#Name: Water Balance module
#1.) check if water balance per time step is ok ( = 0)
#2.) produce an annual overview - income, outcome storage
#Author: PB
#Created: 22/08/2016
#Copyright: (c) PB 2016
from cwatm.management_modules.data_handling import *
[docs]class waterbalance(object):
* check if water balance per time step is closed ( = 0)
* produce an annual overview - income, outcome storage
**Global variables**
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
Variable [self.var] Description Unit
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
lakeReservoirStorage --
snowEvap total evaporation from snow for a snow layers m
storGroundwater Groundwater storage (non-fossil). This is primarily used when not usin m
prestorGroundwater storGroundwater at the beginning of each step m
preSmalllakeStorage --
smallLakedaycorrect --
smallLakeIn --
smallevapWaterBody --
smallLakeout --
EvapWaterBodyM Evaporation from lakes and reservoirs m
lakeResInflowM --
lakeResOutflowM --
sum_gwRecharge groundwater recharge m
lakeStorage --
resStorage --
totalSto Total soil,snow and vegetation storage for each cell including all lan m
pretotalSto Previous totalSto m
sum_prefFlow Preferential flow from soil to groundwater (summed up for all land cov m
sum_perc3toGW Percolation from 3rd soil layer to groundwater (summed up for all land m
sum_actBareSoilEvap --
sum_openWaterEvap --
sum_directRunoff --
sum_interflow --
sum_capRiseFromGW Capillary rise from groundwater to 3rd soil layer (summed up for all l m
sum_act_irrConsumption --
cellArea Area of cell m2
DtSec number of seconds per timestep (default = 86400) s
Precipitation Precipitation (input for the model) m
lddCompress compressed river network (without missing values) --
discharge Channel discharge m3/s
prelakeResStorage --
catchmentAll --
sumsideflow --
EvapoChannel Channel evaporation m3
prechannelStorage --
runoff --
gridcell_storage --
baseflow simulated baseflow (= groundwater discharge to river) m
nonFossilGroundwaterAbs Non-fossil groundwater abstraction. Used primarily without MODFLOW. m
lakeResStorage --
smalllakeStorage --
act_SurfaceWaterAbstract Surface water abstractions m
addtoevapotrans Irrigation application loss to evaporation m
act_irrWithdrawal Irrigation withdrawals m
act_nonIrrConsumption Non-irrigation consumption m
returnFlow --
unmetDemand Unmet groundwater demand to determine potential fossil groundwaterwate m
act_nonIrrWithdrawal Non-irrigation withdrawals m
returnflowIrr --
nonIrrReturnFlowFraction --
unmet_lost Fossil water that disappears instead of becoming return flow m
channelStorage Channel water storage m3
act_totalWaterWithdrawal Total water withdrawals m
totalET Total evapotranspiration for each cell including all landcover types m
sum_actTransTotal --
sum_interceptEvap --
prergridcell --
nonIrrReturnFlow --
localQW --
channelStorageBefore --
sumbalance --
sum_balanceStore --
sum_balanceFlux --
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
def __init__(self, model):
self.var = model.var
self.model = model
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def initial(self):
Initial part of the water balance module
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
self.var.nonIrrReturnFlow = 0
self.var.localQW = 0
self.var.channelStorageBefore = 0
self.var.prergridcell = 0
self.var.catchmentAll = (loadmap('MaskMap',local = True) * 0.).astype(np.int)
#self.var.catchmentNo = int(loadmap('CatchmentNo'))
self.var.sumbalance = 0
""" store the initial storage volume of snow, soil etc.
if checkOption('sumWaterBalance'):
# variables of storage
self.var.sum_balanceStore = ['SnowCover','sum_interceptStor','sum_topWaterLayer']
# variable of fluxes
self.var.sum_balanceFlux = ['Precipitation','SnowMelt','IceMelt','Rain','sum_interceptEvap','actualET']
#for variable in self.var.sum_balanceStore:
# vars(self.var)["sumup_" + variable] = vars(self.var)[variable]
for variable in self.var.sum_balanceFlux:
vars(self.var)["sumup_" + variable] = globals.inZero.copy()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def waterBalanceCheck(self, fluxesIn, fluxesOut, preStorages, endStorages, processName, printTrue=False):
Dynamic part of the water balance module
Returns the water balance for a list of input, output, and storage map files
:param fluxesIn: income
:param fluxesOut: this goes out
:param preStorages: this was in before
:param endStorages: this was in afterwards
:param processName: name of the process
:param printTrue: calculate it?
