# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name: Soil module
# Purpose:
# Author: PB
# Created: 15/07/2016
# Copyright: (c) PB 2016 based on PCRGLOBE, LISFLOOD, HBV
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
from cwatm.management_modules.data_handling import *
[docs]class soil(object):
Calculation vertical transfer of water based on Arno scheme
**Global variables**
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
Variable [self.var] Description Unit
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
capRiseFrac fraction of a grid cell where capillar rise may happen m
modflow Flag: True if modflow_coupling = True in settings file --
snowEvap total evaporation from snow for a snow layers m
fracCrops_nonIrr Fraction of cell currently planted with specific non-irr crops --
currentKC Current crop coefficient for specific crops --
weighted_KC_Irr_woFallow_fullKc --
weighted_KC_Irr_woFallow --
storGroundwater Groundwater storage (non-fossil). This is primarily used when not usin m
includeCrops 1 when includeCrops=True in Settings, 0 otherwise bool
Crops Internal: List of specific crops and Kc/Ky parameters --
potTranspiration Potential transpiration (after removing of evaporation) m
interceptEvap simulated evaporation from water intercepted by vegetation m
cropKC crop coefficient for each of the 4 different land cover types (forest, --
topwater quantity of water above the soil (flooding) m
minCropKC minimum crop factor (default 0.2) --
availWaterInfiltration quantity of water reaching the soil after interception, more snowmelt m
rootDepth --
KSat1 --
KSat2 --
KSat3 --
genuM1 --
genuM2 --
genuM3 --
genuInvM1 --
genuInvM2 --
genuInvM3 --
ws1 Maximum storage capacity in layer 1 m
ws2 Maximum storage capacity in layer 2 m
ws3 Maximum storage capacity in layer 3 m
wres1 Residual storage capacity in layer 1 m
wres2 Residual storage capacity in layer 2 m
wres3 Residual storage capacity in layer 3 m
wrange1 --
wrange2 --
wrange3 --
wfc1 Soil moisture at field capacity in layer 1 --
wfc2 Soil moisture at field capacity in layer 2 --
wfc3 Soil moisture at field capacity in layer 3 --
wwp1 Soil moisture at wilting point in layer 1 --
wwp2 Soil moisture at wilting point in layer 2 --
wwp3 Soil moisture at wilting point in layer 3 --
kunSatFC12 --
kunSatFC23 --
arnoBeta --
adjRoot --
maxtopwater maximum heigth of topwater m
cellArea Area of cell m2
EWRef potential evaporation rate from water surface m
FrostIndexThreshold Degree Days Frost Threshold (stops infiltration, percolation and capil --
FrostIndex FrostIndex - Molnau and Bissel (1983), A Continuous Frozen Ground Inde --
potBareSoilEvap potential bare soil evaporation (calculated with minus snow evaporatio m
irr_Paddy_month --
fracCrops_Irr Fraction of cell currently planted with specific irrigated crops %
actTransTotal_month_nonIrr Internal variable: Running total of transpiration for specific non-ir m
actTransTotal_month_Irr Internal variable: Running total of transpiration for specific irriga m
irr_crop_month --
frac_totalIrr Fraction sown with specific irrigated crops %
weighted_KC_nonIrr_woFallow --
totalPotET Potential evaporation per land use class m
actualET simulated evapotranspiration from soil, flooded area and vegetation m
soilLayers Number of soil layers --
soildepth Thickness of the first soil layer m
w1 Simulated water storage in the layer 1 m
w2 Simulated water storage in the layer 2 m
w3 Simulated water storage in the layer 3 m
directRunoff Simulated surface runoff m
interflow Simulated flow reaching runoff instead of groundwater m
openWaterEvap Simulated evaporation from open areas m
actTransTotal Total actual transpiration from the three soil layers m
actBareSoilEvap Simulated evaporation from the first soil layer m
percolationImp Fraction of area covered by the corresponding landcover type m
cropGroupNumber soil water depletion fraction, Van Diepen et al., 1988: WOFOST 6.0, p. --
cPrefFlow Factor influencing preferential flow (flow from surface to GW) --
pumping_actual --
gwdepth_observations Input, gw_depth_observations, groundwater depth observations m
gwdepth_adjuster Groundwater depth adjuster m
rws Transpiration reduction factor (in case of water stress) --
prefFlow Flow going directly from soil surface to groundwater [land class speci m
infiltration Water actually infiltrating the soil m
capRiseFromGW Simulated capillary rise from groundwater m
NoSubSteps Number of sub steps to calculate soil percolation --
perc1to2 Simulated water flow from soil layer 1 to soil layer 2 m
perc2to3 Simulated water flow from soil layer 2 to soil layer 3 m
perc3toGW Simulated water flow from soil layer 3 to groundwater m
theta1 fraction of water in soil compartment 1 for each land use class --
theta2 fraction of water in soil compartment 2 for each land use class --
theta3 fraction of water in soil compartment 3 for each land use class --
actTransTotal_forest Transpiration from forest land cover m
