# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name: Routing module - Kinematic wave
# Purpose:
# Author: PB
# Created: 17/01/2017
# Copyright: (c) PB 2017
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
from cwatm.management_modules.data_handling import *
from cwatm.hydrological_modules.routing_reservoirs.routing_sub import *
from cwatm.hydrological_modules.lakes_reservoirs import *
[docs]class routing_kinematic(object):
routing using the kinematic wave
**Global variables**
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
Variable [self.var] Description Unit
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
modflow Flag: True if modflow_coupling = True in settings file --
load_initial Settings initLoad holds initial conditions for variables input
inflowM3 inflow to basin m3
Crops Internal: List of specific crops and Kc/Ky parameters --
waterBodyID lakes/reservoirs map with a single ID for each lake/reservoir --
dirUp river network in upstream direction --
dirupLen_LR number of bifurcation upstream lake/reservoir --
dirupID_LR index river upstream lake/reservoir --
dirDown_LR river network direktion downstream lake/reservoir --
lendirDown_LR number of river network connections lake/reservoir --
compress_LR boolean map as mask map for compressing lake/reservoir --
lakeArea area of each lake/reservoir m2
lakeEvaFactorC compressed map of a factor which increases evaporation from lake becau --
EvapWaterBodyM Evaporation from lakes and reservoirs m
lakeResInflowM --
lakeResOutflowM --
downstruct --
riverbedExchangeM3 --
sum_openWaterEvap --
cellArea Area of cell m2
DtSec number of seconds per timestep (default = 86400) s
ETRef potential evapotranspiration rate from reference crop m
EWRef potential evaporation rate from water surface m
QInM3Old Inflow from previous day m3
UpArea1 upstream area of a grid cell m2
lddCompress compressed river network (without missing values) --
lakeEvaFactor a factor which increases evaporation from lake because of wind --
dtRouting number of seconds per routing timestep s
evapWaterBodyC Compressed version of EvapWaterBodyM m
sumLakeEvapWaterBodyC --
noRoutingSteps --
sumResEvapWaterBodyC --
discharge Channel discharge m3/s
inflowDt --
prelakeResStorage --
catchmentAll --
sumsideflow --
EvapoChannel Channel evaporation m3
prechannelStorage --
chanLength Input, Channel length m
totalCrossSectionArea --
dirupLen --
dirupID --
catchment --
dirDown --
lendirDown --
UpArea --
beta --
chanMan Input, Channel Manning's roughness coefficient --
chanGrad --
chanWidth Input, Channel width m
chanDepth Input, Channel depth m
invbeta --
invchanLength --
invdtRouting --
totalCrossSectionAreaBankFull --
chanWettedPerimeterAlpha --
alpPower --
channelAlpha --
invchannelAlpha --
riverbedExchange --
Xcel --
QDelta --
dis_outlet --
humanConsumption --
humanUse --
natureUse --
ETRefAverage_segments --
precipEffectiveAverage_segments --
head_segments Simulated water level, averaged over adminSegments [masl] --
gwdepth_adjusted_segments Adjusted depth to groundwater table, averaged over adminSegments m
gwdepth_segments Groundwater depth, averaged over adminSegments m
adminSegments_area Spatial area of domestic agents m2
runoff --
openWaterEvap Simulated evaporation from open areas m
infiltration Water actually infiltrating the soil m
actTransTotal_paddy Transpiration from paddy land cover m
actTransTotal_nonpaddy Transpiration from non-paddy land cover m
actTransTotal_crops_nonIrr Transpiration associated with specific non-irr crops m
head Simulated ModFlow water level [masl] m
gwdepth_adjusted Adjusted depth to groundwater table m
gwdepth Depth to groundwater table m
fracVegCover Fraction of specific land covers (0=forest, 1=grasslands, etc.) %
adminSegments Domestic agents Int
lakeResStorage --
act_SurfaceWaterAbstract Surface water abstractions m
addtoevapotrans Irrigation application loss to evaporation m
act_irrWithdrawal Irrigation withdrawals m
act_nonIrrConsumption Non-irrigation consumption m
returnFlow --
act_nonIrrWithdrawal Non-irrigation withdrawals m
channelStorage Channel water storage m3
act_bigLakeResAbst Abstractions to satisfy demands from lakes and reservoirs m
act_smallLakeResAbst Abstractions from small lakes at demand location m
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
def __init__(self, model):
self.var = model.var
self.model = model
self.lakes_reservoirs_module = lakes_reservoirs(model)
[docs] def catchment(self, point):
Get the catchment from "global" LDD and a point
* load and create a river network
* calculate catchment upstream of point
ldd = loadmap('Ldd')
#self.var.lddCompress, dirshort, self.var.dirUp, self.var.dirupLen, self.var.dirupID, self.var.downstruct, self.var.catchment, self.var.dirDown, self.var.lendirDown = defLdd2(ldd)
# decompressing ldd from 1D -> 2D
dmap = maskinfo['maskall'].copy()
dmap[~maskinfo['maskflat']] = ldd[:]
ldd2D = dmap.reshape(maskinfo['shape']).astype(np.int64)