:return: -
if printTrue:
minB =0
maxB = 0
maxBB = 0
income = 0
out = 0
store = 0
for fluxIn in fluxesIn: income += fluxIn
for fluxOut in fluxesOut:
out += fluxOut
for preStorage in preStorages: store += preStorage
for endStorage in endStorages: store -= endStorage
balance = income + store - out
#balance = endStorages
#if balance is not empty
if balance.size:
balance[np.isnan(balance)]= 0
minB = np.amin(balance)
maxB = np.amax(balance)
maxBB = np.maximum(np.abs(minB),np.abs(maxB))
#meanB = np.average(balance, axis=0)
#meanB = 0.0
print (" %s %10.8f " % (processName, maxBB),)
#if maxBB > 0.00000001:
# sys.exit()
if maxBB > 0.0000001:
#print(" %s %10.8f %10.8f" % (processName, minB,maxB), end=' ')
print(" %s %10.8f %10.8f" % (processName, minB, maxB))
if (minB < -0.00001) or (maxB > 0.00001):
return maxBB
[docs] def waterBalanceCheckSum(self, fluxesIn, fluxesOut, preStorages, endStorages, processName, printTrue=False):
Returns the water balance for a list of input, output, and storage map files
and sums it up for a catchment
:param fluxesIn: income
:param fluxesOut: this goes out
:param preStorages: this was in before
:param endStorages: this was in afterwards
:param processName: name of the process
:param printTrue: calculate it?
:return: Water balance as output on the screen
if printTrue:
minB =0
maxB = 0
maxBB = 0
income = 0
out = 0
store = 0
for fluxIn in fluxesIn:
if not(isinstance(fluxIn,np.ndarray)) : fluxIn = globals.inZero
income = income + np.bincount(self.var.catchmentAll,weights=fluxIn)
for fluxOut in fluxesOut:
if not (isinstance(fluxOut, np.ndarray)): fluxOut = globals.inZero
out = out + np.bincount(self.var.catchmentAll,weights=fluxOut)
for preStorage in preStorages:
if not (isinstance(preStorage, np.ndarray)): preStorage = globals.inZero
store = store + np.bincount(self.var.catchmentAll,weights=preStorage)
for endStorage in endStorages:
if not (isinstance(endStorage, np.ndarray)): endStorage = globals.inZero
store = store - np.bincount(self.var.catchmentAll,weights=endStorage)
balance = income + store - out
#balance = endStorages
#if balance.size:
#minB = np.amin(balance)
#maxB = np.amax(balance)
#maxBB = np.maximum(np.abs(minB),np.abs(maxB))
#meanB = np.average(balance, axis=0)
#meanB = 0.0
#no = self.var.catchmentNo
no = 0
#print " %s %10.8f " % (processName, maxBB),
#print " %s %10.8f %10.8f" % (processName, minB,maxB),
#print " %s %10.8f" % (processName, balance[no]),
print(" %s %10.8f" % (processName, balance[no]) )
#avgArea = npareaaverage(self.var.cellArea, self.var.catchmentAll)
#dis = balance[no] * avgArea[0] / self.var.DtSec
#print " %s %10.8f" % (processName, dis),
return balance[no]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def checkWaterSoilGround(self):
Check water balance of snow, vegetation, soil, groundwater
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
[self.var.Rain,self.var.Snow, self.var.sum_act_irrConsumption],
[self.var.sum_directRunoff, self.var.sum_interflow, self.var.sum_gwRecharge,self.var.totalET], # Out
[self.var.pretotalSto], # prev storage
"Soil_all", False)
[self.var.Rain,self.var.Snow, self.var.sum_act_irrConsumption,self.var.sum_capRiseFromGW],
[self.var.sum_directRunoff, self.var.sum_perc3toGW, self.var.sum_prefFlow,
self.var.totalET], # Out
[self.var.pretotalSto], # prev storage
"Soil_all1", False)
[self.var.Rain,self.var.Snow, self.var.sum_act_irrConsumption,self.var.sum_capRiseFromGW],
[self.var.sum_directRunoff, self.var.sum_perc3toGW, self.var.sum_prefFlow,
self.var.sum_actTransTotal, self.var.sum_actBareSoilEvap, self.var.sum_openWaterEvap, self.var.sum_interceptEvap, self.var.snowEvap, self.var.iceEvap], # Out
