# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name: Land Cover Type module
# Purpose:
# Author: PB
# Created: 15/07/2016
# Copyright: (c) PB 2016
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
from cwatm.management_modules.data_handling import *
[docs]def decompress(map, nanvalue=None):
Decompressing CWatM maps from 1D to 2D with missing values
:param map: compressed map
:return: decompressed 2D map
dmap = maskinfo['maskall'].copy()
dmap[~maskinfo['maskflat']] = map[:]
if nanvalue is not None:
dmap.data[np.isnan(dmap.data)] = nanvalue
return dmap.data
[docs]class landcoverType(object):
runs the 6 land cover types through soil procedures
This routine calls the soil routine for each land cover type
**Global variables**
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
Variable [self.var] Description Unit
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
modflow Flag: True if modflow_coupling = True in settings file --
snowEvap total evaporation from snow for a snow layers m
load_initial Settings initLoad holds initial conditions for variables input
topwater quantity of water above the soil (flooding) m
waterBodyID lakes/reservoirs map with a single ID for each lake/reservoir --
compress_LR boolean map as mask map for compressing lake/reservoir --
decompress_LR boolean map as mask map for decompressing lake/reservoir --
MtoM3C conversion factor from m to m3 (compressed map) --
waterBodyTypTemp --
maxGWCapRise influence of capillary rise above groundwater level m
minCropKC minimum crop factor (default 0.2) --
irrigatedArea_original --
frac_totalnonIrr Fraction sown with specific non-irrigated crops %
frac_totalIrr_max Fraction sown with specific irrigated crops, maximum throughout simula %
frac_totalnonIrr_max Fraction sown with specific non-irrigated crops, maximum throughout si %
GeneralCrop_Irr Fraction of irrigated land class sown with generally representative cr %
fallowIrr Fraction of fallowed irrigated land %
fallowIrr_max Fraction of fallowed irrigated land, maximum throughout simulation %
GeneralCrop_nonIrr Fraction of grasslands sown with generally representative crop %
fallownonIrr Fraction of fallowed non-irrigated land %
fallownonIrr_max Fraction of fallowed non-irrigated land, maximum throughout simulation %
availableArableLand Fraction of land not currently planted with specific crops %
sum_gwRecharge groundwater recharge m
minInterceptCap Maximum interception read from file for forest and grassland land cove m
interceptStor simulated vegetation interception storage m
availWaterInfiltration quantity of water reaching the soil after interception, more snowmelt m
lakeStorage --
resStorage --
riverbedExchangeM Flow from channel into groundwater m
leakageIntoGw Canal leakage leading to groundwater recharge m
leakageIntoRunoff Canal leakage leading to runoff m
dynamicLandcover --
staticLandCoverMaps 1=staticLandCoverMaps in settings file is True, 0=otherwise --
landcoverSum --
sum_interceptStor Total of simulated vegetation interception storage including all landc m
minTopWaterLayer --
maxRootDepth --
rootDepth --
KSat1 --
KSat2 --
KSat3 --
alpha1 --
alpha2 --
alpha3 --
lambda1 --
lambda2 --
lambda3 --
thetas1 --
thetas2 --
thetas3 --
thetar1 --
thetar2 --
thetar3 --
genuM1 --
genuM2 --
genuM3 --
genuInvM1 --
genuInvM2 --
genuInvM3 --
ws1 Maximum storage capacity in layer 1 m
ws2 Maximum storage capacity in layer 2 m
ws3 Maximum storage capacity in layer 3 m
wres1 Residual storage capacity in layer 1 m
wres2 Residual storage capacity in layer 2 m
wres3 Residual storage capacity in layer 3 m
wrange1 --
wrange2 --
wrange3 --
wfc1 Soil moisture at field capacity in layer 1 --
wfc2 Soil moisture at field capacity in layer 2 --
wfc3 Soil moisture at field capacity in layer 3 --
wwp1 Soil moisture at wilting point in layer 1 --
wwp2 Soil moisture at wilting point in layer 2 --
wwp3 Soil moisture at wilting point in layer 3 --
kUnSat3FC --
kunSatFC12 --
kunSatFC23 --
rootFraction1 --
cropCoefficientNC_filename --
interceptCapNC_filename --
coverFractionNC_filename --
sum_topwater quantity of water on the soil (flooding) (weighted sum for all landcov m
sum_soil --
sum_w1 --
sum_w2 --
sum_w3 --
totalSto Total soil,snow and vegetation storage for each cell including all lan m
arnoBetaOro chosen ModFlow model timestep (1day, 7days, 30days, etc.) --