ldd2D[ldd2D.mask] = 0
# every cell gets an order starting from 0 ...
lddshortOrder = np.arange(maskinfo['mapC'][0])
# decompress this map to 2D
lddOrder = decompress(lddshortOrder)
lddOrder[maskinfo['mask']] = -1
lddOrder = np.array(lddOrder.data, dtype=np.int64)
dirshort = lddshort(ldd2D, lddOrder)
dirUp, dirupLen, dirupID = dirUpstream(dirshort)
c1 = catchment1(dirUp, point)
# decompressing catchment from 1D -> 2D
dmap = maskinfo['maskall'].copy()
dmap[~maskinfo['maskflat']] = c1[:]
c2 = dmap.reshape(maskinfo['shape']).astype(np.int64)
if np.max(c2) == 0:
return -1,-1,-1
c3 = np.where(c2 == 1)
d1, d2 = min(c3[0]), max(c3[0]+1)
d3, d4 = min(c3[1]), max(c3[1]+1)
c4 = c2[d1: d2, d3: d4]
return c4,d3,d1
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def initial(self):
Initial part of the routing module
* load and create a river network
* calculate river network parameter e.g. river length, width, depth, gradient etc.
* calculate initial filling
* calculate manning's roughness coefficient
ldd = loadmap('Ldd')
# l1 = decompress(ldd)
self.var.lddCompress, dirshort, self.var.dirUp, self.var.dirupLen, self.var.dirupID, self.var.downstruct, self.var.catchment, self.var.dirDown, self.var.lendirDown = defLdd2(ldd)
#self.var.ups = upstreamArea(dirDown, dirshort, self.var.cellArea)
self.var.UpArea1 = upstreamArea(self.var.dirDown, dirshort, globals.inZero + 1.0)
self.var.UpArea = upstreamArea(self.var.dirDown, dirshort, self.var.cellArea)
basin = False
if 'savebasinmap' in option:
basin = checkOption('savebasinmap')
if basin:
file = os.path.join(outDir[list(outDir)[-1]],"basin.tif")
print("\nBasin area map in: ", file)
file = os.path.join(outDir[list(outDir)[-1]],"ups.tif")
print("Upstream area map in: ", file)
# mannings roughness factor 0.1 - 10.0
manningsFactor = loadmap('manningsN')
# number of substep per day
self.var.noRoutingSteps = int(loadmap('NoRoutingSteps'))
# kinematic wave parameter: 0.6 is for broad sheet flow
self.var.beta = loadmap('chanBeta')
# Channel Manning's n
self.var.chanMan = loadmap('chanMan') * manningsFactor
# Channel gradient (fraction, dy/dx)
self.var.chanGrad = np.maximum(loadmap('chanGrad'), loadmap('chanGradMin'))
# Channel length [meters]
self.var.chanLength = loadmap('chanLength')
# Channel bottom width [meters]
self.var.chanWidth = loadmap('chanWidth')
# Bankfull channel depth [meters]
self.var.chanDepth = loadmap('chanDepth')
# Inverse of beta for kinematic wave
self.var.invbeta = 1 / self.var.beta
# Inverse of channel length [1/m]
self.var.invchanLength = 1 / self.var.chanLength
# Corresponding sub-timestep (seconds)
self.var.dtRouting = self.var.DtSec / self.var.noRoutingSteps
self.var.invdtRouting = 1 / self.var.dtRouting
# -----------------------------------------------
# ***** CHANNEL GEOMETRY ************************************
# Area (sq m) of bank full discharge cross section [m2]
self.var.totalCrossSectionAreaBankFull = self.var.chanDepth * self.var.chanWidth
# Cross-sectional area at half bankfull [m2]
# This can be used to initialise channel flow (see below)
#TotalCrossSectionAreaHalfBankFull = 0.5 * self.var.TotalCrossSectionAreaBankFull
# TotalCrossSectionAreaInitValue = loadmap('TotalCrossSectionAreaInitValue')
self.var.totalCrossSectionArea = 0.5 * self.var.totalCrossSectionAreaBankFull
# Total cross-sectional area [m2]: if initial value in binding equals -9999 the value at half bankfull is used,
# -----------------------------------------------
# ***** CHANNEL ALPHA (KIN. WAVE)*****************************
# ************************************************************
# Following calculations are needed to calculate Alpha parameter in kinematic
# wave. Alpha currently fixed at half of bankful depth
# Reference water depth for calculation of Alpha: half of bankfull
#chanDepthAlpha = 0.5 * self.var.chanDepth