actTransTotal_grasslands Transpiration from grasslands land cover m
actTransTotal_paddy Transpiration from paddy land cover m
actTransTotal_nonpaddy Transpiration from non-paddy land cover m
actTransTotal_crops_Irr Transpiration associated with specific irrigated crops m
actTransTotal_crops_nonIrr Transpiration associated with specific non-irr crops m
irr_crop --
irrM3_crop_month_segment --
irrM3_Paddy_month_segment --
gwRecharge groundwater recharge m
baseflow simulated baseflow (= groundwater discharge to river) m
capillar Flow from groundwater to the third CWATM soil layer. Used with MODFLOW m
capriseindex --
soildepth12 Total thickness of layer 2 and 3 m
fracVegCover Fraction of specific land covers (0=forest, 1=grasslands, etc.) %
adminSegments Domestic agents Int
act_irrConsumption actual irrigation water consumption m
act_irrNonpaddyWithdrawal non-paddy irrigation withdrawal m
act_irrPaddyWithdrawal paddy irrigation withdrawal m
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
def __init__(self, model):
self.var = model.var
self.model = model
[docs] def initial(self):
Initial part of the soil module
* Initialize all the hydraulic properties of soil
* Set soil depth
self.var.soilLayers = 3
# --- Topography -----------------------------------------------------
# maps of relative elevation above flood plains
dzRel = ['dzRel0001','dzRel0005',
for i in dzRel:
vars(self.var)[i] = readnetcdfWithoutTime(cbinding('relativeElevation'),i)
# Fraction of area where percolation to groundwater is impeded [dimensionless]
self.var.percolationImp = np.maximum(0,np.minimum(1,loadmap('percolationImp') * loadmap('factor_interflow')))
# ------------ Preferential Flow constant ------------------------------------------
self.var.cropGroupNumber = loadmap('cropgroupnumber')
# soil water depletion fraction, Van Diepen et al., 1988: WOFOST 6.0, p.86, Doorenbos et. al 1978
# crop groups for formular in van Diepen et al, 1988
# ------------ Preferential Flow constant ------------------------------------------
self.var.cPrefFlow = loadmap('preferentialFlowConstant')
# ------------ SOIL DEPTH ----------------------------------------------------------
# soil thickness and storage
#soilDepthLayer = [('soildepth', 'SoilDepth'),('storCap','soilWaterStorageCap')]
soilDepthLayer = [('soildepth', 'SoilDepth')]
for layer,property in soilDepthLayer:
vars(self.var)[layer] = np.tile(globals.inZero, (self.var.soilLayers, 1))
# first soil layer = 5 cm
self.var.soildepth[0] = 0.05 + globals.inZero
# second soul layer minimum 5cm
self.var.soildepth[1] = np.maximum(0.05, loadmap('StorDepth1') - self.var.soildepth[0])
# soil depth[1] is inc/decr by a calibration factor
#self.var.soildepth[1] = self.var.soildepth[1] * loadmap('soildepth_factor')
#self.var.soildepth[1] = np.maximum(0.05, self.var.soildepth[1])
# corrected by the calibration factor, total soil depth stays the same
#self.var.soildepth[2] = loadmap('StorDepth2') + (1. - loadmap('soildepth_factor') * self.var.soildepth[1])
#self.var.soildepth[2] = loadmap('StorDepth2') * loadmap('soildepth_factor')
self.var.soildepth[2] = loadmap('StorDepth2')
self.var.soildepth[2] = np.maximum(0.05, self.var.soildepth[2])
# Calibration
soildepth_factor = loadmap('soildepth_factor')
self.var.soildepth[1] = self.var.soildepth[1] * soildepth_factor
self.var.soildepth[2] = self.var.soildepth[2] * soildepth_factor
self.var.soildepth12 = self.var.soildepth[1] + self.var.soildepth[2]
ii= 0
# report("C:/work/output2/soil.map", self.var.soildepth12)
# This is here, as groundwater.py is not called if MODFLOW is used
self.var.pumping_actual = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.capillar = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.baseflow = globals.inZero.copy()
if 'gw_depth_observations' in binding:
self.var.gwdepth_observations = readnetcdfWithoutTime(cbinding('gw_depth_observations'),
value='Groundwater depth')
if 'gw_depth_sim_obs' in binding:
self.var.gwdepth_adjuster = loadmap('gw_depth_sim_obs')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dynamic(self, coverType, No):
Dynamic part of the soil module
For each of the land cover classes the vertical water transport is simulated
Distribution of water holding capiacity in 3 soil layers based on saturation excess overland flow, preferential flow
Dependend on soil depth, soil hydraulic parameters
# ---------------------------------------------------------
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
preStor1 = self.var.w1[No].copy()
preStor2 = self.var.w2[No].copy()
preStor3 = self.var.w3[No].copy()
pretopwater = self.var.topwater
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# from evaporation
