5. Tutorial¶
Python version¶
NEW from 2019 on: Requirements are a 64 bit Python 3.7.x version
a 32 bit version is not able to handle the data requirements!
From 2019 on we are changing to Python37. We do not provide further support for Python 2.7
CWatM is tested for Python 3.7, 3.8 and will for sure not work with Python versions lower than 3.6. We recommend using Python 3.7, 3.8
These external libraries are needed:
Installing GDAL via pip causes sometimes problems. We recommend downloading the library from Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages as GDAL-3.0.4-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl (or a later version depending on your Python version) and installing them as:
pip install C:/Users/XXXXX/Downloads/GDAL-3.0.4-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
The five libraries can be installed with pip or downloaded at Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages
Windows executeable Python version¶
Test the executable model version¶
only Windows
If you familiar with Python just go to the next chapter.
│-- README.md
└-- cwatmexe
│ └- lib
│ └---cwatm.exe
│ └---metaNetcdf.xml
│ └--- libraries etc.
│ └---climate_rhine
│ └---cwatm_input_rhine
│ └---init
│ └---output
│ └---run_python_rhine30.bat
│ └---settings_rhine30.ini
└-- run_test1.bat
└-- run_test2_rhine30min.bat
└-- settings_rhine_test.ini
└-- tutorial.html
Test 1¶
In the root directory cwatm
Please try:
run run_test1.bat or type .\cwatmexe\cwatm.exe
The output should be like See: Test the Python model version
Test 2¶
Please try:
run run_test2_rhine30min.bat or type .\cwatmexe\cwatm.exe settings_rhine30_test.ini -l
The output should be like See: Error and exception handling
Test the Python model version¶
Windows and Linux (and maybe Mac, but not tested)
Please try:
python <modelpath>/run_cwatm.py (for the Python3.7 version)
<modelpath>/cwatm (for the .exe version)
The output should be:
Running under platform: Windows **(or Linux etc)**
CWatM - Community Water Model
Authors: ...
Version: ...
Date: ...
Arguments list:
settings.ini settings file
-q --quiet output progression given as .
-v --veryquiet no output progression is given
-l --loud output progression given as time st
-c --check input maps and stack maps are check
-h --noheader .tss file have no header and start
-t --printtime the computation time for hydrologic
-w --warranty copyright and warranty information
If python is not set in the environment path, the full path of python has to be used
Error because you did not run it with Python¶
if the model is causing an error with look like this:
File "run_cwatm.py", line 116
print("%-6s %10s %11s\n" %("Step","Date","Discharge"), end=' ')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
You run the model without the python command in front. Please use: python cwatm.py (You may have to adjust the path to your python version and to cwatm.py).
Error because python is not added to the PATH¶
If executing python return an error like this
‘python’ is not recognized as an internal or external command
You need either need to add Python to the PATH Environmental Variable or you need to start Python with full path.
Error because the path has white spaces included¶
It is also possible to use paths with white spaces or dots. An easy way to avoid this is using relative paths, but is is also possible with absolute paths:
"C:/Python 37/python" "C:/CWatM Hydrologic.modeling/CWatM/run_cwatm.py" "C:/CWatM Hydrologic.modeling/settings .rhine30min.ini" -l
But in the settingsfile do not use apostrophe:
PathRoot = C:/CWatM Hydrologic.modeling
Error because the python libraries are installed incorrectly¶
If the model is causing an error at this stage, please check the python libraries:
import numpy
import scipy.ndimage
import gdal
import netCDF4
Running the model 1¶
The model needs a settings file as an argument. See: Settings file
python <modelpath>/cwatm.py settingsfile flags
python cwatm.py settings_rhine.ini -l
The flag -l show the output on screen as date and discharge
At this point you should receive this eror message:
======================== CWatM FILE ERROR ===========================
Cannot find option file: d:/work/CWatM/source/metaNetcdf.xml In "metaNetcdfFile"
searching: "d:/work/CWatM/source/metaNetcdf.xml"
path: d:/work/CWatM/source does not exists
Downloading and installing the spatial dataset¶
The spatial dataset contains:
static data ie. data that does not change over time (a model assumption) e.g. soil data
time dependend (inter annual) data that change periodical during a year e.g. crop coefficient of vegetation
time dependend (intra annual) data that change by month or year e.g. fraction of landcover
These data are stored as global dataset:
cwat_input.zip for the 30’ global version
cwat_input5min.zip for the 5’ global version
As climate data different forcings can be used e.g:
PGMFD v.2 (Princeton), GSWP3, etc.
