# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name: Snow module
# Purpose:
# Author: PB
# Created: 13/07/2016
# Copyright: (c) PB 2016
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
from cwatm.management_modules.data_handling import *
[docs]class snow_frost(object):
Domain: snow calculations evaluated for center points of up to 7 sub-pixel
snow zones 1 -7 which each occupy a part of the pixel surface
Variables *snow* and *rain* at end of this module are the pixel-average snowfall and rain
**Global variables**
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
Variable [self.var] Description Unit
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
load_initial Settings initLoad holds initial conditions for variables input
fracGlacierCover --
DtDay seconds in a timestep (default=86400) s
Precipitation Precipitation (input for the model) m
Tavg Input, average air Temperature K
SnowMelt total snow melt from all layers m
Rain Precipitation less snow m
prevSnowCover snow cover of previous day (only for water balance) m
SnowCover snow cover (sum over all layers) m
ElevationStD --
numberSnowLayersFloat --
numberSnowLayers Number of snow layers (up to 10) --
glaciertransportZone Number of layers which can be mimiced as glacier transport zone --
deltaInvNorm Quantile of the normal distribution (for different numbers of snow lay --
frac_snow_redistribution --
DeltaTSnow Temperature lapse rate x std. deviation of elevation °C
SnowDayDegrees day of the year to degrees: 360/365.25 = 0.9856 --
SeasonalSnowMeltSin --
excludeGlacierArea --
summerSeasonStart day when summer season starts = 165 --
IceDayDegrees days of summer (15th June-15th Sept.) to degree: 180/(259-165) --
SnowSeason seasonal melt factor m (Ce
TempSnowLow Temperature below which all precipitation is snow °C
TempSnowHigh Temperature above which all precipitation is rain °C
TempSnow Average temperature at which snow melts °C
SnowFactor Multiplier applied to precipitation that falls as snow --
SnowMeltCoef Snow melt coefficient - default: 0.004 --
IceMeltCoef Ice melt coefficnet - default 0.007 --
TempMelt Average temperature at which snow melts °C
SnowCoverS snow cover for each layer m
Kfrost Snow depth reduction coefficient, (HH, p. 7.28) m-1
Afrost Daily decay coefficient, (Handbook of Hydrology, p. 7.28) --
FrostIndexThreshold Degree Days Frost Threshold (stops infiltration, percolation and capil --
SnowWaterEquivalent Snow water equivalent, (based on snow density of 450 kg/m3) (e.g. Tarb --
FrostIndex FrostIndex - Molnau and Bissel (1983), A Continuous Frozen Ground Inde --
extfrostindex Flag for second frostindex --
FrostIndexThreshold2 FrostIndex2 - Molnau and Bissel (1983), A Continuous Frozen Ground Ind --
frostInd1 forstindex 1 --
frostInd2 frostindex 2 --
frostindexS array for frostindex --
Snow Snow (equal to a part of Precipitation) m
snow_redistributed_previous --
SnowM1 --
IceM1 --
fracVegCover Fraction of specific land covers (0=forest, 1=grasslands, etc.) %
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
def __init__(self, model):
self.var = model.var
self.model = model
[docs] def initial(self):
Initial part of the snow and frost module
* loads all the parameters for the day-degree approach for rain, snow and snowmelt
* loads the parameter for frost
self.var.numberSnowLayersFloat = loadmap('NumberSnowLayers') # default 3
self.var.numberSnowLayers = int(self.var.numberSnowLayersFloat)
self.var.glaciertransportZone = int(loadmap('GlacierTransportZone')) # default 1 -> highest zone is transported to middle zone
