable name with tells about the timestep e.g. daily, monthly :param varunits: unit of the variable :param inputmap: 1D array to be put as netcdf :param timeStamp: time :param posCnt: calculate nummer of the indece for time :param flag: to indicate if the file is new -> netcdf header has to be written,or simply appending data :param flagtime: to indicate the variable is time dependend (not a single array!) :param nrdays: (optional) if indicate number of days are set in the time variable (makes files smaller!) :param dateunit: (optional) dateunit indicate if the timestep in netcdf is days, month or years :return: flag: to indicate if the file is set up """ row = np.abs(cutmap[3] - cutmap[2]) col = np.abs(cutmap[1] - cutmap[0]) # check if it is a modflow grid which has another resolution modflow = False if "modflow" in prename.lower(): modflow = True row = domain['nrow'] col = domain['ncol'] metadataNCDF['modflow_x'] = {} metadataNCDF['modflow_x']['standard_name'] = 'X' metadataNCDF['modflow_x']['units'] = 'm' metadataNCDF['modflow_y'] = {} metadataNCDF['modflow_y']['standard_name'] = 'Y' metadataNCDF['modflow_y']['units'] = 'm' # create real varname with variable name + time depending name e.g. discharge + monthavg varname = prename + addname if not flag: nf1 = Dataset(netfile, 'w', format='NETCDF4') # general Attributes settings = os.path.realpath(settingsfile[0]) nf1.settingsfile = settings + ": " + xtime.ctime(os.path.getmtime(settings)) nf1.run_created = xtime.ctime(xtime.time()) nf1.Source_Software = 'CWATM Python: ' + versioning['exe'] nf1.Platform = versioning['platform'] nf1.Version = versioning['version'] + ": " + versioning['lastfile'] + " " + versioning['lastdate'] nf1.institution = cbinding ("institution") nf1.title = cbinding ("title") nf1.source = 'CWATM output maps' nf1.Conventions = 'CF-1.6' if 'save_git' in option: if checkOption("save_git"): import git nf1.git_commit = git.Repo(search_parent_directories=True).head.object.hexsha # put the additional genaral meta data information from the xml file into the netcdf file # infomation from the settingsfile comes first if prename in metaNetcdfVar: for key in metaNetcdfVar[prename]: if not (key in list(nf1.__dict__.keys())): if not (key in ["unit", "long_name", "standard_name"]): nf1.__setattr__(key, metaNetcdfVar[prename][key]) # Dimension if modflow: lon = nf1.createDimension('x', col) # x 1000 longitude = nf1.createVariable('x', 'f8', ('x',)) for i in metadataNCDF['modflow_x']: exec('%s="%s"' % ("longitude." + i, metadataNCDF['modflow_x'][i])) lat = nf1.createDimension('y', row) # x 950 latitude = nf1.createVariable('y', 'f8', 'y') for i in metadataNCDF['modflow_y']: exec('%s="%s"' % ("latitude." + i, metadataNCDF['modflow_y'][i])) else: if 'x' in list(metadataNCDF.keys()): lon = nf1.createDimension('x', col) # x 1000 longitude = nf1.createVariable('x', 'f8', ('x',)) for i in metadataNCDF['x']: exec('%s="%s"' % ("longitude." + i, metadataNCDF['x'][i])) if 'lon' in list(metadataNCDF.keys()): lon = nf1.createDimension('lon', col) longitude = nf1.createVariable('lon', 'f8', ('lon',)) for i in metadataNCDF['lon']: exec('%s="%s"' % ("longitude." + i, metadataNCDF['lon'][i])) if 'y' in list(metadataNCDF.keys()): lat = nf1.createDimension('y', row) # x 950 latitude = nf1.createVariable('y', 'f8', 'y') for i in metadataNCDF['y']: exec('%s="%s"' % ("latitude." + i, metadataNCDF['y'][i])) if 'lat' in list(metadataNCDF.keys()): lat = nf1.createDimension('lat', row) # x 950 latitude = nf1.createVariable('lat', 'f8', 'lat') for i in metadataNCDF['lat']: exec('%s="%s"' % ("latitude." + i, metadataNCDF['lat'][i])) # projection if 'laea' in list(metadataNCDF.keys()): proj = nf1.createVariable('laea', 'i4') for i in metadataNCDF['laea']: exec('%s="%s"' % ("proj." + i, metadataNCDF['laea'][i])) if 'lambert_azimuthal_equal_area' in list(metadataNCDF.keys()): proj = nf1.createVariable('lambert_azimuthal_equal_area', 'i4') for i in metadataNCDF['lambert_azimuthal_equal_area']: exec('%s="%s"' % ( "proj." + i, metadataNCDF['lambert_azimuthal_equal_area'][i])) # Fill variables if modflow: lats = np.arange(domain['north'], domain['south'] - 1, domain['rowsize'] * -1) lons = np.arange(domain['west'], domain['east']+1, domain['colsize']) #lons = np.linspace(domain['north'] , domain['south'], col, endpoint=False) latitude[:] = lats longitude[:] = lons else: cell = maskmapAttr['cell'] xl = maskmapAttr['x'] xr = xl + col * cell yu = maskmapAttr['y'] yd = yu - row * cell lats = np.linspace(yu, yd, row, endpoint=False) lons = np.linspace(xl, xr, col, endpoint=False) latitude[:] = lats - cell / 2.0 longitude[:] = lons + cell /2.0 if flagTime: year = dateVar['dateStart'].year if year > 1900: yearstr = "1901" elif year < 1861: yearstr = "1650" else: yearstr = "1861" #nf1.createDimension('time', None) nf1.createDimension('time', nrdays) time = nf1.createVariable('time', 'f8', 'time') time.standard_name = 'time' if dateunit == "days": time.units = 'Days since ' + yearstr + '-01-01' if dateunit == "months": time.units = 'Months since ' + yearstr + '-01-01' if dateunit == "years": time.units = 'Years since ' + yearstr + '-01-01' #time.calendar = 'standard' time.calendar = dateVar['calendar'] if modflow: value = nf1.createVariable(varname, 'f4', ('time', 'y', 'x'), zlib=True, fill_value=1e20, chunksizes=(1, row, col)) else: if 'x' in list(metadataNCDF.keys()): value = nf1.createVariable(varname, 'f4', ('time', 'y', 'x'), zlib=True, fill_value=1e20, chunksizes=(1, row, col)) if 'lon' in list(metadataNCDF.keys()): #value = nf1.createVariable(varname, 'f4', ('time', 'lat', 'lon'), zlib=True, fill_value=1e20) value = nf1.createVariable(varname, 'f4', ('time', 'lat', 'lon'), zlib=True, fill_value=1e20,chunksizes=(1,row,col)) else: if modflow: value = nf1.createVariable(varname, 'f4', ('y', 'x'), zlib=True, fill_value=1e20) else: if 'x' in list(metadataNCDF.keys()): value = nf1.createVariable(varname, 'f4', ('y', 'x'), zlib=True,fill_value=1e20) if 'lon' in list(metadataNCDF.keys()): # for world lat/lon coordinates value = nf1.createVariable(varname, 'f4', ('lat', 'lon'), zlib=True, fill_value=1e20) value.standard_name = getmeta("standard_name",prename,varname) p1 = getmeta("long_name",prename,prename) p2 = getmeta("time", addname, addname) value.long_name = p1 + p2 value.units= getmeta("unit",prename,varunits) for var in list(metadataNCDF.keys()): if "esri_pe_string" in list(metadataNCDF[var].keys()): value.esri_pe_string = metadataNCDF[var]['esri_pe_string'] else: nf1 = Dataset(netfile, 'a') if flagTime: date_time = nf1.variables['time'] if dateunit == "days": nf1.variables['time'][posCnt-1] = date2num(timeStamp, date_time.units, date_time.calendar) if dateunit == "months": nf1.variables['time'][posCnt - 1] = (timeStamp.year - 1901) * 12 + timeStamp.month - 1 if dateunit == "years": nf1.variables['time'][posCnt - 1] = timeStamp.year - 1901 #nf1.variables['time'][posCnt - 1] = 60 + posCnt mapnp = maskinfo['maskall'].copy() # if inputmap is not an array give out errormessage if not(hasattr(inputmap, '__len__')): date1 = "%02d/%02d/%02d" % (, timeStamp.month, timeStamp.year) msg = "No values in: " + varname + " on date: " + date1 +"\nCould not write: " + netfile nf1.close() print(CWATMWarning(msg)) return False if modflow: mapnp = inputmap else: mapnp[~maskinfo['maskflat']] = inputmap[:] #mapnp = mapnp.reshape(maskinfo['shape']).data mapnp = mapnp.reshape(maskinfo['shape']) if coverresult[0]: mapnp = mapnp.reshape(maskinfo['shape']).data mapnp = np.where(coverresult[1], mapnp, np.nan) else: mapnp = mapnp.reshape(maskinfo['shape']) if flagTime: nf1.variables[varname][posCnt -1, :, :] = mapnp else: # without timeflag nf1.variables[varname][:, :] = mapnp nf1.close() flag = True return flag