# calculate potential bare soil evaporation and transpiration
# self.var.potBareSoilEvap = self.var.cropCorrect * self.var.minCropKC[No] * self.var.ETRef
# potTranspiration: Transpiration for each land cover class
# self.var.potTranspiration[No] = self.var.cropCorrect * self.var.cropKC * self.var.ETRef - self.var.potBareSoilEvap
# from interception module
# self.var.potTranspiration[No] = np.maximum(0, self.var.potTranspiration[No] - self.var.interceptEvap[No])
# # interceptEvap is the first flux in ET, soil evapo and transpiration are added later
# self.var.actualET[No] = self.var.interceptEvap[No].copy()
#if (dateVar['curr'] == 130) and (No==2):
# ii=1
availWaterInfiltration = self.var.availWaterInfiltration[No].copy()
availWaterInfiltration = availWaterInfiltration + self.var.act_irrConsumption[No]
# availWaterInfiltration = water net from precipitation (- soil - interception - snow + snow melt) + water for irrigation
if coverType == 'irrPaddy':
# depending on the crop calender -> here if cropKC > 0.75 paddies are flooded to 50mm (as set in settings file)
#if self.var.cropKC[No]>0.75:
# ii = 1
self.var.topwater = np.where(self.var.cropKC[No] > 0.75, self.var.topwater + availWaterInfiltration, self.var.topwater)
# open water evaporation from the paddy field - using potential evaporation from open water
self.var.openWaterEvap[No] = np.minimum(np.maximum(0., self.var.topwater), self.var.EWRef)
self.var.topwater = self.var.topwater - self.var.openWaterEvap[No]
# if paddies are flooded, avail water is calculated before: top + avail, otherwise it is calculated here
availWaterInfiltration = np.where(self.var.cropKC[No] > 0.75, self.var.topwater, self.var.topwater + availWaterInfiltration)
# open water can evaporate more than maximum bare soil + transpiration because it is calculated from open water pot evaporation
#h = self.var.potBareSoilEvap - self.var.openWaterEvap[No]
self.var.potBareSoilEvap = np.maximum(0.,self.var.potBareSoilEvap - self.var.openWaterEvap[No])
# if open water revaporation is bigger than bare soil, transpiration rate is reduced
# self.var.potTranspiration[No] = np.where( h > 0, self.var.potTranspiration[No], np.maximum(0.,self.var.potTranspiration[No] + h))
self.var.openWaterEvap[No] = 0.
#if (dateVar['curr'] >= 0) and (No==3):
# ii=1
# add capillary rise from groundwater if modflow is used
if self.var.modflow:
### if GW capillary rise saturates soil layers, water is sent to the above layer, then to runoff
self.var.w3[No] = self.var.w3[No] + self.var.capillar
# CAPRISE from GW to soilayer 3 , if this is full it is send to soil layer 2
self.var.w2[No] = self.var.w2[No] + np.where(self.var.w3[No] > self.var.ws3[No], self.var.w3[No] - self.var.ws3[No], 0)
self.var.w3[No] = np.minimum(self.var.ws3[No], self.var.w3[No])
# CAPRISE from GW to soilayer 2 , if this is full it is send to soil layer 1
self.var.w1[No] = self.var.w1[No] + np.where(self.var.w2[No] > self.var.ws2[No], self.var.w2[No] - self.var.ws2[No], 0)
self.var.w2[No] = np.minimum(self.var.ws2[No], self.var.w2[No])
# CAPRISE from GW to soilayer 1 , if this is full it is send to RUNOFF
saverunofffromGW = + np.where(self.var.w1[No] > self.var.ws1[No], self.var.w1[No] - self.var.ws1[No], 0)
self.var.w1[No]= np.minimum(self.var.ws1[No], self.var.w1[No])
# Now, we need to add transfer between soil layers # MODIF LUCA TO IMPROVE MODFLOW COUPLING
# Percolation -----------------------------------------------
if No == 0:
NoSoil = 0
NoSoil = 1
# Available water in both soil layers [m]
availWater1 = np.maximum(0., self.var.w1[No] - self.var.wres1[No])
availWater2 = np.maximum(0., self.var.w2[No] - self.var.wres2[No])
availWater3 = np.maximum(0., self.var.w3[No] - self.var.wres3[No])
satTerm2 = availWater2 / self.var.wrange2[No]
satTerm3 = availWater3 / self.var.wrange3[No]
# Saturation term in Van Genuchten equation (always between 0 and 1)
satTerm2 = np.maximum(np.minimum(satTerm2, 1.0), 0)
satTerm3 = np.maximum(np.minimum(satTerm3, 1.0), 0)
# Unsaturated conductivity
kUnSat2 = self.var.KSat2[NoSoil] * np.sqrt(satTerm2) * np.square(
1 - (1 - satTerm2 ** self.var.genuInvM2[NoSoil]) ** self.var.genuM2[NoSoil])
kUnSat3 = self.var.KSat3[NoSoil] * np.sqrt(satTerm3) * np.square(
1 - (1 - satTerm3 ** self.var.genuInvM3[NoSoil]) ** self.var.genuM3[NoSoil])
## ----------------------------------------------------------
# Capillar Rise
satTermFC1 = np.maximum(0., self.var.w1[No] - self.var.wres1[No]) / (self.var.wfc1[No] - self.var.wres1[No])
satTermFC2 = np.maximum(0., self.var.w2[No] - self.var.wres2[No]) / (self.var.wfc2[No] - self.var.wres2[No])
satTermFC3 = np.maximum(0., self.var.w3[No] - self.var.wres3[No]) / (self.var.wfc3[No] - self.var.wres3[No])
capRise1 = np.minimum(np.maximum(0., (1 - satTermFC1) * kUnSat2), self.var.kunSatFC12[No])
capRise2 = np.minimum(np.maximum(0., (1 - satTermFC2) * kUnSat3), self.var.kunSatFC23[No])
self.var.w1[No] = self.var.w1[No] + capRise1
self.var.w2[No] = self.var.w2[No] - capRise1 + capRise2
self.var.w3[No] = self.var.w3[No] - capRise2 # GW capillary rise has already been added to the soil
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# calculate transpiration
# ***** SOIL WATER STRESS ************************************
etpotMax = np.minimum(0.1 * (self.var.totalPotET[No] * 1000.), 1.0)