[self.var.pretotalSto], # prev storage
"Soil_all2", False)
[self.var.Rain,self.var.Snow, self.var.sum_act_irrConsumption],
[self.var.sum_directRunoff, self.var.sum_interflow, self.var.nonFossilGroundwaterAbs,self.var.baseflow,
self.var.sum_actTransTotal, self.var.sum_actBareSoilEvap, self.var.sum_openWaterEvap, self.var.sum_interceptEvap, self.var.snowEvap, self.var.iceEvap], # Out
[self.var.pretotalSto,self.var.prestorGroundwater], # prev storage
"Soil+G", False)
[self.var.unmetDemand, self.var.nonFossilGroundwaterAbs, self.var.act_SurfaceWaterAbstract], # In
[self.var.act_irrWithdrawal,self.var.act_nonIrrWithdrawal], # Out
"Waterdemand1", False)
[self.var.act_irrWithdrawal], # In
[self.var.sum_act_irrConsumption, self.var.returnflowIrr,self.var.addtoevapotrans], # Out
"Waterdemand2", False)
[self.var.Rain,self.var.Snow, self.var.act_irrWithdrawal],
[self.var.sum_directRunoff, self.var.sum_interflow, self.var.nonFossilGroundwaterAbs,self.var.baseflow,
self.var.sum_actTransTotal, self.var.sum_actBareSoilEvap, self.var.sum_openWaterEvap, self.var.sum_interceptEvap, self.var.snowEvap, self.var.iceEvap,
self.var.returnflowIrr, self.var.addtoevapotrans], # Out
[self.var.pretotalSto,self.var.prestorGroundwater], # prev storage
"Soil+G+WD", False)
[self.var.Rain,self.var.Snow, self.var.act_irrWithdrawal],
[self.var.sum_directRunoff, self.var.sum_interflow, self.var.baseflow,
self.var.sum_actTransTotal, self.var.sum_actBareSoilEvap, self.var.sum_openWaterEvap,
self.var.sum_interceptEvap, self.var.snowEvap, self.var.iceEvap, self.var.addtoevapotrans,
self.var.nonFossilGroundwaterAbs, self.var.returnflowIrr, ], # Out
[self.var.pretotalSto, self.var.prestorGroundwater], # prev storage
[self.var.totalSto, self.var.storGroundwater],
"Soil+G+WD", True)
nonIrrReturn = self.var.nonIrrReturnFlowFraction * self.var.act_irrWithdrawal
nonIrruse = self.var.act_irrWithdrawal - nonIrrReturn
if checkOption('includeWaterBodies'):
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
[self.var.lakeResInflowM], # In
[self.var.lakeResOutflowM, self.var.EvapWaterBodyM], # Out self.var.evapWaterBodyC
[self.var.prelakeResStorage / self.var.cellArea], # prev storage
[self.var.lakeResStorage / self.var.cellArea],
"LR1", True)
[self.var.lakeReservoirStorage], # In
[self.var.lakeStorage,self.var.resStorage,self.var.smalllakeStorage], # Out self.var.evapWaterBodyC
[], # prev storage
"LR1a", True)
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance') and returnBool('useSmallLakes'):
[self.var.smallLakeIn], # In
[self.var.smallLakeout, self.var.smallevapWaterBody], # Out
[self.var.preSmalllakeStorage / self.var.cellArea], # prev storage
[self.var.smalllakeStorage / self.var.cellArea],
"LR2", False)
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance') and returnBool('useSmallLakes'):
[self.var.Precipitation,self.var.smallLakedaycorrect, self.var.unmetDemand, self.var.act_SurfaceWaterAbstract ],
[self.var.totalET, self.var.runoff,self.var.smallevapWaterBody, self.var.act_nonIrrConsumption, self.var.returnFlow, self.var.unmet_lost ], # Out
[self.var.pretotalSto, self.var.prestorGroundwater, self.var.prergridcell,self.var.preSmalllakeStorage / self.var.cellArea], # prev storage
[self.var.totalSto, self.var.storGroundwater, self.var.gridcell_storage,self.var.smalllakeStorage / self.var.cellArea],
"Soil+G+WD+LR3", False) # without waterdemand
#### IMPORTANT set Routingstep to 1 to test!
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
DisOut = self.var.discharge * self.var.DtSec / self.var.cellArea
DisOut = np.where(self.var.lddCompress == 5, DisOut, 0.)