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def writeIniNetcdf(netfile,varlist, inputlist): """ write variables to netcdf init file :param netfile: file name :param varlist: list of variable to be written in the netcdf file :param inputlist: stack of 1D arrays :return: - """ row = np.abs(cutmap[3] - cutmap[2]) col = np.abs(cutmap[1] - cutmap[0]) nf1 = Dataset(netfile, 'w', format='NETCDF4') # general Attributes nf1.settingsfile = os.path.realpath(settingsfile[0]) nf1.date_created = xtime.ctime(xtime.time()) nf1.Source_Software = 'CWATM Python' nf1.institution = cbinding ("institution") nf1.title = cbinding ("title") nf1.source = 'CWATM initial conditions maps' nf1.Conventions = 'CF-1.6' # put the additional genaral meta data information from the xml file into the netcdf file # infomation from the settingsfile comes first if "initcondition" in metaNetcdfVar: for key in metaNetcdfVar["initcondition"]: if not (key in list(nf1.__dict__.keys())): if not (key in ["unit", "long_name", "standard_name"]): nf1.__setattr__(key, metaNetcdfVar["initcondition"][key]) # Dimension if 'x' in list(metadataNCDF.keys()): lon = nf1.createDimension('x', col) # x 1000 longitude = nf1.createVariable('x', 'f8', ('x',)) for i in metadataNCDF['x']: exec('%s="%s"' % ("longitude." + i, metadataNCDF['x'][i])) if 'lon' in list(metadataNCDF.keys()): lon = nf1.createDimension('lon', col) longitude = nf1.createVariable('lon', 'f8', ('lon',)) for i in metadataNCDF['lon']: exec('%s="%s"' % ("longitude." + i, metadataNCDF['lon'][i])) if 'y' in list(metadataNCDF.keys()): lat = nf1.createDimension('y', row) # x 950 latitude = nf1.createVariable('y', 'f8', 'y') for i in metadataNCDF['y']: exec('%s="%s"' % ("latitude." + i, metadataNCDF['y'][i])) if 'lat' in list(metadataNCDF.keys()): lat = nf1.createDimension('lat', row) # x 950 latitude = nf1.createVariable('lat', 'f8', 'lat') for i in metadataNCDF['lat']: exec('%s="%s"' % ("latitude." + i, metadataNCDF['lat'][i])) # projection if 'laea' in list(metadataNCDF.keys()): proj = nf1.createVariable('laea', 'i4') for i in metadataNCDF['laea']: exec('%s="%s"' % ("proj." + i, metadataNCDF['laea'][i])) if 'lambert_azimuthal_equal_area' in list(metadataNCDF.keys()): proj = nf1.createVariable('lambert_azimuthal_equal_area', 'i4') for i in metadataNCDF['lambert_azimuthal_equal_area']: exec('%s="%s"' % ("proj." + i, metadataNCDF['lambert_azimuthal_equal_area'][i])) # Fill variables cell = maskmapAttr['cell'] xl = maskmapAttr['x'] xr = xl + col * cell yu = maskmapAttr['y'] yd = yu - row * cell lats = np.linspace(yu, yd, row, endpoint=False) lons = np.linspace(xl, xr, col, endpoint=False) latitude[:] = lats - cell / 2.0 longitude[:] = lons + cell /2.0 i = 0 for varname in varlist: if 'x' in list(metadataNCDF.keys()): value = nf1.createVariable(varname, 'f8', ('y', 'x'), zlib=True,fill_value=1e20) if 'lon' in list(metadataNCDF.keys()): # for world lat/lon coordinates value = nf1.createVariable(varname, 'f8', ('lat', 'lon'), zlib=True, fill_value=1e20) value.standard_name= getmeta("standard_name",varname,varname) value.long_name= getmeta("long_name",varname,varname) value.units= getmeta("unit",varname,"undefined") # write values mapnp = maskinfo['maskall'].copy() help = np.minimum(10e15,np.maximum(-9999., inputlist[i][:])) mapnp[~maskinfo['maskflat']] = help #mapnp = mapnp.reshape(maskinfo['shape']).data mapnp = mapnp.reshape(maskinfo['shape']) nf1.variables[varname][:, :] = mapnp i += 1 nf1.close()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # report .tif and .maps
[docs]def report(valueIn,name,compr=True): """ For debugging: Save the 2D array as .map or .tif :param name: Filename of the map :param valueIn: 1D or 2D array in :param compr: (optional) array is 1D (default) or 2D :return: - :: Example: > report(c:/temp/, self_.var_.ksat1) """ filename = os.path.splitext(name) pcmap = False if filename[1] == ".map": pcmap = True if compr: value = decompress(valueIn) else: value = valueIn value = checkint = value.dtype.char in np.typecodes['AllInteger'] ny, nx = value.shape geo = (maskmapAttr['x'], maskmapAttr['cell'], 0.0, maskmapAttr['y'], 0.0, -maskmapAttr['cell']) if pcmap: # if it is a map raster = gdal.GetDriverByName('PCRaster') # ds = raster.Create(name, nx, ny, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32) if checkint: ds = raster.Create(name, nx, ny, 1, gdal.GDT_Int32, ["PCRASTER_VALUESCALE=VS_NOMINAL"]) else: ds = raster.Create(name, nx, ny, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32, ["PCRASTER_VALUESCALE=VS_SCALAR"]) #ds.SetGeoTransform(geotrans[0]) # specify coords ds.SetGeoTransform(geo) # specify coords outband = ds.GetRasterBand(1) # set NoData value # outband.SetNoDataValue(np.nan) outband.SetNoDataValue(-9999) value[np.isnan(value)] = -9999 else: # if is not a .map if checkint: ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(name, nx, ny, 1, gdal.GDT_Int32, ['COMPRESS=LZW']) else: ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(name, nx, ny, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32, ['COMPRESS=LZW']) ds.SetGeoTransform(geo) # specify coords srs = osr.SpatialReference() # establish encoding srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # WGS84 lat/long ds.SetProjection(srs.ExportToWkt()) # export coords to file outband = ds.GetRasterBand(1) # set NoData value outband.SetNoDataValue(-9999) outband.SetStatistics(np.nanmin(value).astype(float), np.nanmax(value).astype(float), np.nanmean(value).astype(float), np.nanstd(value).astype(float)) outband.WriteArray(value) ds.FlushCache() ds = None outband = None
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def returnBool(inBinding): """ Test if parameter is a boolean and return an error message if not, and the boolean if everything is ok :param inBinding: parameter in settings file :return: boolean of inBinding """ b = cbinding(inBinding) btrue = b.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1") bfalse = b.lower() in ("no", "false", "f", "0") if btrue or bfalse: return btrue else: msg = "Error 115: Value in: \"" + inBinding + "\" is not True or False! \nbut: " + b raise CWATMError(msg)
[docs]def checkOption(inBinding): """ Check if option in settings file has a counterpart in the source code :param inBinding: parameter in settings file Not tested because you need to change the name eg gridSizeUserDefined = True -> gridSizeUser = True """ lineclosest = "" test = inBinding in option if test: return option[inBinding] else: close = difflib.get_close_matches(inBinding, list(option.keys())) if close: closest = close[0] with open(settingsfile[0]) as f: i = 0 for line in f: i +=1 if closest in line: lineclosest = "Line No. " + str(i) + ": "+ line if not closest: closest = ["- no match -"] else: closest = "- no match -" msg = "Error 116: No key with the name: \"" + inBinding + "\" in the settings file: \"" + settingsfile[0] + "\"\n" msg += "Closest key to the required one is: \""+ closest + "\"" msg += lineclosest raise CWATMError(msg)
[docs]def cbinding(inBinding): """ Check if variable in settings file has a counterpart in the source code :param inBinding: parameter in settings file Not tested because you need to change the name eg PrecipiationMaps = ... -> Precipitation = ... """ lineclosest = "" test = inBinding in binding if test: return binding[inBinding] else: close = difflib.get_close_matches(inBinding, list(binding.keys())) if close: closest = close[0] with open(settingsfile[0]) as f: i = 0 for line in f: i +=1 if closest in line: lineclosest = "Line No. " + str(i) + ": "+ line if not closest: closest = "- no match -" else: closest = "- no match -" msg = "Error 117: No key with the name: \"" + inBinding + "\" in the settings file: \"" + settingsfile[0] + "\"\n" msg += "Closest key to the required one is: \""+ closest + "\"\n" msg += lineclosest raise CWATMError(msg)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def divideValues(x,y, default = 0.): """ returns the result of a division that possibly involves a zero :param x: :param y: divisor :param default: return value if y =0 :return: result of :math:`x/y` or default if y = 0 """ y1 = y.copy() y1[y1 == 0.] = 1.0 z = x / y1 z[y == 0.] = default #with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'): # z = np.where(y > 0., x/y, default) # have to solve this without err handler to get the error message back return z