# to avoid a strange behaviour of the p-formula's, ETRef is set to a maximum of 10 mm/day.
if coverType == 'irrPaddy' or coverType == 'irrNonPaddy':
p = 1 / (0.76 + 1.5 * etpotMax) - 0.4
# soil water depletion fraction (easily available soil water) # Van Diepen et al., 1988: WOFOST 6.0, p.87.
p = p + (etpotMax - 0.6) / 4
# correction for crop group 1 (Van Diepen et al, 1988) -> p between 0.14 - 0.77
# The crop group number is a indicator of adaptation to dry climate,
# e.g. olive groves are adapted to dry climate, therefore they can extract more water from drying out soil than e.g. rice.
# The crop group number of olive groves is 4 and of rice fields is 1
# for irrigation it is expected that the crop has a low adaptation to dry climate
p = 1 / (0.76 + 1.5 * etpotMax) - 0.10 * (5 - self.var.cropGroupNumber)
# soil water depletion fraction (easily available soil water)
# Van Diepen et al., 1988: WOFOST 6.0, p.87
# to avoid a strange behaviour of the p-formula's, ETRef is set to a maximum of
# 10 mm/day. Thus, p will range from 0.15 to 0.45 at ETRef eq 10 and
# CropGroupNumber 1-5
p = np.where(self.var.cropGroupNumber <= 2.5, p + (etpotMax - 0.6) / (self.var.cropGroupNumber * (self.var.cropGroupNumber + 3)), p)
# correction for crop groups 1 and 2 (Van Diepen et al, 1988)
p = np.maximum(np.minimum(p, 1.0), 0.)
# p is between 0 and 1 => if p =1 wcrit = wwp, if p= 0 wcrit = wfc
# p is closer to 0 if evapo is bigger and cropgroup is smaller
wCrit1 = ((1 - p) * (self.var.wfc1[No] - self.var.wwp1[No])) + self.var.wwp1[No]
wCrit2 = ((1 - p) * (self.var.wfc2[No] - self.var.wwp2[No])) + self.var.wwp2[No]
wCrit3 = ((1 - p) * (self.var.wfc3[No] - self.var.wwp3[No])) + self.var.wwp3[No]
# Transpiration reduction factor (in case of water stress)
rws1 = divideValues((self.var.w1[No] - self.var.wwp1[No]),(wCrit1 - self.var.wwp1[No]), default = 1.)
rws2 = divideValues((self.var.w2[No] - self.var.wwp2[No]), (wCrit2 - self.var.wwp2[No]), default=1.)
rws3 = divideValues((self.var.w3[No] - self.var.wwp3[No]), (wCrit3 - self.var.wwp3[No]), default=1.)
#with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'):
#rws1 = np.where((wCrit1 - self.var.wwp1[No]) > 0, (self.var.w1[No] - self.var.wwp1[No]) / (wCrit1 - self.var.wwp1[No]), 1.0)
#rws2 = np.where((wCrit2 - self.var.wwp2[No]) > 0, (self.var.w2[No] - self.var.wwp2[No]) / (wCrit2 - self.var.wwp2[No]), 1.0)
#rws3 = np.where((wCrit3 - self.var.wwp3[No]) > 0, (self.var.w3[No] - self.var.wwp3[No]) / (wCrit3 - self.var.wwp3[No]), 1.0)
rws1 = np.maximum(np.minimum(1., rws1), 0.) * self.var.adjRoot[0][No]
rws2 = np.maximum(np.minimum(1., rws2), 0.) * self.var.adjRoot[1][No]
rws3 = np.maximum(np.minimum(1., rws3), 0.) * self.var.adjRoot[2][No]
self.var.rws = rws1 + rws2 + rws3
TaMax = self.var.potTranspiration[No] * self.var.rws
# transpiration is 0 when soil is frozen
TaMax = np.where(self.var.FrostIndex > self.var.FrostIndexThreshold, 0., TaMax)
ta1 = np.maximum(np.minimum(TaMax * self.var.adjRoot[0][No], self.var.w1[No] - self.var.wwp1[No]), 0.0)
ta2 = np.maximum(np.minimum(TaMax * self.var.adjRoot[1][No], self.var.w2[No] - self.var.wwp2[No]), 0.0)
ta3 = np.maximum(np.minimum(TaMax * self.var.adjRoot[2][No], self.var.w3[No] - self.var.wwp3[No]), 0.0)
#if (dateVar['curr'] == 23) and (No==1):
# ii=1
# #print ('t', self.var.w1[No][0:3])
self.var.w1[No] = self.var.w1[No] - ta1
self.var.w2[No] = self.var.w2[No] - ta2
self.var.w3[No] = self.var.w3[No] - ta3
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Actual potential bare soil evaporation - upper layer
self.var.actBareSoilEvap[No] = np.minimum(self.var.potBareSoilEvap,np.maximum(0.,self.var.w1[No] - self.var.wres1[No]))
self.var.actBareSoilEvap[No] = np.where(self.var.FrostIndex > self.var.FrostIndexThreshold, 0., self.var.actBareSoilEvap[No])
# no bare soil evaporation in the inundated paddy field
if coverType == 'irrPaddy':
self.var.actBareSoilEvap[No] = np.where(self.var.topwater > 0., 0., self.var.actBareSoilEvap[No])
self.var.w1[No] = self.var.w1[No] - self.var.actBareSoilEvap[No]
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Infiltration capacity
