# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name: runoff concentration module
# Purpose: this is the part between runoff generation and routing
# for each gridcell and for each land cover class the generated runoff is concentrated at a corner of a gridcell
# this concentration needs some lag-time (and peak time) and leads to diffusion
# lag-time/ peak time is calculated using slope, length and land cover class
# diffusion is calculated using a triangular-weighting-function
# Author: PB
# Created: 16/12/2016
# Copyright: (c) PB 2016
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
from cwatm.management_modules.data_handling import *
[docs]class runoff_concentration(object):
Runoff concentration
this is the part between runoff generation and routing
for each gridcell and for each land cover class the generated runoff is concentrated at a corner of a gridcell
this concentration needs some lag-time (and peak time) and leads to diffusion
lag-time/ peak time is calculated using slope, length and land cover class
diffusion is calculated using a triangular-weighting-function
:math:`Q(t) = sum_{i=0}^{max} c(i) * Q_{\mathrm{GW}} (t - i + 1)`
where :math:`c(i) = \int_{i-1}^{i} {2 \over{max}} - | u - {max \over {2}} | * {4 \over{max^2}} du`
see also:
**Global variables**
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
Variable [self.var] Description Unit
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
load_initial Settings initLoad holds initial conditions for variables input
leakageIntoRunoff Canal leakage leading to runoff m
fracGlacierCover --
sum_interflow --
cellArea Area of cell m2
coverTypes land cover types - forest - grassland - irrPaddy - irrNonPaddy - water --
runoff --
includeGlaciers --
includeOnlyGlaciersMelt --
GlacierMelt --
GlacierRain --
runoff_peak peak time of runoff in seconds for each land use class s
tpeak_interflow peak time of interflow s
tpeak_baseflow peak time of baseflow s
tpeak_glaciers --
maxtime_runoff_conc maximum time till all flow is at the outlet s
runoff_conc runoff after concentration - triangular-weighting method m
gridcell_storage --
sum_landSurfaceRunoff Runoff concentration above the soil more interflow including all landc m
landSurfaceRunoff Runoff concentration above the soil more interflow m
directRunoffGlacier --
directRunoff Simulated surface runoff m
interflow Simulated flow reaching runoff instead of groundwater m
baseflow simulated baseflow (= groundwater discharge to river) m
fracVegCover Fraction of specific land covers (0=forest, 1=grasslands, etc.) %
prergridcell --
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
def __init__(self, model):
self.var = model.var
self.model = model
[docs] def initial(self):
Initial part of the runoff concentration module
Setting the peak time for:
* surface runoff = 3
* interflow = 4
* baseflow = 5
based on the slope the concentration time for each land cover type is calculated
only if option **includeRunoffConcentration** is TRUE
if checkOption('includeRunoffConcentration'):
# --- Topography -----------------------------------------------------
tanslope = loadmap('tanslope')
# setting slope >= 0.00001 to prevent 0 value
tanslope = np.maximum(tanslope, 0.00001)
# Natural Resources Conservation Service TR55 - upland method
# T lag = 0.6 T conc = 0.6 * Flowlength / (60* Velocity); V = K * Slope^0.5
# K paved = 6, k forest = 0.3, grass = 0.6
# time to peak in days
tpeak = 0.5 + 0.6 * 50000.0 / (1440.0 * 60 * np.power(tanslope,0.5))
self.var.coverTypes= list(map(str.strip, cbinding("coverTypes").split(",")))
# /\ peak time for concentrated runoff
# / \
# ---*--
#landcoverAll = ['runoff_peak']
#for variable in landcoverAll: vars(self.var)[variable] = np.tile(globals.inZero, (6, 1))
# Load run off concentration coefficient
# for calibration a general runoff concentration factor is loaded
runoffConc_factor = loadmap('runoffConc_factor')
i = 0
self.var.runoff_peak = []
max = globals.inZero
for coverType in self.var.coverTypes:
tpeak_cover = runoffConc_factor * tpeak * loadmap(coverType + "_runoff_peaktime")
tpeak_cover = np.minimum(np.maximum(tpeak_cover, 0.5,),3.0)
if "coverType" == "water": tpeak_cover = 0.5
#tpeak_cover = 0.5
max = np.where(self.var.runoff_peak[i] > max, self.var.runoff_peak[i], max)
i += 1
# /\ maximal timestep for concentrated runoff
# / \
# ------*
self.var.tpeak_interflow = runoffConc_factor * tpeak * loadmap("interflow_runoff_peaktime")
#self.var.tpeak_interflow = 0.5
self.var.tpeak_interflow = np.minimum(np.maximum(self.var.tpeak_interflow, 0.5, ), 4.0)
self.var.tpeak_baseflow = runoffConc_factor * tpeak * loadmap("baseflow_runoff_peaktime")
#self.var.tpeak_baseflow = 0.5
self.var.tpeak_baseflow = np.minimum(np.maximum(self.var.tpeak_baseflow, 0.5, ), 5.0)
self.var.includeGlaciers = False
if 'includeGlaciers' in option:
self.var.includeGlaciers = checkOption('includeGlaciers')
if 'includeOnlyGlaciersMelt' in option:
self.var.includeOnlyGlaciersMelt = checkOption('includeOnlyGlaciersMelt')
if self.var.includeGlaciers:
self.var.tpeak_glaciers = runoffConc_factor * tpeak * loadmap("glaciers_runoff_peaktime")
self.var.tpeak_glaciers = np.minimum(np.maximum(self.var.tpeak_glaciers, 0.5,),3.0)
max = np.where(self.var.tpeak_baseflow > max, self.var.tpeak_baseflow, max)
self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc = int(np.ceil(2 * np.amax(max)))
max = 10
if self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc > 10: max = self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc
# array with concentrated runoff
#self.var.runoff_conc = np.tile(globals.inZero, (self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc, 1))
self.var.runoff_conc = []
#self.var.runoff_conc = np.tile(globals.inZero, (self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc, 1))
self.var.runoff_conc = np.tile(globals.inZero,(max,1))
for i in range(self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc):
self.var.runoff_conc[i] = self.var.load_initial("runoff_conc", number = i+1)
self.var.gridcell_storage = np.sum(self.var.runoff_conc[:],0)
self.var.gridcell_storage = 0
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dynamic(self):
Dynamic part of the runoff concentration module
For surface runoff for each land cover class and for interflow and for baseflow the
runoff concentration time is calculated
the time demanding part is calculated in a c++ library
def runoff_concentration(lagtime, peak, fraction,flow, flow_conc):
Part which is transferred to C++ for computational speed
:param lagtime:
:param peak:
:param fraction:
:param flow:
:param flow_conc:
areaFractionOld = 0.0
div = 2 * np.power(peak, 2)
for lag in range(lagtime):
lag1 = np.float(lag + 1)
lag1alt = 2 * peak - lag1
area = np.power(lag1, 2) / div
areaAlt = 1 - np.power(lag1alt, 2) / div
areaFractionSum = np.where(lag1 <= peak, area + globals.inZero, areaAlt + globals.inZero)
areaFractionSum = np.where(lag1alt > 0, areaFractionSum, 1.0 + globals.inZero)
areaFraction = areaFractionSum - areaFractionOld
areaFractionOld = areaFractionSum.copy()
flow_conc[lag] += fraction * flow * areaFraction
return flow_conc
self.var.sum_landSurfaceRunoff = globals.inZero.copy()
for No in range(6):
#self.var.sum_directRunoff += self.var.fracVegCover[No] * self.var.directRunoff[No]
self.var.landSurfaceRunoff[No] = self.var.directRunoff[No] + self.var.interflow[No]
self.var.sum_landSurfaceRunoff += self.var.fracVegCover[No] * self.var.landSurfaceRunoff[No]
self.var.runoff = self.var.sum_landSurfaceRunoff + self.var.baseflow + self.var.leakageIntoRunoff
if self.var.includeGlaciers:
#from m3/d to m/d by dividing by the cell area
if self.var.includeOnlyGlaciersMelt:
self.var.directRunoffGlacier = np.divide(self.var.GlacierMelt,
(self.var.cellArea * self.var.fracGlacierCover),
where=(self.var.cellArea * self.var.fracGlacierCover) != 0)
self.var.GlacierMelt = self.var.GlacierMelt / self.var.cellArea
self.var.runoff += self.var.GlacierMelt
self.var.directRunoffGlacier = np.divide(self.var.GlacierMelt + self.var.GlacierRain, (self.var.cellArea * self.var.fracGlacierCover), out=np.zeros_like(self.var.GlacierMelt), where=(self.var.cellArea * self.var.fracGlacierCover) != 0)
self.var.GlacierMelt = self.var.GlacierMelt / self.var.cellArea
self.var.GlacierRain = self.var.GlacierRain / self.var.cellArea
self.var.runoff += self.var.GlacierMelt + self.var.GlacierRain
if checkOption('includeRunoffConcentration'):
# -------------------------------------------------------
# runoff concentration: triangular-weighting method
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
self.var.prergridcell = self.var.gridcell_storage.copy()
# shifting array
self.var.runoff_conc = np.roll(self.var.runoff_conc, -1,axis=0)
self.var.runoff_conc[self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc-1] = globals.inZero
for No in range(6):
#self.var.runoff_conc = runoff_concentration(self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc,self.var.runoff_peak[No],self.var.fracVegCover[No] ,self.var.directRunoff[No], self.var.runoff_conc)
lib2.runoffConc(self.var.runoff_conc, self.var.runoff_peak[No],self.var.fracVegCover[No] ,self.var.directRunoff[No],self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc,maskinfo['mapC'][0])
# glacier melt time of concentration
if self.var.includeGlaciers:
lib2.runoffConc(self.var.runoff_conc, self.var.tpeak_glaciers, self.var.fracGlacierCover, self.var.directRunoffGlacier, self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc, maskinfo['mapC'][0])
# interflow time of concentration
#self.var.runoff_conc = runoff_concentration(self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc, self.var.tpeak_interflow, 1.0, self.var.sum_interflow, self.var.runoff_conc)
lib2.runoffConc(self.var.runoff_conc, self.var.tpeak_interflow,globals.inZero +1 ,self.var.sum_interflow,self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc,maskinfo['mapC'][0])
#self.var.sum_landSurfaceRunoff = self.var.runoff_conc[0].copy()
# baseflow time of concentration
self.var.baseflow = self.var.baseflow.astype(np.float64)
lib2.runoffConc(self.var.runoff_conc, self.var.tpeak_baseflow,globals.inZero +1 ,self.var.baseflow,self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc,maskinfo['mapC'][0])
#self.var.baseflow = self.var.runoff_conc[0] - self.var.sum_landSurfaceRunoff
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --- from routing module -------
# runoff from landSurface cells (unit: m)
# storage in each grid cell. Total runoff - runoff for the timestep
self.var.gridcell_storage = self.var.gridcell_storage - self.var.runoff_conc[0] + self.var.runoff
sumnewrunoff = self.var.runoff.copy()
self.var.runoff = self.var.runoff_conc[0].copy()
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
[sumnewrunoff], # In
[self.var.runoff_conc[0]], # Out
[self.var.prergridcell], # prev storage
"runoff-conc1", False)
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
[self.var.sum_landSurfaceRunoff, self.var.baseflow], # In
[self.var.runoff_conc[0]], # Out
[self.var.prergridcell], # prev storage
"runoff-conc2", False)