# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name: Waterdemand modules
# Purpose:
# Author: PB, YS, MS, JdB
# Created: 15/07/2016
# Copyright: (c) PB 2016
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
import numpy as np
from cwatm.management_modules import globals
from cwatm.management_modules.data_handling import returnBool, binding, cbinding, loadmap, readnetcdf2
[docs]class waterdemand_livestock:
calculating water demand -
livestock based on precalculated maps
**Global variables**
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
Variable [self.var] Description Unit
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
domesticTime Monthly' when domesticTimeMonthly = True, and 'Yearly' otherwise. str
livestockTime --
livVar --
uselivestock True if uselivestock=True in Settings, False otherwise bool
pot_livestockConsumption --
InvCellArea Inverse of cell area of each simulated mesh 1/m2
M3toM Coefficient to change units --
demand_unit --
livestockDemand --
liv_efficiency --
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
def __init__(self, model):
self.var = model.var
self.model = model
[docs] def initial(self):
Initial part of the water demand module - livestock
self.var.livestockTime = 'monthly'
if "livestockTimeMonthly" in binding:
if returnBool('livestockTimeMonthly'):
self.var.livestockTime = 'monthly'
self.var.livestockTime = 'yearly'
self.var.livestockTime = 'monthly'
if "livestockvarname" in binding:
self.var.livVar = cbinding("livestockvarname")
self.var.livVar = "livestockDemand"
if "uselivestock" in binding:
self.var.uselivestock = returnBool('uselivestock')
self.var.uselivestock = False
[docs] def dynamic(self,wd_date):
Dynamic part of the water demand module - livestock
read monthly (or yearly) water demand from netcdf and transform (if necessary) to [m/day]
if self.var.uselivestock:
new = 'newYear'
if self.var.livestockTime == 'monthly': new = 'newMonth'
if globals.dateVar['newStart'] or globals.dateVar[new]:
self.var.livestockDemand = readnetcdf2('livestockWaterDemandFile', wd_date, self.var.domesticTime, value=self.var.livVar)
# avoid small values (less than 1 m3):
self.var.livestockDemand = np.where(self.var.livestockDemand > self.var.InvCellArea, self.var.livestockDemand, 0.0)
self.var.pot_livestockConsumption = self.var.livestockDemand
self.var.liv_efficiency = 1.
# transform from mio m3 per year (or month) to m/day if necessary - if demand_unit = False -> transdform from mio m3 per month or year
if not self.var.demand_unit:
if self.var.livestockTime == 'monthly':
timediv = globals.dateVar['daysInMonth']
timediv = globals.dateVar['daysInYear']
self.var.livestockDemand = self.var.livestockDemand * 1000000 * self.var.M3toM / timediv
self.var.pot_livestockConsumption = self.var.livestockDemand
self.var.livestockDemand = 0.
self.var.pot_livestockConsumption = 0.
self.var.liv_efficiency = 1.