# ========================================
# first 2 soil layers to estimate distribution between runoff and infiltration
soilWaterStorage = self.var.w1[No] + self.var.w2[No]
soilWaterStorageCap = self.var.ws1[No] + self.var.ws2[No]
relSat = soilWaterStorage / soilWaterStorageCap
relSat = np.minimum(relSat, 1.0)
#if np.min(self.var.w1[No])< 0.:
# ii =1
#if (dateVar['curr'] == 23) and (No==1):
# ii=1
# print (No, self.var.w1[No][0:3])
satAreaFrac = 1 - (1 - relSat) ** self.var.arnoBeta[No]
# Fraction of pixel that is at saturation as a function of
# the ratio Theta1/ThetaS1. Distribution function taken from
# Zhao,1977, as cited in Todini, 1996 (JoH 175, 339-382)
satAreaFrac = np.maximum(np.minimum(satAreaFrac, 1.0), 0.0)
store = soilWaterStorageCap / (self.var.arnoBeta[No] + 1)
potBeta = (self.var.arnoBeta[No] + 1) / self.var.arnoBeta[No]
potInf = store - store * (1 - (1 - satAreaFrac) ** potBeta)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# calculate preferential flow
if coverType == 'irrPaddy' or not(checkOption('preferentialFlow')):
self.var.prefFlow[No] = 0.
self.var.prefFlow[No] = availWaterInfiltration * relSat ** self.var.cPrefFlow
self.var.prefFlow[No] = np.where(self.var.FrostIndex > self.var.FrostIndexThreshold, 0.0, self.var.prefFlow[No])
if self.var.modflow:
self.var.prefFlow[No] = self.var.prefFlow[No] * (
1 - self.var.capriseindex) # multiplied by the fraction of ModFlow unsaturated cells
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# calculate infiltration
# infiltration, limited with KSat1 and available water in topWaterLayer
self.var.infiltration[No] = np.minimum(potInf, availWaterInfiltration - self.var.prefFlow[No])
self.var.infiltration[No] = np.where(self.var.FrostIndex > self.var.FrostIndexThreshold, 0.0, self.var.infiltration[No])
self.var.directRunoff[No] = np.maximum(0.,availWaterInfiltration - self.var.infiltration[No] - self.var.prefFlow[No])
if coverType == 'irrPaddy':
self.var.topwater = np.maximum(0., self.var.topwater - self.var.infiltration[No])
# if paddy fields flooded only runoff if topwater > 0.05m
h = np.maximum(0., self.var.topwater- self.var.maxtopwater)
self.var.directRunoff[No] = np.where(self.var.cropKC[No] > 0.75, h, self.var.directRunoff[No])
self.var.topwater = np.maximum(0., self.var.topwater - self.var.directRunoff[No])
### ModFlow
if self.var.modflow:
self.var.directRunoff[No]=self.var.directRunoff[No] + saverunofffromGW
# infiltration to soilayer 1 , if this is full it is send to soil layer 2
self.var.w1[No] = self.var.w1[No] + self.var.infiltration[No]
self.var.w2[No] = self.var.w2[No] + np.where(self.var.w1[No] > self.var.ws1[No], self.var.w1[No] - self.var.ws1[No], 0)
self.var.w1[No] = np.minimum(self.var.ws1[No], self.var.w1[No])
## ----------------------------------------------------------
# to the water demand module # could not be done before from landcoverType_module because readAvlWater is needed
# for plants availailabe water
#availWaterPlant1 = np.maximum(0., self.var.w1[No] - self.var.wwp1[No]) * self.var.rootDepth[0][No]
#availWaterPlant2 = np.maximum(0., self.var.w2[No] - self.var.wwp2[No]) * self.var.rootDepth[1][No]
#availWaterPlant3 = np.maximum(0., self.var.w3[No] - self.var.wwp3[No]) * self.var.rootDepth[2][No]
#readAvlWater = availWaterPlant1 + availWaterPlant2 + availWaterPlant3
# Percolation -----------------------------------------------
if No == 0:
NoSoil = 0
NoSoil = 1
# Available water in both soil layers [m]
availWater1 = np.maximum(0.,self.var.w1[No] - self.var.wres1[No])
availWater2 = np.maximum(0.,self.var.w2[No] - self.var.wres2[No])
availWater3 = np.maximum(0.,self.var.w3[No] - self.var.wres3[No])
satTerm2 = availWater2 / self.var.wrange2[No]
satTerm3 = availWater3 / self.var.wrange3[No]
# Saturation term in Van Genuchten equation (always between 0 and 1)
satTerm2 = np.maximum(np.minimum(satTerm2, 1.0), 0)
satTerm3 = np.maximum(np.minimum(satTerm3, 1.0), 0)
# Unsaturated conductivity
kUnSat2 = self.var.KSat2[NoSoil] * np.sqrt(satTerm2) * np.square(1 - (1 - satTerm2 ** self.var.genuInvM2[NoSoil]) ** self.var.genuM2[NoSoil])