# Channel wetted perimeter [m]
self.var.chanWettedPerimeterAlpha = self.var.chanWidth + 2 * 0.5 * self.var.chanDepth
# ChannelAlpha for kinematic wave
alpTermChan = (self.var.chanMan / (np.sqrt(self.var.chanGrad))) ** self.var.beta
self.var.alpPower = self.var.beta / 1.5
self.var.channelAlpha = alpTermChan * (self.var.chanWettedPerimeterAlpha ** self.var.alpPower) *2.5
self.var.invchannelAlpha = 1. / self.var.channelAlpha
# -----------------------------------------------
# ***** CHANNEL INITIAL DISCHARGE ****************************
# channel water volume [m3]
# Initialise water volume in kinematic wave channels [m3]
channelStorageIni = self.var.totalCrossSectionArea * self.var.chanLength * 0.1
self.var.channelStorage = self.var.load_initial("channelStorage", default = channelStorageIni)
# Initialise discharge at kinematic wave pixels (note that InvBeta is
# simply 1/beta, computational efficiency!)
#self.var.chanQKin = np.where(self.var.channelAlpha > 0, (self.var.totalCrossSectionArea / self.var.channelAlpha) ** self.var.invbeta, 0.)
dischargeIni = (self.var.channelStorage * self.var.invchanLength * self.var.invchannelAlpha) ** self.var.invbeta
self.var.discharge = self.var.load_initial("discharge", default=dischargeIni)
#self.var.chanQKin = chanQKinIni
#self.var.riverbedExchange = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.riverbedExchange = self.var.load_initial("riverbedExchange", default = globals.inZero.copy())
#self.var.discharge = self.var.chanQKin.copy()
#if checkOption('includeWaterDemand'):
# self.var.readAvlChannelStorage = 0.95 * self.var.channelStorage
# # to avoid small values and to avoid surface water abstractions from dry channels (>= 0.5mm)
# self.var.readAvlChannelStorage = np.where(self.var.readAvlChannelStorage < (0.0005 * self.var.cellArea),0.,self.var.readAvlChannelStorage)
# factor for evaporation from lakes, reservoirs and open channels
self.var.lakeEvaFactor = globals.inZero + loadmap('lakeEvaFactor')
#self.var.channelAlphaPcr = decompress(self.var.channelAlpha)
#self.var.chanLengthPcr = decompress(self.var.chanLength)
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
self.var.catchmentAll = (loadmap('MaskMap',local = True) * 0.).astype(np.int)
#self.var.catchmentNo = int(loadmap('CatchmentNo'))
#self.var.sumbalance = 0
self.var.Xcel = []
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dynamic(self):
Dynamic part of the routing module
* calculate evaporation from channels
* calculate riverbed exchange between riverbed and groundwater
* if option **waterbodies** is true, calculate retention from water bodies
* calculate sideflow -> inflow to river
* calculate kinematic wave -> using C++ library for computational speed
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# if routing is not needed return
if not(checkOption('includeRouting')):
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
self.var.prechannelStorage = self.var.channelStorage.copy()
if checkOption('includeWaterBodies'):
self.var.prelakeResStorage = self.var.lakeResStorage.copy()
Qnew = globals.inZero.copy()
# Evaporation from open channel
# from big lakes/res and small lakes/res is calculated separately
channelFraction = np.minimum(1.0, self.var.chanWidth * self.var.chanLength / self.var.cellArea)
# put all the water area in which is not reflected in the lakes ,res
#channelFraction = np.maximum(self.var.fracVegCover[5], channelFraction)
