# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name: Configuration
# Purpose:
# Author: burekpe
# Created: 16/05/2016
# Copyright: (c) burekpe 2016
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
from cwatm.management_modules.globals import *
import configparser
import re
import xml.dom.minidom
from cwatm.management_modules.messages import *
import os
import difflib # to check the closest word in settingsfile, if an error occurs
[docs]class ExtParser(configparser.ConfigParser):
addition to the parser to replace placeholders
PathRoot = C:/work
MaskMap = $(FILE_PATHS:PathRoot)/data/areamaps/area.tif
#implementing extended interpolation
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.cur_depth = 0
configparser.ConfigParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get(self, section, option, raw=False, vars=None, **kwargs):
def get(self, section, option, raw=False, vars=None
placeholder replacement
:param section: section part of the settings file
:param option: option part of the settings file
:param raw:
:param vars:
#h1 = sys.tracebacklimit
#sys.tracebacklimit = 0 # no long error message
r_opt = configparser.ConfigParser.get(self, section, option, raw=True, vars=vars)
print(section, option)
closest = difflib.get_close_matches(option, list(binding.keys()))
if not closest: closest = ["- no match -"]
msg = "Error 116: Closest key to the required one is: \"" + closest[0] + "\""
raise CWATMError(msg)
#sys.tracebacklimit = h1 # set error message back to default
if raw:
return r_opt
ret = r_opt
re_newintp1 = r'\$\((\w*):(\w*)\)' # other section
re_newintp2 = r'\$\((\w*)\)' # same section
re_old1 = re.findall('\$\(\w*:\w*\)', r_opt)
re_old2 = re.findall('\$\(\w*\)', r_opt)
m_new1 = re.findall(re_newintp1, r_opt)
m_new2 = re.findall(re_newintp2, r_opt)
if m_new1:
i = 0
for f_section, f_option in m_new1:
self.cur_depth = self.cur_depth + 1
if self.cur_depth < configparser.MAX_INTERPOLATION_DEPTH:
sub = self.get(f_section,f_option, vars=vars)
ret = ret.replace(re_old1[i], sub)
i += 1
raise configparser.InterpolationDepthError(option, section, r_opt)
if m_new2:
i = 0
for l_option in m_new2:
self.cur_depth = self.cur_depth + 1
if self.cur_depth < configparser.MAX_INTERPOLATION_DEPTH:
sub = self.get(section, l_option, vars=vars)
ret = ret.replace(re_old2[i], sub)
i =+ 1
raise configparser.InterpolationDepthError(option, section, r_opt)
self.cur_depth = self.cur_depth - 1
return ret
[docs]def parse_configuration(settingsFileName):
Parse settings file
:param settingsFileName: name of the settings file
:return: parameters in list: binding, options in list: option
def splitout(varin, check):
split variable in several one, seperator = ,
:param varin:
:param check:
:return: list with several variables
out = list(map(str.strip, varin.split(',')))
if out[0] == "": out[0]="None"
if out[0] != "None": check = True
return out, check
if not(os.path.isfile(settingsFileName)):
msg = "Error 302: Settingsfile not found!\n"
raise CWATMFileError(settingsFileName,msg)
config = ExtParser()
config.optionxform = str
for sec in config.sections():
#print sec
options = config.options(sec)
check_section = False
for opt in options:
if sec=="OPTIONS":
option[opt] = config.getboolean(sec, opt)
option[opt] = config.getint(sec, opt)
# Check if config line = output line
if opt.lower()[0:4] == "out_":
index = sec.lower()+"_"+opt.lower()
if opt.lower()[-4:] =="_dir":
outDir[sec] = config.get(sec, opt)
# split into timeseries and maps
if opt.lower()[4:8] == "tss_":
outTss[index],check_section = splitout(config.get(sec, opt),check_section)
outMap[index],check_section = splitout(config.get(sec, opt),check_section)
# binding: all the parameters which are not output or option are collected
binding[opt] = config.get(sec, opt)
if check_section:
# Output directory is stored in a separat global array