# Difference between (average) air temperature at average elevation of
# pixel and centers of upper- and lower elevation zones [deg C]
# ElevationStD: Standard Deviation of the DEM
# 0.9674: Quantile of the normal distribution: u(0,833)=0.9674 to split the pixel in 3 equal parts.
# for different number of layers
# Number: 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ,8, 9, 10
dn = {}
dn[1] = np.array([0])
dn[2] = np.array([-0.67448975, 0.67448975])
dn[3] = np.array([-0.96742157, 0., 0.96742157])
dn[5] = np.array([-1.28155157, -0.52440051, 0., 0.52440051, 1.28155157])
dn[7] = np.array([-1.46523379, -0.79163861, -0.36610636, 0., 0.36610636,0.79163861, 1.46523379])
dn[9] = np.array([-1.59321882, -0.96742157, -0.5894558 , -0.28221615, 0., 0.28221615, 0.5894558 , 0.96742157, 1.59321882])
dn[10] = np.array([-1.64485363, -1.03643339, -0.67448975, -0.38532047, -0.12566135, 0.12566135, 0.38532047, 0.67448975, 1.03643339, 1.64485363])
#divNo = 1./float(self.var.numberSnowLayers)
#deltaNorm = np.linspace(divNo/2, 1-divNo/2, self.var.numberSnowLayers)
#self.var.deltaInvNorm = norm.ppf(deltaNorm)
self.var.deltaInvNorm = dn[self.var.numberSnowLayers]
self.var.ElevationStD = loadmap('ElevationStD')
# max_frac_snow_redistriution = 0.5
# max_ELevationStD = 1500
min_ElevationStD_snow_redistr = 100
# 0.46 is the maximum fraction that can be redistributed if snow density is assumed to be 350kg/m3 according to eq. 13 in Frey & Holzmann (2015)
# this fraction has to be multiplied with the slope, highest slope is 90 degrees
# the mean slope of each grid cell is the mean of all slopes of the 3'' SRTM DEM
# the maximum fraction that can be redistributed if snow density is assumed to be 200kg/m3 according to eq. 13 in Frey & Holzmann (2015) is 0.35
slope_degrees = np.degrees(np.arctan(loadmap('tanslope')))
self.var.frac_snow_redistribution = np.maximum(0.35 * slope_degrees / 90, globals.inZero)
self.var.DeltaTSnow = self.var.ElevationStD * loadmap('TemperatureLapseRate')
self.var.SnowDayDegrees = 0.9856
#to get the seasonal cycle in snow melt coefficient, value is 81 (263) for northern (southern) hemisphere
if 'SeasonalSnowMeltSin' in binding:
self.var.SeasonalSnowMeltSin = loadmap('SeasonalSnowMeltSin')
self.var.excludeGlacierArea = False
if "excludeGlacierArea" in option:
self.var.excludeGlacierArea = checkOption('excludeGlacierArea')
# day of the year to degrees: 360/365.25 = 0.9856
self.var.summerSeasonStart = 165
#self.var.IceDayDegrees = 1.915
self.var.IceDayDegrees = 180./(259- self.var.summerSeasonStart)
# days of summer (15th June-15th Sept.) to degree: 180/(259-165)
self.var.SnowSeason = loadmap('SnowSeasonAdj') * 0.5
# default value of range of seasonal melt factor is set to 0.001 m C-1 day-1
# 0.5 x range of sinus function [-1,1]
if 'TempSnowLow' in binding:
self.var.TempSnowLow = loadmap('TempSnowLow')
self.var.TempSnowHigh = loadmap('TempSnowHigh')
self.var.TempSnow = loadmap('TempSnow')
self.var.SnowFactor = loadmap('SnowFactor')
self.var.SnowMeltCoef = loadmap('SnowMeltCoef')
self.var.IceMeltCoef = loadmap('IceMeltCoef')
self.var.TempMelt = loadmap('TempMelt')