EWRefact = self.var.lakeEvaFactor * self.var.EWRef - self.var.openWaterEvap[5]
# evaporation from channel minus the calculated evaporation from rainfall
self.var.EvapoChannel = EWRefact * channelFraction * self.var.cellArea
#self.var.EvapoChannel = self.var.EWRef * channelFraction * self.var.cellArea
# restrict to 95% of channel storage -> something should stay in the river
self.var.EvapoChannel = np.where((0.95 * self.var.channelStorage - self.var.EvapoChannel) > 0.0, self.var.EvapoChannel, 0.95 * self.var.channelStorage)
# riverbed infiltration (m3):
# - current implementation based on Inge's principle (later, will be based on groundater head (MODFLOW) and can be negative)
# - happening only if 0.0 < baseflow < nonFossilGroundwaterAbs
# - infiltration rate will be based on aquifer saturated conductivity
# - limited to fracWat
# - limited to available channelStorage
# - this infiltration will be handed to groundwater in the next time step
# used self.var.fracVegCover[5] instead of self.var.dynamicFracWat
self.var.riverbedExchange = np.maximum(0.0, np.minimum(self.var.channelStorage, np.where(self.var.baseflow > 0.0, \
np.where(self.var.nonFossilGroundwaterAbs > self.var.baseflow, \
self.var.kSatAquifer * self.var.fracVegCover[5] * self.var.cellArea, \
0.0), 0.0)))
# to avoid flip flop
self.var.riverbedExchange = np.minimum(self.var.riverbedExchange, 0.95 * self.var.channelStorage)
if checkOption('includeWaterBodies'):
# add reservoirs depending on year
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# evaporation from water bodies (m3), will be limited by available water in lakes and reservoirs
# calculate outflow from lakes and reservoirs
# average evaporation overeach lake
EWRefavg = npareaaverage(EWRefact, self.var.waterBodyID)
# evaporation for the whole lake for each routing step
eWaterBody = np.maximum(0.0, EWRefavg * self.var.lakeArea) / self.var.noRoutingSteps
# compressed to the number lakes
self.var.evapWaterBodyC = self.var.lakeEvaFactorC * np.compress(self.var.compress_LR, eWaterBody)
# exclude evaporation where lakes are, because they are filled in again with evapWaterBodyC
self.var.EvapoChannel = np.where(self.var.waterBodyID > 0, (1-self.var.fracVegCover[5]) * self.var.EvapoChannel, self.var.EvapoChannel)
#self.var.riverbedExchange = np.where(self.var.waterBodyID > 0, 0., self.var.riverbedExchange)
# sum of all routingsteps of evaporation from lakes and reservoirs - set to 0 each time step
self.var.sumResEvapWaterBodyC = self.var.evapWaterBodyC * 0.
self.var.sumLakeEvapWaterBodyC = self.var.evapWaterBodyC * 0.
EvapoChannelM3Dt = self.var.EvapoChannel / self.var.noRoutingSteps
if self.var.modflow:
# removing water infiltrating from river to groundwater
riverbedExchangeDt = self.var.riverbedExchangeM3 / self.var.noRoutingSteps
#riverbedExchangeDt = self.var.riverbedExchange / self.var.noRoutingSteps
if checkOption('inflow'):
self.var.QDelta = (self.var.inflowM3 - self.var.QInM3Old) / self.var.noRoutingSteps
# difference between old and new inlet flow per sub step
# in order to calculate the amount of inlet flow in the routing loop
WDAddM3Dt = 0
if checkOption('includeWaterDemand'):
# self.var.act_SurfaceWaterAbstract includes channel abstractions as well as abstractions from lakes and reservoirs
# In waterdemand.py: self.var.act_SurfaceWaterAbstract = self.var.act_SurfaceWaterAbstract + self.var.act_bigLakeResAbst + self.var.act_smallLakeResAbst
# The abstractions from lakes and reservoirs have already been dealt with by removing these amounts from their storages in the same module
# The water abstractions from the channel are thus the surface water abstractions subtract the lake and reservoir abstractions
if checkOption('includeWaterBodies'):