kUnSat3 = self.var.KSat3[NoSoil] * np.sqrt(satTerm3) * np.square(1 - (1 - satTerm3 ** self.var.genuInvM3[NoSoil]) ** self.var.genuM3[NoSoil])
## ----------------------------------------------------------
# Capillar Rise
satTermFC1 = np.maximum(0., self.var.w1[No] - self.var.wres1[No]) / (self.var.wfc1[No] - self.var.wres1[No])
satTermFC2 = np.maximum(0., self.var.w2[No] - self.var.wres2[No]) / (self.var.wfc2[No] - self.var.wres2[No])
satTermFC3 = np.maximum(0., self.var.w3[No] - self.var.wres3[No]) / (self.var.wfc3[No] - self.var.wres3[No])
capRise1 = np.minimum(np.maximum(0., (1 - satTermFC1) * kUnSat2), self.var.kunSatFC12[No])
capRise2 = np.minimum(np.maximum(0., (1 - satTermFC2) * kUnSat3), self.var.kunSatFC23[No])
if self.var.modflow:
# from Modflow
self.var.capRiseFromGW[No] = self.var.capillar
self.var.capRiseFromGW[No] = np.maximum(0., (1 - satTermFC3) * np.sqrt(self.var.KSat3[NoSoil] * kUnSat3))
self.var.capRiseFromGW[No] = 0.5 * self.var.capRiseFrac * self.var.capRiseFromGW[No]
self.var.capRiseFromGW[No] = np.minimum(np.maximum(0., self.var.storGroundwater), self.var.capRiseFromGW[No])
self.var.w1[No] = self.var.w1[No] + capRise1
self.var.w2[No] = self.var.w2[No] - capRise1 + capRise2
if self.var.modflow:
self.var.w3[No] = self.var.w3[No] - capRise2
# GW capillary rise has already been added to the soil
self.var.w3[No] = self.var.w3[No] - capRise2 + self.var.capRiseFromGW[No]
# Percolation -----------------------------------------------
# Available water in both soil layers [m]
availWater1 = np.maximum(0.,self.var.w1[No] - self.var.wres1[No])
availWater2 = np.maximum(0.,self.var.w2[No] - self.var.wres2[No])
availWater3 = np.maximum(0.,self.var.w3[No] - self.var.wres3[No])
# Available storage capacity in subsoil
capLayer2 = self.var.ws2[No] - self.var.w2[No]
capLayer3 = self.var.ws3[No] - self.var.w3[No]
satTerm1 = availWater1 / self.var.wrange1[No]
satTerm2 = availWater2 / self.var.wrange2[No]
satTerm3 = availWater3 / self.var.wrange3[No]
# Saturation term in Van Genuchten equation (always between 0 and 1)
satTerm1 = np.maximum(np.minimum(satTerm1, 1.0), 0)
satTerm2 = np.maximum(np.minimum(satTerm2, 1.0), 0)
satTerm3 = np.maximum(np.minimum(satTerm3, 1.0), 0)
# Unsaturated conductivity
kUnSat1 = self.var.KSat1[NoSoil] * np.sqrt(satTerm1) * np.square(1 - (1 - satTerm1 ** self.var.genuInvM1[NoSoil]) ** self.var.genuM1[NoSoil])
kUnSat2 = self.var.KSat2[NoSoil] * np.sqrt(satTerm2) * np.square(1 - (1 - satTerm2 ** self.var.genuInvM2[NoSoil]) ** self.var.genuM2[NoSoil])
kUnSat3 = self.var.KSat3[NoSoil] * np.sqrt(satTerm3) * np.square(1 - (1 - satTerm3 ** self.var.genuInvM3[NoSoil]) ** self.var.genuM3[NoSoil])
# Courant condition for computed soil moisture fluxes:
# if Courant gt CourantCrit: sub-steps needed for required numerical accuracy
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'):
courant1to2 = np.where(availWater1 == 0, 0, kUnSat1 / availWater1)
courant2to3 = np.where(availWater2 == 0, 0, kUnSat2 / availWater2)
courant3toGW = np.where(availWater3 == 0, 0, kUnSat3 / availWater3)
# Flow between soil layers and flow to GW
# need to be numerically stable, so number of sub-steps is
# based on process with largest Courant number
courantSoil = np.maximum(courant1to2, courant2to3, courant3toGW)
# Number of sub-steps needed for required numerical
# accuracy. Always greater than or equal to 1
# Do not change, default value of 2.5. Generally combines sufficient numerical accuracy within a limited number of sub - steps
NoSubS = np.maximum(1, np.ceil(courantSoil * 2.5))
self.var.NoSubSteps = int(np.nanmax(NoSubS))
self.var.NoSubSteps = 3
DtSub = 1. / self.var.NoSubSteps
# Copy current value of W1 and W2 to temporary variables,
# because computed fluxes may need correction for storage
# capacity of subsoil and in case soil is frozen (after loop)
wtemp1 = self.var.w1[No].copy()
wtemp2 = self.var.w2[No].copy()
wtemp3 = self.var.w3[No].copy()
# Initialize top- to subsoil flux (accumulated value for all sub-steps)
# Initialize fluxes out of subsoil (accumulated value for all sub-steps)
self.var.perc1to2[No] = 0