# initialize as many snow covers as snow layers -> read them as SnowCover1 , SnowCover2 ...
# SnowCover1 is the highest zone
self.var.SnowCoverS = []
for i in range(self.var.numberSnowLayers):
self.var.SnowCoverS.append(self.var.load_initial("SnowCover",number = i+1))
# initial snow depth in elevation zones A, B, and C, respectively [mm]
self.var.SnowCover = np.sum(self.var.SnowCoverS,axis=0) / self.var.numberSnowLayersFloat + globals.inZero
# Pixel-average initial snow cover: average of values in 3 elevation
# zones
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initial part of frost index
self.var.Kfrost = loadmap('Kfrost')
self.var.Afrost = loadmap('Afrost')
self.var.FrostIndexThreshold = loadmap('FrostIndexThreshold')
self.var.SnowWaterEquivalent = loadmap('SnowWaterEquivalent')
self.var.FrostIndex = self.var.load_initial('FrostIndex')
self.var.extfrostindex = False
if "morefrost" in binding:
self.var.extfrostindex = returnBool('morefrost')
self.var.FrostIndexThreshold2 = loadmap('FrostIndexThreshold2')
self.var.frostInd1 = globals.inZero
self.var.frostInd2 = globals.inZero
self.var.frostindexS = []
for i in range(self.var.numberSnowLayers):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dynamic(self):
Dynamic part of the snow module
Distinguish between rain/snow and calculates snow melt and glacier melt
The equation is a modification of:
Speers, D.D., Versteeg, J.D. (1979) Runoff forecasting for reservoir operations - the pastand the future. In: Proceedings 52nd Western Snow Conference, 149-156
Frost index in soil [degree days] based on:
Molnau and Bissel (1983, A Continuous Frozen Ground Index for Flood Forecasting. In: Maidment, Handbook of Hydrology, p. 7.28, 7.55)
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
self.var.prevSnowCover = self.var.SnowCover
# sinus shaped function between the
# annual minimum (December 21st) and annual maximum (June 21st) for the northern hemisphere
# annual maximum (December 21st) and annual minimum (June 21st) for the northern hemisphere
if 'SeasonalSnowMeltSin' in binding:
SnowMeltCycle = np.sin(np.radians((dateVar['doy'] - self.var.SeasonalSnowMeltSin)
* self.var.SnowDayDegrees))
SeasSnowMeltCoef = self.var.SnowSeason * SnowMeltCycle + self.var.SnowMeltCoef
# IceMelt is adjusted to account for southern hemisphere
# for northern hemisphere Icemelt can occur between doy 166 and doy 256
# for southern hemisphere Icemelt can occur between doy 348 and doy 73
# amplitude and curve shape are the same
SummerSeason = np.sin(
math.radians((dateVar['doy'] - self.var.summerSeasonStart) * self.var.SnowDayDegrees * 2))
SummerSeason = np.where(SummerSeason < 0 or SnowMeltCycle < 0, globals.inZero, SummerSeason)
SeasSnowMeltCoef = self.var.SnowSeason * np.sin(math.radians((dateVar['doy'] - 81)
* self.var.SnowDayDegrees)) + self.var.SnowMeltCoef
if (dateVar['doy'] > self.var.summerSeasonStart) and (dateVar['doy'] < 260):
SummerSeason = np.sin(math.radians((dateVar['doy'] - self.var.summerSeasonStart) * self.var.IceDayDegrees))
SummerSeason = 0.0
self.var.Snow = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.Rain = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.SnowMelt = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.IceMelt = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.SnowCover = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.snow_redistributed_previous = globals.inZero.copy()
#get number of elevation zones with forest
#assume forest is most present at lowest location
nr_frac_forest = self.var.numberSnowLayers - np.round(self.var.fracVegCover[0] / (1 / self.var.numberSnowLayers)) - 1
if self.var.excludeGlacierArea:
current_fracGlacierCover = self.var.fracGlacierCover #percentage area of each layer
# elev_red = 5
# current_fracGlacierCover = self.var.fracGlacierCover / elev_red
#substract glacier area from highest areas
#loops through snow layers from highest to lowest
#the capacity depends on the fraction of forest or grassland
for i in range(self.var.numberSnowLayers):
TavgS = self.var.Tavg + self.var.DeltaTSnow * self.var.deltaInvNorm[i]
# Temperature at center of each zone (temperature at zone B equals Tavg)
# i=0 -> highest zone
# i=2 -> lower zone
if 'TempSnowLow' in binding:
#fraction of solid precipitation maximum 1, minimum 0
frac_solid = np.clip(1 - (TavgS - self.var.TempSnowLow) / (self.var.TempSnowHigh - self.var.TempSnowLow), 0, 1)
SnowS = frac_solid * self.var.SnowFactor * self.var.Precipitation
RainS = (1 - frac_solid) * self.var.Precipitation
SnowS = np.where(TavgS < self.var.TempSnow, self.var.SnowFactor * self.var.Precipitation,
# Precipitation is assumed to be snow if daily average temperature is below TempSnow
# Snow is multiplied by correction factor to account for undercatch of
# snow precipitation (which is common)
RainS = np.where(TavgS >= self.var.TempSnow, self.var.Precipitation, globals.inZero)
#if SWE higher than 1m it is assumed that this is unrealistic, therefore it will be melted faster to avoid
#snow accumulation (similar to implementation in WaterGAP)
if np.any(self.var.SnowCoverS[i] >= 1):
# the temperature of the lowest elevation zone is used for melting
# this will result in an increase in temp for every elevation zone in the grid cell
# this change in temp will only become relevant if T > TempMelt
TavgHighSWE = self.var.Tavg + self.var.DeltaTSnow * self.var.deltaInvNorm[-1]
SnowMeltNormal = (TavgS - self.var.TempMelt) * SeasSnowMeltCoef * (1 + 0.01 * RainS) * self.var.DtDay
SnowMeltHighSWE = (TavgHighSWE - self.var.TempMelt) * SeasSnowMeltCoef * (1 + 0.01 * RainS) * self.var.DtDay
SnowMeltS = np.where(self.var.SnowCoverS[i] < 1, SnowMeltNormal, SnowMeltHighSWE)
SnowMeltS = (TavgS - self.var.TempMelt) * SeasSnowMeltCoef * (1 + 0.01 * RainS) * self.var.DtDay
SnowMeltS = np.maximum(SnowMeltS, globals.inZero)