WDAddM3Dt = self.var.act_SurfaceWaterAbstract - (self.var.act_bigLakeResAbst + self.var.act_smallLakeResAbst)
WDAddM3Dt = self.var.act_SurfaceWaterAbstract
#return flow from (m) non irrigation water demand
#WDAddM3Dt = WDAddM3Dt - self.var.nonIrrReturnFlowFraction * self.var.act_nonIrrDemand
WDAddM3Dt = WDAddM3Dt - self.var.returnFlow
WDAddM3Dt = WDAddM3Dt * self.var.cellArea / self.var.noRoutingSteps
#sideflowChanM3 -= self.var.sum_act_SurfaceWaterAbstract * self.var.cellArea
# return flow from (m) non irrigation water demand
#self.var.nonIrrReturnFlow = self.var.nonIrrReturnFlowFraction * self.var.nonIrrDemand
#sideflowChanM3 += self.var.nonIrrReturnFlow * self.var.cellArea
#sideflowChan = sideflowChanM3 * self.var.invchanLength * self.var.invdtRouting
# ------------------------------------------------------
# ***** SIDEFLOW **************************************
runoffM3 = self.var.runoff * self.var.cellArea / self.var.noRoutingSteps
# ************************************************************
# ***** KINEMATIC WAVE ****************
# ************************************************************
self.var.sumsideflow = 0
self.var.prechannelStorage = self.var.channelAlpha * self.var.chanLength * self.var.discharge ** self.var.beta
avgDis = 0
for subrouting in range(self.var.noRoutingSteps):
sideflowChanM3 = runoffM3.copy()
# minus evaporation from channels
sideflowChanM3 -= EvapoChannelM3Dt
if self.var.modflow:
# minus riverbed exchange
sideflowChanM3 -= riverbedExchangeDt
if checkOption('includeWaterDemand'):
sideflowChanM3 -= WDAddM3Dt
# minus waterdemand + returnflow
if checkOption('inflow'):
self.var.inflowDt = (self.var.QInM3Old + (subrouting + 1) * self.var.QDelta) / self.var.noRoutingSteps
# flow from inlets per sub step
sideflowChanM3 += self.var.inflowDt
if checkOption('includeWaterBodies'):
lakesResOut, lakeOutflowDis = self.lakes_reservoirs_module.dynamic_inloop(subrouting)
sideflowChanM3 += lakesResOut
lakesResOut = 0
#sideflowChan = sideflowChanM3 * self.var.invchanLength * self.var.InvDtSec
sideflowChan = sideflowChanM3 * self.var.invchanLength * 1/ self.var.dtRouting
if checkOption('includeWaterBodies'):
lib2.kinematic(self.var.discharge, sideflowChan, self.var.dirDown_LR, self.var.dirupLen_LR, self.var.dirupID_LR, Qnew, self.var.channelAlpha, self.var.beta, self.var.dtRouting, self.var.chanLength, self.var.lendirDown_LR)
lib2.kinematic(self.var.discharge, sideflowChan, self.var.dirDown, self.var.dirupLen, self.var.dirupID, Qnew, self.var.channelAlpha, self.var.beta, self.var.dtRouting, self.var.chanLength, self.var.lendirDown)
self.var.discharge = Qnew.copy()
self.var.sumsideflow = self.var.sumsideflow + sideflowChanM3
avgDis = avgDis + self.var.discharge / self.var.noRoutingSteps
# -- end substeping ---------------------
if checkOption('includeWaterBodies'):
# if there is a lake no discharge is calculated in the routing routine.
# therefore this is filled up with the discharge which goes outof the lake
# these outflow is used for the whole lake
self.var.discharge = np.where(self.var.waterBodyID > 0, lakeOutflowDis, self.var.discharge)
# discharge at the end of a time step
preStor = self.var.channelStorage.copy()
self.var.channelStorage = self.var.channelAlpha * self.var.chanLength * Qnew ** self.var.beta
# discharge only at the outlets to sea or endorheic lakes, otherwise value is 0.
# as avarge discharge over timestep e.g. 1 day
self.var.dis_outlet = np.where(self.var.lddCompress == 5, avgDis, 0.)
