Source code for cwatm.management_modules.messages

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name:        Messages
# Purpose:
# Author:      burekpe
# Created:     16/05/2016
# Copyright:   (c) burekpe 2016
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

import os
import sys

[docs]class CWATMError(Warning): """ The error handling class prints out an error :param Warning: class CWATMError :return: prints out a message about an error """ def __init__(self, msg): # don't show the error code, lines etc. sys.tracebacklimit = 0 header = "\n\n ========================== CWATM ERROR =============================\n" print (header + msg +"\n") try: errornumber = int(msg[6:9]) except: errornumber = 100 sys.exit(errornumber)
[docs]class CWATMFileError(CWATMError): """ The error handling class prints out an error :param Warning: class CWATMError :return: prints out a message about file error """ def __init__(self, filename, msg="", sname=""): # don't show the error code, lines etc. sys.tracebacklimit = 0 path, name = os.path.split(filename) if os.path.exists(filename): text1 = "In \"" + sname + "\"\n" text1 += "filename: "+ filename + " exists, but an error was raised" elif os.path.exists(path): text1 = "In \"" + sname + "\"\n" text1 += "path: "+ path + " exists\nbut filename: "+name+ " does not\n" text1 +="file name extension can be .nc4 or .nc\n" else: text1 = " In \""+ sname +"\"\n" text1 += "searching: \""+filename+"\"" text1 += "\npath: "+ path + " does not exists\n" header = "\n\n ======================== CWATM FILE ERROR ===========================\n" print (header + msg + text1 +"\n") try: errornumber = int(msg[6:9]) except: errornumber = 100 sys.exit(errornumber)
[docs]class CWATMDirError(CWATMError): """ The error handling class prints out an error :param Warning: class CWATMError :return: prints out a message about file error """ def __init__(self, filename, msg="", sname=""): # don't show the error code, lines etc. sys.tracebacklimit = 0 path, name = os.path.split(filename) if os.path.exists(filename): text1 = "in setting name \"" + sname + "\"\n" text1 += "directory name: "+ filename + " exists, but an error was raised" elif os.path.exists(path): text1 = "in setting name: \"" + sname + "\"\n" text1 += "directory path: "+ path + " exists\nbut: "+name+ " does not\n" else: text1 = " in settings name: \""+ sname +"\"\n" text1 += "searching: \""+filename+"\"" text1 += "\npath: "+ path + " does not exists\n" header = "\n\n ======================== CWATM FILE ERROR ===========================\n" print (header + msg + text1 +"\n") try: errornumber = int(msg[6:9]) except: errornumber = 100 sys.exit(errornumber)
[docs]class CWATMWarning(Warning): """ the error handling class prints out an error :param Warning: class warning :return: prints out a message """ def __init__(self, msg): sys.tracebacklimit = 0 header = "\n========================== CWATM Warning =============================\n" self._msg = header + msg sys.tracebacklimit = 1 def __str__(self): return self._msg
[docs]class CWATMRunInfo(Warning): """ prints out an error :param Warning: class warning :return: prints out a message Warning warning given with a header and a message from the subroutine """ def __init__(self, outputS): header = "\nCWATM Simulation Information and Setting\n" msg = "The simulation output as specified in the settings file: " + str(outputS[0]) + " can be found in "+str(outputS[1])+"\n" self._msg = header + msg def __str__(self): return self._msg