self.var.perc2to3[No] = 0
self.var.perc3toGW[No] = 0
# Start iterating
for i in range(self.var.NoSubSteps):
if i > 0:
# Saturation term in Van Genuchten equation
satTerm1 = np.maximum(0., wtemp1 - self.var.wres1[No])/ self.var.wrange1[No]
satTerm2 = np.maximum(0., wtemp2 - self.var.wres2[No]) / self.var.wrange2[No]
satTerm3 = np.maximum(0., wtemp3 - self.var.wres3[No]) / self.var.wrange3[No]
satTerm1 = np.maximum(np.minimum(satTerm1, 1.0), 0)
satTerm2 = np.maximum(np.minimum(satTerm2, 1.0), 0)
satTerm3 = np.maximum(np.minimum(satTerm3, 1.0), 0)
# Unsaturated hydraulic conductivities
kUnSat1 = self.var.KSat1[NoSoil] * np.sqrt(satTerm1) * np.square(1 - (1 - satTerm1 ** self.var.genuInvM1[NoSoil]) ** self.var.genuM1[NoSoil])
kUnSat2 = self.var.KSat2[NoSoil] * np.sqrt(satTerm2) * np.square(1 - (1 - satTerm2 ** self.var.genuInvM2[NoSoil]) ** self.var.genuM2[NoSoil])
kUnSat3 = self.var.KSat3[NoSoil] * np.sqrt(satTerm3) * np.square(1 - (1 - satTerm3 ** self.var.genuInvM3[NoSoil]) ** self.var.genuM3[NoSoil])
# Flux from top- to subsoil
subperc1to2 = np.minimum(availWater1,np.minimum(kUnSat1 * DtSub, capLayer2))
subperc2to3 = np.minimum(availWater2,np.minimum(kUnSat2 * DtSub, capLayer3))
if self.var.modflow:
subperc3toGW = np.minimum(availWater3, np.minimum(kUnSat3 * DtSub, availWater3)) * (
1 - self.var.capriseindex) # multiplied by the fraction of ModFlow unsaturated cells
subperc3toGW = np.minimum(availWater3, np.minimum(kUnSat3 * DtSub, availWater3))
# Update water balance for all layers
availWater1 = availWater1 - subperc1to2
availWater2 = availWater2 + subperc1to2 - subperc2to3
availWater3 = availWater3 + subperc2to3 - subperc3toGW
# Update WTemp1 and WTemp2
wtemp1 = availWater1 + self.var.wres1[No]
wtemp2 = availWater2 + self.var.wres2[No]
wtemp3 = availWater3 + self.var.wres3[No]
# Update available storage capacity in layer 2,3
capLayer2 = self.var.ws2[No] - wtemp2
capLayer3 = self.var.ws3[No] - wtemp3
self.var.perc1to2[No] += subperc1to2
self.var.perc2to3[No] += subperc2to3
self.var.perc3toGW[No] += subperc3toGW
# When the soil is frozen (frostindex larger than threshold), no perc1 and 2
self.var.perc1to2[No] = np.where(self.var.FrostIndex > self.var.FrostIndexThreshold, 0,self.var.perc1to2[No])
self.var.perc2to3[No] = np.where(self.var.FrostIndex > self.var.FrostIndexThreshold, 0,self.var.perc2to3[No])
# Update soil moisture
self.var.w1[No] = self.var.w1[No] - self.var.perc1to2[No]
self.var.w2[No] = self.var.w2[No] + self.var.perc1to2[No] - self.var.perc2to3[No]
self.var.w3[No] = self.var.w3[No] + self.var.perc2to3[No] - self.var.perc3toGW[No]
# Compute the amount of water that could not infiltrate and add this water to the surface runoff
self.var.theta1[No] = self.var.w1[No] / self.var.rootDepth[0][No]
self.var.theta2[No] = self.var.w2[No] / self.var.rootDepth[1][No]
self.var.theta3[No] = self.var.w3[No] / self.var.rootDepth[2][No]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# total actual transpiration
self.var.actTransTotal[No] = ta1 + ta2 + ta3
self.var.actTransTotal_forest = self.var.actTransTotal[0] * self.var.fracVegCover[0]
self.var.actTransTotal_grasslands = self.var.actTransTotal[1] * self.var.fracVegCover[1]
self.var.actTransTotal_paddy = self.var.actTransTotal[2]*self.var.fracVegCover[2]
self.var.actTransTotal_nonpaddy = self.var.actTransTotal[3]*self.var.fracVegCover[3]
if self.var.includeCrops: #checkOption('includeCrops') and checkOption('includeCropSpecificWaterUse'):
if No == 3:
#Method 1: Simple
for c in range(len(self.var.Crops)):
self.var.actTransTotal_crops_Irr[c] = np.where(self.var.fracVegCover[3]>0, self.var.fracCrops_Irr[c]/self.var.fracVegCover[3], 0) * self.var.actTransTotal_nonpaddy
self.var.actTransTotal_crops_nonIrr[c] = np.where(self.var.fracVegCover[1]>0, self.var.fracCrops_nonIrr[c]/self.var.fracVegCover[1], 0) * self.var.actTransTotal_paddy
# Crop-specific transpiration (m) scales the land-class specific transpiration according to its
# specific potential evapotranspiration and the land-class specific potential evapotranspiration
for c in range(len(self.var.Crops)):