[self.var.runoff, self.var.returnFlow], # In
[self.var.sumsideflow / self.var.cellArea, self.var.EvapoChannel / self.var.cellArea, self.var.act_SurfaceWaterAbstract, ], # Out
[], # prev storage
"rout11", False)
[self.var.runoff], # In
[DisOut, self.var.EvapoChannel / self.var.cellArea], # Out
[self.var.prechannelStorage / self.var.cellArea], # prev storage
[self.var.channelStorage / self.var.cellArea],
"rout2", False)
[self.var.runoff, self.var.returnFlow], # In
[DisOut, self.var.EvapoChannel, self.var.act_SurfaceWaterAbstract], # Out
[self.var.prechannelStorage / self.var.cellArea], # prev storage
[self.var.channelStorage / self.var.cellArea],
"rout4", False)
#print self.var.channelStorageBefore[10],
# print "%10.8f %10.8f %10.8f " % (income[10], out[10], store[10]),
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if checkOption('sumWaterBalance'):
[self.var.nonFossilGroundwaterAbs, self.var.unmetDemand, self.var.act_SurfaceWaterAbstract], # In
[self.var.act_totalWaterWithdrawal], # Out
"WaterdemandSum", True)
[self.var.Precipitation, self.var.surfaceWaterInf,self.var.sumIrrDemand,self.var.nonIrrReturnFlow], # In
[self.var.totalET, self.var.localQW, self.var.riverbedExchange * self.var.InvCellArea, self.var.nonFossilGroundwaterAbs, self.var.act_SurfaceWaterAbstract],
[self.var.pretotalSto,self.var.prestorGroundwater,self.var.prechannelStorage * self.var.InvCellArea], # prev storage
[self.var.totalSto,self.var.storGroundwater,self.var.channelStorageBefore * self.var.InvCellArea],
"S+G+Rout1Sum", False)
if checkOption('budyko'):
# in mm
self.var.sumETRef =[]
self.var.sumP = []
self.var.sumETA = []
for i in xrange(self.var.noOutpoints):
# TODO change this to store in arrays not in maps for each gauge station!
area = npareatotal(self.var.cellArea, self.var.evalCatch[i])
self.var.sumETRef.append(1000 * npareatotal(self.var.ETRef * self.var.cellArea, self.var.evalCatch[i]) / area)
self.var.sumP.append(1000 * npareatotal(self.var.Precipitation * self.var.cellArea, self.var.evalCatch[i]) / area)
self.var.sumETA.append(1000 * npareatotal((self.var.totalET) * self.var.cellArea, self.var.evalCatch[i]) / area)
##self.var.area = npareatotal(self.var.cellArea, self.var.catchment)
##self.var.sumETRef = 1000 * npareatotal(self.var.ETRef * self.var.cellArea, self.var.catchment)/self.var.area
##self.var.sumP = 1000 * npareatotal(self.var.Precipitation * self.var.cellArea, self.var.catchment) / self.var.area
#self.var.sumETA = 1000 * npareatotal((self.var.totalET + self.var.localQW) * self.var.cellArea , self.var.catchment)/self.var.area
##self.var.sumETA = 1000 * npareatotal((self.var.totalET) * self.var.cellArea, self.var.catchment) / self.var.area
#self.var.sumRunoff = 1000 * npareatotal((self.var.channelStorageBefore - self.var.prechannelStorage), self.var.catchment)/self.var.area
#self.var.sumDelta1 = 1000 * npareatotal((self.var.SnowCover + self.var.totalSoil + self.var.storGroundwater) * self.var.cellArea , self.var.catchment)/self.var.area
#self.var.sumDelta2 = 1000 * npareatotal((self.var.prevSnowCover + self.var.pretotalSoil + self.var.prestorGroundwater) * self.var.cellArea , self.var.catchment)/self.var.area
#self.var.sumAll = self.var.sumDelta1- self.var.sumDelta2
#report(decompress(self.var.sumRunoff), r"C:\work\output3/sumRun.map")
[docs] def dynamic(self):
Dynamic part of the water balance module
If option **sumWaterBalance** sum water balance for certain variables
#if checkOption('sumWaterBalance'):
# i = 1
# sum up storage variables
#for variable in self.var.sum_balanceStore:
# vars(self.var)["sumup_" + variable] = vars(self.var)[variable].copy()
# sum up fluxes variables
for variable in self.var.sum_balanceFlux:
vars(self.var)["sumup_" + variable] = vars(self.var)["sumup_" + variable] + vars(self.var)[variable]