Source code for cwatm.hydrological_modules.runoff_concentration

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name:        runoff concentration module
# Purpose:	   this is the part between runoff generation and routing
#              for each gridcell and for each land cover class the generated runoff is concentrated at a corner of a gridcell
#              this concentration needs some lag-time (and peak time) and leads to diffusion
#              lag-time/ peak time is calculated using slope, length and land cover class
#              diffusion is calculated using a triangular-weighting-function
# Author:      PB
# Created:     16/12/2016
# Copyright:   (c) PB 2016
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from cwatm.management_modules.data_handling import *

[docs]class runoff_concentration(object): """ Runoff concentration this is the part between runoff generation and routing for each gridcell and for each land cover class the generated runoff is concentrated at a corner of a gridcell this concentration needs some lag-time (and peak time) and leads to diffusion lag-time/ peak time is calculated using slope, length and land cover class diffusion is calculated using a triangular-weighting-function :math:`Q(t) = sum_{i=0}^{max} c(i) * Q_{\mathrm{GW}} (t - i + 1)` where :math:`c(i) = \int_{i-1}^{i} {2 \over{max}} - | u - {max \over {2}} | * {4 \over{max^2}} du` see also: **Global variables** ===================================== ====================================================================== ===== Variable [self.var] Description Unit ===================================== ====================================================================== ===== load_initial Settings initLoad holds initial conditions for variables input leakageIntoRunoff Canal leakage leading to runoff m fracGlacierCover -- sum_interflow -- cellArea Area of cell m2 coverTypes land cover types - forest - grassland - irrPaddy - irrNonPaddy - water -- runoff -- includeGlaciers -- includeOnlyGlaciersMelt -- GlacierMelt -- GlacierRain -- runoff_peak peak time of runoff in seconds for each land use class s tpeak_interflow peak time of interflow s tpeak_baseflow peak time of baseflow s tpeak_glaciers -- maxtime_runoff_conc maximum time till all flow is at the outlet s runoff_conc runoff after concentration - triangular-weighting method m gridcell_storage -- sum_landSurfaceRunoff Runoff concentration above the soil more interflow including all landc m landSurfaceRunoff Runoff concentration above the soil more interflow m directRunoffGlacier -- directRunoff Simulated surface runoff m interflow Simulated flow reaching runoff instead of groundwater m baseflow simulated baseflow (= groundwater discharge to river) m fracVegCover Fraction of specific land covers (0=forest, 1=grasslands, etc.) % prergridcell -- ===================================== ====================================================================== ===== **Functions** """ def __init__(self, model): self.var = model.var self.model = model
[docs] def initial(self): """ Initial part of the runoff concentration module Setting the peak time for: * surface runoff = 3 * interflow = 4 * baseflow = 5 based on the slope the concentration time for each land cover type is calculated Note: only if option **includeRunoffConcentration** is TRUE """ if checkOption('includeRunoffConcentration'): # --- Topography ----------------------------------------------------- tanslope = loadmap('tanslope') # setting slope >= 0.00001 to prevent 0 value tanslope = np.maximum(tanslope, 0.00001) # Natural Resources Conservation Service TR55 - upland method # T lag = 0.6 T conc = 0.6 * Flowlength / (60* Velocity); V = K * Slope^0.5 # K paved = 6, k forest = 0.3, grass = 0.6 # time to peak in days tpeak = 0.5 + 0.6 * 50000.0 / (1440.0 * 60 * np.power(tanslope,0.5)) self.var.coverTypes= list(map(str.strip, cbinding("coverTypes").split(","))) # /\ peak time for concentrated runoff # / \ # ---*-- #landcoverAll = ['runoff_peak'] #for variable in landcoverAll: vars(self.var)[variable] = np.tile(globals.inZero, (6, 1)) # Load run off concentration coefficient # for calibration a general runoff concentration factor is loaded runoffConc_factor = loadmap('runoffConc_factor') i = 0 self.var.runoff_peak = [] max = globals.inZero for coverType in self.var.coverTypes: tpeak_cover = runoffConc_factor * tpeak * loadmap(coverType + "_runoff_peaktime") tpeak_cover = np.minimum(np.maximum(tpeak_cover, 0.5,),3.0) if "coverType" == "water": tpeak_cover = 0.5 #tpeak_cover = 0.5 self.var.runoff_peak.append(tpeak_cover) max = np.where(self.var.runoff_peak[i] > max, self.var.runoff_peak[i], max) i += 1 # /\ maximal timestep for concentrated runoff # / \ # ------* self.var.tpeak_interflow = runoffConc_factor * tpeak * loadmap("interflow_runoff_peaktime") #self.var.tpeak_interflow = 0.5 self.var.tpeak_interflow = np.minimum(np.maximum(self.var.tpeak_interflow, 0.5, ), 4.0) self.var.tpeak_baseflow = runoffConc_factor * tpeak * loadmap("baseflow_runoff_peaktime") #self.var.tpeak_baseflow = 0.5 self.var.tpeak_baseflow = np.minimum(np.maximum(self.var.tpeak_baseflow, 0.5, ), 5.0) self.var.includeGlaciers = False if 'includeGlaciers' in option: self.var.includeGlaciers = checkOption('includeGlaciers') if 'includeOnlyGlaciersMelt' in option: self.var.includeOnlyGlaciersMelt = checkOption('includeOnlyGlaciersMelt') if self.var.includeGlaciers: self.var.tpeak_glaciers = runoffConc_factor * tpeak * loadmap("glaciers_runoff_peaktime") self.var.tpeak_glaciers = np.minimum(np.maximum(self.var.tpeak_glaciers, 0.5,),3.0) max = np.where(self.var.tpeak_baseflow > max, self.var.tpeak_baseflow, max) self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc = int(np.ceil(2 * np.amax(max))) max = 10 if self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc > 10: max = self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc # array with concentrated runoff #self.var.runoff_conc = np.tile(globals.inZero, (self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc, 1)) self.var.runoff_conc = [] #self.var.runoff_conc = np.tile(globals.inZero, (self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc, 1)) self.var.runoff_conc = np.tile(globals.inZero,(max,1)) for i in range(self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc): self.var.runoff_conc[i] = self.var.load_initial("runoff_conc", number = i+1) self.var.gridcell_storage = np.sum(self.var.runoff_conc[:],0) else: self.var.gridcell_storage = 0
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dynamic(self): """ Dynamic part of the runoff concentration module For surface runoff for each land cover class and for interflow and for baseflow the runoff concentration time is calculated Note: the time demanding part is calculated in a c++ library """ """ def runoff_concentration(lagtime, peak, fraction,flow, flow_conc): Part which is transferred to C++ for computational speed :param lagtime: :param peak: :param fraction: :param flow: :param flow_conc: :return: areaFractionOld = 0.0 div = 2 * np.power(peak, 2) for lag in range(lagtime): lag1 = np.float(lag + 1) lag1alt = 2 * peak - lag1 area = np.power(lag1, 2) / div areaAlt = 1 - np.power(lag1alt, 2) / div areaFractionSum = np.where(lag1 <= peak, area + globals.inZero, areaAlt + globals.inZero) areaFractionSum = np.where(lag1alt > 0, areaFractionSum, 1.0 + globals.inZero) areaFraction = areaFractionSum - areaFractionOld areaFractionOld = areaFractionSum.copy() flow_conc[lag] += fraction * flow * areaFraction return flow_conc """ self.var.sum_landSurfaceRunoff = globals.inZero.copy() for No in range(6): #self.var.sum_directRunoff += self.var.fracVegCover[No] * self.var.directRunoff[No] self.var.landSurfaceRunoff[No] = self.var.directRunoff[No] + self.var.interflow[No] self.var.sum_landSurfaceRunoff += self.var.fracVegCover[No] * self.var.landSurfaceRunoff[No] self.var.runoff = self.var.sum_landSurfaceRunoff + self.var.baseflow + self.var.leakageIntoRunoff if self.var.includeGlaciers: #from m3/d to m/d by dividing by the cell area if self.var.includeOnlyGlaciersMelt: self.var.directRunoffGlacier = np.divide(self.var.GlacierMelt, (self.var.cellArea * self.var.fracGlacierCover), out=np.zeros_like(self.var.GlacierMelt), where=(self.var.cellArea * self.var.fracGlacierCover) != 0) self.var.GlacierMelt = self.var.GlacierMelt / self.var.cellArea self.var.runoff += self.var.GlacierMelt else: self.var.directRunoffGlacier = np.divide(self.var.GlacierMelt + self.var.GlacierRain, (self.var.cellArea * self.var.fracGlacierCover), out=np.zeros_like(self.var.GlacierMelt), where=(self.var.cellArea * self.var.fracGlacierCover) != 0) self.var.GlacierMelt = self.var.GlacierMelt / self.var.cellArea self.var.GlacierRain = self.var.GlacierRain / self.var.cellArea self.var.runoff += self.var.GlacierMelt + self.var.GlacierRain #print(self.var.runoff) if checkOption('includeRunoffConcentration'): # ------------------------------------------------------- # runoff concentration: triangular-weighting method if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'): self.var.prergridcell = self.var.gridcell_storage.copy() # shifting array self.var.runoff_conc = np.roll(self.var.runoff_conc, -1,axis=0) self.var.runoff_conc[self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc-1] = globals.inZero for No in range(6): #self.var.runoff_conc = runoff_concentration(self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc,self.var.runoff_peak[No],self.var.fracVegCover[No] ,self.var.directRunoff[No], self.var.runoff_conc) lib2.runoffConc(self.var.runoff_conc, self.var.runoff_peak[No],self.var.fracVegCover[No] ,self.var.directRunoff[No],self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc,maskinfo['mapC'][0]) # glacier melt time of concentration if self.var.includeGlaciers: lib2.runoffConc(self.var.runoff_conc, self.var.tpeak_glaciers, self.var.fracGlacierCover, self.var.directRunoffGlacier, self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc, maskinfo['mapC'][0]) # interflow time of concentration #self.var.runoff_conc = runoff_concentration(self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc, self.var.tpeak_interflow, 1.0, self.var.sum_interflow, self.var.runoff_conc) lib2.runoffConc(self.var.runoff_conc, self.var.tpeak_interflow,globals.inZero +1 ,self.var.sum_interflow,self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc,maskinfo['mapC'][0]) #self.var.sum_landSurfaceRunoff = self.var.runoff_conc[0].copy() # baseflow time of concentration self.var.baseflow = self.var.baseflow.astype(np.float64) lib2.runoffConc(self.var.runoff_conc, self.var.tpeak_baseflow,globals.inZero +1 ,self.var.baseflow,self.var.maxtime_runoff_conc,maskinfo['mapC'][0]) #self.var.baseflow = self.var.runoff_conc[0] - self.var.sum_landSurfaceRunoff # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --- from routing module ------- # runoff from landSurface cells (unit: m) # storage in each grid cell. Total runoff - runoff for the timestep self.var.gridcell_storage = self.var.gridcell_storage - self.var.runoff_conc[0] + self.var.runoff sumnewrunoff = self.var.runoff.copy() self.var.runoff = self.var.runoff_conc[0].copy() if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'): self.model.waterbalance_module.waterBalanceCheck( [sumnewrunoff], # In [self.var.runoff_conc[0]], # Out [self.var.prergridcell], # prev storage [self.var.gridcell_storage], "runoff-conc1", False) if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'): self.model.waterbalance_module.waterBalanceCheck( [self.var.sum_landSurfaceRunoff, self.var.baseflow], # In [self.var.runoff_conc[0]], # Out [self.var.prergridcell], # prev storage [self.var.gridcell_storage], "runoff-conc2", False)