precipitation from e.g. MSWEP http://www.gloh2o.org/
WATCH+WFDEI https://www.isimip.org/gettingstarted/details/5/
and as projection e.g.:
Changing the Settings file¶
to run the model the pathes to data have to be set correctly: The information of pathes are stored in the settings file around line 80-100
PathRoot = E:/
PathOut = $(PathRoot)/output
PathMaps = E:/cwatm_input
PathMeteo = E:/climate
institution = IIASA
title = Global Water Model - WATCH WDFEI
metaNetcdfFile = $(FILE_PATHS:PathRoot)/CWatM/source/metaNetcdf.xml
Please change the pathes according to your file system
Error and exception handling¶
We try to make our program behave properly when encountering unexpected conditions. Therefore we caption a number of possible wrong inputs.
If you get an output with an error number please look at Error handling
Running the model 2¶
If you type now:
python cwatm.py settings_rhine.ini -l
You should see:
E:\CWatM_rhine\source>python cwatm.py settings_rhine30min.ini -l
CWatM - Community Water Model Version: 0.991 Date: 16/09/2017
International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Running under platform: Windows
CWatM Simulation Information and Setting
The simulation output as specified in the settings file: settings_rhine30min.ini
can be found in E:/CWatM_rhine/output
Step Date Discharge
1 01/01/1961 4.20
2 02/01/1961 4.23
If you don’t see this. Something went wrong and you might see this instead:
E:\CWatM_rhine\source>python cwatm.py settings_rhine30min.ini -l
CWatM - Community Water Model Version: 0.991 Date: 16/09/2017
International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Running under platform: Windows
ERROR 4: `E:/CWatM_rhine/cwatm_input/routing/ldd.map' does not exist in the file system,
and is not recognised as a supported dataset name.
======================== CWatM FILE ERROR ===========================
In "Ldd"
searching: "E:/CWatM_rhine/cwatm_input/routing/ldd.map"
path: E:/CWatM_rhine/cwatm_input/routing does not exists
Here you might change:
PathRoot = E:/CWatM_rhine
PathMaps = $(PathRoot)/cwatm_input
# local drain direction map (1-9)
Ldd = $(FILE_PATHS:PathMaps)/routing/ldd.map
But many other error can occure too! Have fun.
P.s. some error we captured and we give a hint. Please look at Error handling
Changing parameters of the model¶
An overview of possibilities is given in see Settings file
Changing the Output¶
Output variables¶
Output can be every global defined variable in the model Variable are e.g. Precipitation, runoff, baseflow
but also not so common variables as:
reservoirStorage (amount of water in the reservoirs in [m3])
nonIrrReturnFlowFraction (returnflow from domenstic and industrial water use [m3])
actualET[1] (actual evapotranspiration from grassland [m/day])
Daily, monthly - at the end or average¶
per day
total month, average month, end of month
total year, average year, end of year
total average, total at the end
available prefixes are: ‘daily’, ‘monthtot’,’monthavg’, ‘monthend’,’annualtot’,’annualavg’,’annualend’,’totaltot’,’totalavg’
for example
# OUTPUT maps and timeseries
OUT_Dir = $(FILE_PATHS:PathOut)
OUT_MAP_Daily = discharge, runoff
OUT_MAP_MonthAvg = Precipitation
OUT_MAP_TotalEnd = lakeStorage
OUT_MAP_TotalAvg = Tavg
OUT_TSS_Daily = discharge
OUT_TSS_AnnualAvg = Precipitation
For each variable the meta data information can be defined in Output Meta NetCDF information
For information how to adjust the output in the settings file see Output
Time series as point infomation or catchment sum or average¶
As standard time series can include values of the specific cell as defined in the settings file as Gauges But time series can also show the area sum or area average of the upstream catchment from the specific cell
for example
# OUTPUT maps and timeseries
# Standard values of a specific cell
OUT_TSS_Daily = discharge
OUT_TSS_AnnualAvg = Precipitation
# Area sum of upstream catchment
OUT_TSS_AreaSum_MonthTot = Precipitation, runoff
# Area sum of upstream catchment
OUT_TSS_AreaAvg_MonthTot = Precipitation
Most important output variables - a selection¶
#Variable name : Description
discharge : river discharge
runoff : runoff
Precipitation : rainfall + snow
Tavg : average temperature
ETRef: potential : evaporation from reference soil
sum_gwRecharge : total groundwater recharge
totalET : total actual evapotranspiration
baseflow : baseflow from groundwater
... (to be continued)
A list of all variables¶
We started a list of possible output variables. Please note that this list is under construction. We still need to fill in all descriptions and all units. You find this list at List of output variables