# for which layer the ice melt is calculated with the middle temp.
# for the others it is calculated with the corrected temp
# this is to mimic glacier transport to lower zones
if i <= self.var.glaciertransportZone:
IceMeltS = self.var.Tavg * self.var.IceMeltCoef * self.var.DtDay * SummerSeason
# if i = 0 and 1 -> higher and middle zone
# Ice melt coeff in m/C/deg
IceMeltS = TavgS * self.var.IceMeltCoef * self.var.DtDay * SummerSeason
IceMeltS = np.maximum(IceMeltS, globals.inZero)
SnowIceMeltS = np.maximum(np.minimum(SnowMeltS + IceMeltS, self.var.SnowCoverS[i]), globals.inZero)
IceMeltS = np.maximum(SnowIceMeltS - SnowMeltS, globals.inZero)
SnowMeltS = np.maximum(SnowIceMeltS - IceMeltS, globals.inZero)
# check if snow+ice not bigger than snowcover
self.var.SnowCoverS[i] = self.var.SnowCoverS[i] + SnowS - SnowIceMeltS
#snow redistribution inspired by Frey and Holzmann (2015) doi:10.5194/hess-19-4517-2015
#if snow cover higher than snow holding capacity redistribution
# get the thresholds for the snow based on the snow density and snow depth values in Frey and Holzmann (2015)
#capacity of forest 2.5m snow cover, assumed snow density 250kg/m3: 0.25 * 1000 * 2.5 / 1000
# capacity of other land cover 0.25m snow cover, assumed snow density 250kg/m3: 0.25 * 1000 * 0.25 / 1000
#but only for cells with std above 100m
swe_forest = 0.625
swe_other = 0.0625
# snow capacity depends on whether there is frost cover in the elevation zone
snowcapacity = np.where(i <= nr_frac_forest, swe_other, swe_forest)
# where snow cover is higher than capacity, a fraction of snow will be redistributed
snow_redistributed = np.where(self.var.SnowCoverS[i] > snowcapacity, self.var.frac_snow_redistribution * self.var.SnowCoverS[i], 0)
# the lowest elevation zone cannot redistribute snow
if i == self.var.numberSnowLayers - 1:
snow_redistributed = globals.inZero
# the current snow cover will be reduced by the amount of snow that is redistributed
# the redistributed snow from higher elevation zone will be added
self.var.SnowCoverS[i] = self.var.SnowCoverS[i] - snow_redistributed + self.var.snow_redistributed_previous
# redistributed snow will be added to next elevation zone in next loop
self.var.snow_redistributed_previous = snow_redistributed
# here outputs are just summed up because equal distribution across elevation zones
# when glaciers are included the higher elevations should play less of a role
if self.var.excludeGlacierArea:
# the weight is the fraction of current elevation zone that is not covered by glacier
# the glacier is subtracted from the highest elevation zone first
weight = 1 / self.var.numberSnowLayers - current_fracGlacierCover
# the fraction of glacier cover is decreased by fraction that is covered by glacier in current elevation zone
current_fracGlacierCover = np.where(weight > 0, 0, abs(weight))
#weight below zero is set to zero
weight[weight < 0] = 0
assert (weight >= 0).all()
self.var.Snow += SnowS * weight
self.var.Rain += RainS * weight
self.var.SnowMelt += SnowMeltS * weight
self.var.IceMelt += IceMeltS * weight
self.var.SnowCover += self.var.SnowCoverS[i] * weight
self.var.Snow += SnowS
self.var.Rain += RainS
self.var.SnowMelt += SnowMeltS
self.var.IceMelt += IceMeltS
self.var.SnowCover += self.var.SnowCoverS[i]