#self.var.actTransTotal_crops_Irr[c] = np.where(self.var.fracVegCover[3] * (self.var.cropKC[3]-self.var.minCropKC) > 0, (
# self.var.fracCrops_Irr[c] * (self.var.currentKC[c] - self.var.minCropKC)) / (self.var.fracVegCover[3] *
# (self.var.cropKC[3]-self.var.minCropKC)),
# 0) * self.var.actTransTotal_nonpaddy
self.var.actTransTotal_crops_Irr[c] = np.where(
self.var.fracCrops_Irr[c] * self.var.weighted_KC_Irr_woFallow > 0, (
self.var.fracCrops_Irr[c] * (self.var.currentKC[c]-self.var.minCropKC)) / self.var.weighted_KC_Irr_woFallow,
0) * self.var.actTransTotal_nonpaddy
self.var.actTransTotal_month_Irr[c] += self.var.actTransTotal_crops_Irr[c] + \
self.var.actBareSoilEvap[3] * self.var.fracCrops_Irr[c]
self.var.actTransTotal_crops_nonIrr[c] = \
np.where(self.var.fracCrops_nonIrr[c] * self.var.cropKC[1] > 0,
(self.var.fracCrops_nonIrr[c] * (self.var.currentKC[c]-self.var.minCropKC)) /
self.var.weighted_KC_nonIrr_woFallow, 0) * self.var.actTransTotal_grasslands
self.var.actTransTotal_month_nonIrr[c] += self.var.actTransTotal_crops_nonIrr[c] + \
self.var.actBareSoilEvap[1] * self.var.fracCrops_nonIrr[c]
self.var.irr_crop[c] = np.where(
self.var.frac_totalIrr * self.var.weighted_KC_Irr_woFallow > 0, (
self.var.fracCrops_Irr[c] * self.var.currentKC[c]) / self.var.weighted_KC_Irr_woFallow_fullKc,
0) * self.var.act_irrNonpaddyWithdrawal
self.var.irr_crop_month[c] += self.var.irr_crop[c]
if 'adminSegments' in binding:
self.var.irrM3_crop_month_segment[c] = npareatotal(
self.var.irr_crop_month[c] * self.var.cellArea,
self.var.irr_Paddy_month += self.var.act_irrPaddyWithdrawal
if 'adminSegments' in binding:
self.var.irrM3_Paddy_month_segment = npareatotal(
self.var.irr_Paddy_month * self.var.cellArea,
# total actual evaporation + transpiration
self.var.actualET[No] = self.var.actualET[No] + self.var.actBareSoilEvap[No] + self.var.openWaterEvap[No] + self.var.actTransTotal[No]
# actual evapotranspiration can be bigger than pot, because openWater is taken from pot open water evaporation, therefore self.var.totalPotET[No] is adjusted
self.var.totalPotET[No] = np.maximum(self.var.totalPotET[No], self.var.actualET[No])
# groundwater recharge
toGWorInterflow = self.var.perc3toGW[No] + self.var.prefFlow[No]
self.var.interflow[No] = self.var.percolationImp * toGWorInterflow
if self.var.modflow:
self.var.gwRecharge[No] = (1 - self.var.percolationImp) * toGWorInterflow
self.var.gwRecharge[No] = (1 - self.var.percolationImp) * toGWorInterflow - self.var.capRiseFromGW[No]
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
[self.var.availWaterInfiltration[No], self.var.capRiseFromGW[No], self.var.act_irrConsumption[No]], # In water demand included in availwater
[self.var.directRunoff[No],self.var.perc3toGW[No], self.var.prefFlow[No] ,
self.var.actTransTotal[No], self.var.actBareSoilEvap[No], self.var.openWaterEvap[No]], # Out
[ preStor1, preStor2, preStor3,pretopwater], # prev storage
[self.var.w1[No], self.var.w2[No], self.var.w3[No],self.var.topwater],
"Soil_1_"+str(No), False)
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
[self.var.availWaterInfiltration[No], self.var.act_irrConsumption[No]], # In
[self.var.directRunoff[No], self.var.interflow[No],self.var.gwRecharge[No],
self.var.actTransTotal[No], self.var.actBareSoilEvap[No], self.var.openWaterEvap[No]], # Out
[ preStor1, preStor2, preStor3,pretopwater], # prev storage
[self.var.w1[No], self.var.w2[No], self.var.w3[No],self.var.topwater],
"Soil_2", False)
# openWaterEvap in because it is taken from availWater directly, out because it taken out immediatly. It is not a soil process indeed
if option['calcWaterBalance']:
[self.var.availWaterInfiltration[No], self.var.act_irrConsumption[No],self.var.snowEvap, self.var.iceEvap, self.var.interceptEvap[No]], # In
[self.var.directRunoff[No], self.var.interflow[No],self.var.gwRecharge[No],
self.var.actualET[No]], # Out
[preStor1, preStor2, preStor3,pretopwater], # prev storage
[self.var.w1[No], self.var.w2[No], self.var.w3[No],self.var.topwater],
"Soil_AllSoil", False)