if checkOption('inflow'):
self.var.QInM3Old = self.var.inflowM3.copy()
# maybe later, but for now it is known as m3
#self.var.EvapoChannel = self.var.EvapoChannel / self.var.cellArea
self.var.humanConsumption = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.humanUse = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.natureUse = globals.inZero.copy()
if 'includeCrops' in option:
if checkOption('includeCrops'):
for i in range(len(self.var.Crops)):
self.var.humanConsumption += self.var.actTransTotal_crops_nonIrr[i]
self.var.humanUse += self.var.actTransTotal_crops_nonIrr[i]
#self.var.natureUse = actTransTotal_grasslands - self.var.humanUse + self.var.EvapoChannel + self.var.sum_actBareSoilEvap + self.var.sum_interceptEvap + self.var.EvapWaterBodyM
self.var.humanConsumption += self.var.act_nonIrrConsumption + self.var.actTransTotal_paddy + self.var.addtoevapotrans + self.var.actTransTotal_nonpaddy + self.var.sum_openWaterEvap
self.var.humanUse += self.var.act_nonIrrWithdrawal + self.var.act_irrWithdrawal #+ self.var.sum_openWaterEvap #+ self.var.leakage #+reservoir evaporation
if 'adminSegments' in binding:
self.var.ETRefAverage_segments = npareaaverage(self.var.ETRef, self.var.adminSegments)
self.var.precipEffectiveAverage_segments = npareaaverage(self.var.infiltration[1], self.var.adminSegments)
if self.var.modflow:
self.var.head_segments = npareaaverage(self.var.head, self.var.adminSegments)
self.var.gwdepth_adjusted_segments = npareaaverage(self.var.gwdepth_adjusted, self.var.adminSegments)
self.var.gwdepth_segments = npareaaverage(self.var.gwdepth, self.var.adminSegments)
#self.var.precipEffectiveAverage_segments = npareaaverage(self.var.Rain-self.var.interceptEvap[1]-self.var.actBareSoilEvap[1], self.var.adminSegments)
#self.var.head_development_segments = npareaaverage(self.var.head_development, self.var.adminSegments)
self.var.adminSegments_area = npareaaverage(
(self.var.fracVegCover[1] + self.var.fracVegCover[2] + self.var.fracVegCover[3]) * self.var.cellArea,
if checkOption('includeWaterBodies'):
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
[self.var.lakeResInflowM], # In
[self.var.lakeResOutflowM , self.var.EvapWaterBodyM] , # Out self.var.evapWaterBodyC
[self.var.prelakeResStorage / self.var.cellArea] , # prev storage
[self.var.lakeResStorage / self.var.cellArea],
"lake_res", False)
#### IMPORTANT set Routingstep to 1 to test!
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
[runoffM3, lakesResOut ], # In
[sideflowChanM3,EvapoChannelM3Dt, WDAddM3Dt], # Out
[], # prev storage
"rout1", False)
[self.var.runoff, self.var.returnFlow, lakesResOut / self.var.cellArea, ], # In
[self.var.sumsideflow / self.var.cellArea, self.var.EvapoChannel / self.var.cellArea, WDAddM3Dt/self.var.cellArea], # Out
[], # prev storage
"rout2", False)
[self.var.sumsideflow], # In
[self.var.dis_outlet * self.var.DtSec], # Out
[self.var.prechannelStorage], # prev storage
"rout3", False) # [m3] without waterbody
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'): # [m]
[self.var.runoff], # In
[self.var.dis_outlet * self.var.DtSec / self.var.cellArea, self.var.EvapoChannel / self.var.cellArea], # Out
[self.var.prechannelStorage/self.var.cellArea], # prev storage
"rout4", False) # without waterbody
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'): # [m]
[self.var.runoff, self.var.returnFlow, lakesResOut / self.var.cellArea], # In
[self.var.dis_outlet * self.var.DtSec / self.var.cellArea, self.var.EvapoChannel / self.var.cellArea,self.var.act_SurfaceWaterAbstract ], # Out
[self.var.prechannelStorage/self.var.cellArea], # prev storage
"rout5", False) # without waterbody
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'): # [m3] without waterbodies
[self.var.runoff * self.var.cellArea ], # In
[self.var.dis_outlet * self.var.DtSec, self.var.EvapoChannel], # Out
[self.var.prechannelStorage], # prev storage
"rout6", False) # without waterbody
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'): # [m3] without waterbodies
[self.var.runoff * self.var.cellArea], # In
[self.var.dis_outlet * self.var.DtSec, self.var.EvapoChannel, self.var.EvapWaterBodyM * self.var.cellArea], # Out
[self.var.prechannelStorage, self.var.prelakeResStorage], # prev storage
[self.var.channelStorage, self.var.lakeResStorage],
"rout8", False) # without waterbody
a = readmap("C:\work\output/q_pcr")
b = nominal(a*100)
c = ifthenelse(b == 105779, scalar(9999), scalar(0))
d = compressArray(c)
np.where(d == 9999) #23765
e = pcr2numpy(c, 0).astype(np.float64)
np.where(e > 9000) # 75, 371 -> 76, 372