if self.var.extfrostindex:
Kfrost = np.where(TavgS < 0, 0.08, 0.5)
FrostIndexChangeRate = -(1 - self.var.Afrost) * self.var.frostindexS[i] - TavgS *\
np.exp(-0.4 * 100 * Kfrost * np.minimum(1.0, self.var.SnowCoverS[i] / self.var.SnowWaterEquivalent))
self.var.frostindexS[i] = np.maximum(self.var.frostindexS[i] + FrostIndexChangeRate * self.var.DtDay, 0)
if self.var.extfrostindex:
if dateVar['curr'] >= dateVar['intSpin']:
for i in range(self.var.numberSnowLayers):
self.var.frostInd1 = np.where(self.var.frostindexS[i] > self.var.FrostIndexThreshold, self.var.frostInd1 + 1/ float(self.var.numberSnowLayers), self.var.frostInd1)
self.var.frostInd2 = np.where(self.var.frostindexS[i] > self.var.FrostIndexThreshold2, self.var.frostInd2 + 1/ float(self.var.numberSnowLayers), self.var.frostInd2)
if dateVar['currDate'] == dateVar['dateEnd']:
self.var.frostInd1 = self.var.frostInd1 / float(dateVar['diffdays'])
self.var.frostInd2 = self.var.frostInd2 / float(dateVar['diffdays'])
if not self.var.excludeGlacierArea:
self.var.Snow /= self.var.numberSnowLayersFloat
self.var.Rain /= self.var.numberSnowLayersFloat
self.var.SnowMelt /= self.var.numberSnowLayersFloat
self.var.IceMelt /= self.var.numberSnowLayersFloat
self.var.SnowCover /= self.var.numberSnowLayersFloat
# all in pixel
# DEBUG Snow
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
[self.var.Snow], # In
[self.var.SnowMelt, self.var.IceMelt], # Out
[self.var.prevSnowCover], # prev storage
"Snow1", False)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Dynamic part of frost index
self.var.Kfrost = np.where(self.var.Tavg < 0, 0.08, 0.5)
FrostIndexChangeRate = -(1 - self.var.Afrost) * self.var.FrostIndex - self.var.Tavg * \
np.exp(-0.4 * 100 * self.var.Kfrost * np.minimum(1.0,self.var.SnowCover / self.var.SnowWaterEquivalent))
# Rate of change of frost index (expressed as rate, [degree days/day])
self.var.FrostIndex = np.maximum(self.var.FrostIndex + FrostIndexChangeRate * self.var.DtDay, 0)
# frost index in soil [degree days] based on Molnau and Bissel (1983, A Continuous Frozen Ground Index for Flood
# Forecasting. In: Maidment, Handbook of Hydrology, p. 7.28, 7.55)
# if Tavg is above zero, FrostIndex will stay 0
# if Tavg is negative, FrostIndex will increase with 1 per degree C per day
# Exponent of 0.04 (instead of 0.4 in HoH): conversion [cm] to [mm]! -> from cm to m HERE -> 100 * 0.4
# maximum snowlayer = 1.0 m
# Division by SnowDensity because SnowDepth is expressed as equivalent water depth(always less than depth of snow pack)
# SnowWaterEquivalent taken as 0.45
# Afrost, (daily decay coefficient) is taken as 0.97 (Handbook of Hydrology, p. 7.28)
# Kfrost, (snow depth reduction coefficient) is taken as 0.57 [1/cm], (HH, p. 7.28) -> from Molnau taken as 0.5 for t> 0 and 0.08 for T<0
if self.var.extfrostindex:
if dateVar['curr'] >= dateVar['intSpin']:
self.var.frostInd1 = np.where(self.var.FrostIndex > self.var.FrostIndexThreshold, self.var.frostInd1 +1., self.var.frostInd1)
self.var.frostInd2 = np.where(self.var.FrostIndex > 84., self.var.frostInd2 +1., self.var.frostInd2)
if dateVar['currDate'] == dateVar['dateEnd']:
self.var.frostInd1 = self.var.frostInd1 / float(dateVar['diffdays'])
self.var.frostInd2 = self.var.frostInd2 / float(dateVar['diffdays'])
ii = 1