5. Tutorial



Please find the requirements and the installion of Python, python libraries and CWatM in: Setup python

Test the Python model version

Windows and Linux (and maybe Mac, but not tested)

Please try:

python <modelpath>/run_cwatm.py  (for the Python3.+ version)
<modelpath>/cwatm  (for the .exe version)

The output should be:

Running under platform:  Windows  **(or Linux etc)**
CWatM - Community Water Model
Authors: ...
Version: ...
Date: ...
Arguments list:
settings.ini     settings file
-q --quiet       output progression given as .
-v --veryquiet   no output progression is given
-l --loud        output progression given as time st
-c --check       input maps and stack maps are check
-h --noheader    .tss file have no header and start
-t --printtime   the computation time for hydrologic
-w --warranty    copyright and warranty information


If python is not set in the environment path, the full path of python has to be used

Running the model 1


The model needs a settings file as an argument. See: Settings file

python <modelpath>/cwatm.py settingsfile flags


python cwatm.py settings_rhine.ini -l

The flag -l show the output on screen as date and discharge

At this point you should receive this eror message:

======================== CWatM FILE ERROR ===========================
Cannot find option file: d:/work/CWatM/source/metaNetcdf.xml In  "metaNetcdfFile"
searching: "d:/work/CWatM/source/metaNetcdf.xml"
path: d:/work/CWatM/source does not exists

Downloading and installing the spatial dataset

The spatial dataset contains:

  • static data ie. data that does not change over time (a model assumption) e.g. soil data

  • time dependend (inter annual) data that change periodical during a year e.g. crop coefficient of vegetation

  • time dependend (intra annual) data that change by month or year e.g. fraction of landcover

These data are stored as global dataset:

  • cwat_input.zip for the 30’ global version

  • cwat_input5min.zip for the 5’ global version

As climate data different forcings can be used e.g:

and as projection e.g.:


Please copy and unpack the spatial dataset (either 30’ or 5’)in a folder
Please copy the the climate dataset 30min_meteo_rhine.zip or 5min_meteo_rhine.zip in a seperate folder
Please create a folder called output


For testing purpose there is a file rhine_basin.zip on GitHub
it has all the necessary data to run the River Rhine on 30 arcmin from 1990-2010

Changing the Settings file

to run the model the pathes to data have to be set correctly: The information of pathes are stored in the settings file around line 80-100


PathRoot = E:/
PathOut = $(PathRoot)/output
PathMaps = E:/cwatm_input
PathMeteo = E:/climate
institution = IIASA
title = Global Water Model - WATCH WDFEI
metaNetcdfFile = $(FILE_PATHS:PathRoot)/CWatM/source/metaNetcdf.xml


Please change the pathes according to your file system

Error and exception handling

We try to make our program behave properly when encountering unexpected conditions. Therefore we caption a number of possible wrong inputs.

If you get an output with an error number please look at Potential Errors

Changing parameters of the model


An overview of possibilities is given in see Settings file