arnoBeta --
adjRoot --
maxtopwater maximum heigth of topwater m
totAvlWater Field capacity minus wilting point in soil layers 1 and 2 m
fracGlacierCover --
pretotalSto Previous totalSto m
prefFlow_GW Preferential flow to groundwater. sum_prefFlow goes either to groundwa m
sum_prefFlow Preferential flow from soil to groundwater (summed up for all land cov m
sum_perc3toGW Percolation from 3rd soil layer to groundwater (summed up for all land m
perc3toGW_GW Percolation from 3rd soil layer to groundwater. sum_perc3toGW goes eit m
riverbedExchangeM3 --
lakebedExchangeM Flow of water from lakes and reservoirs into groundwater m
sum_actBareSoilEvap --
sum_openWaterEvap --
sum_runoff Runoff above the soil, more interflow, including all landcover types m
sum_directRunoff --
sum_interflow --
GWVolumeVariation --
sum_availWaterInfiltration --
sum_capRiseFromGW Capillary rise from groundwater to 3rd soil layer (summed up for all l m
sum_act_irrConsumption --
cellArea Area of cell m2
MtoM3 Coefficient to change units --
InvCellArea Inverse of cell area of each simulated mesh 1/m2
Precipitation Precipitation (input for the model) m
coverTypes land cover types - forest - grassland - irrPaddy - irrNonPaddy - water --
SnowMelt total snow melt from all layers m
Rain Precipitation less snow m
prevSnowCover snow cover of previous day (only for water balance) m
SnowCover snow cover (sum over all layers) m
ElevationStD --
frac_totalIrr Fraction sown with specific irrigated crops %
soilLayers Number of soil layers --
soildepth Thickness of the first soil layer m
w1 Simulated water storage in the layer 1 m
w2 Simulated water storage in the layer 2 m
w3 Simulated water storage in the layer 3 m
baseflow simulated baseflow (= groundwater discharge to river) m
capriseindex --
soildepth12 Total thickness of layer 2 and 3 m
leakageriver_factor --
leakagelake_factor --
modflow_timestep Chosen ModFlow model timestep (1day, 7days, 30days, etc.) --
wwtUrbanLeakage --
wwtColArea --
urbanleak --
fracVegCover Fraction of specific land covers (0=forest, 1=grasslands, etc.) %
includeWastewater --
lakeVolumeM3C compressed map of lake volume m3
lakeStorageC --
reservoirStorageM3C --
lakeResStorageC --
lakeResStorage --
act_SurfaceWaterAbstract Surface water abstractions m
readAvlChannelStorageM --
leakageCanals_M --
addtoevapotrans Irrigation application loss to evaporation m
act_irrWithdrawal Irrigation withdrawals m
act_nonIrrConsumption Non-irrigation consumption m
returnFlow --
totalET Total evapotranspiration for each cell including all landcover types m
sum_actTransTotal --
sum_interceptEvap --
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
def __init__(self, model):
self.var = model.var
self.model = model
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] def initial(self):
Initial part of the land cover type module
Initialise the six land cover types
* Forest No.0
* Grasland/non irrigated land No.1
* Paddy irrigation No.2
* non-Paddy irrigation No.3
* Sealed area No.4
* Water covered area No.5
And initialize the soil variables
self.var.riverbedExchangeM = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.GeneralCrop_nonIrr = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.GeneralCrop_Irr = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.frac_totalIrr = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.frac_totalnonIrr = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.frac_totalIrr_max = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.frac_totalnonIrr_max = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.fallowIrr = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.fallownonIrr = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.fallowIrr_max = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.fallownonIrr_max = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.capriseindex = globals.inZero.copy() # Fraction of cells where capillary rise occurs (used when ModFlow coupling)
self.var.leakageIntoGw = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.leakageIntoRunoff = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.availableArableLand = globals.inZero.copy()
# make land cover change from year to year or fix it to 1 year
if returnBool('dynamicLandcover'):
self.var.dynamicLandcover = True
self.var.dynamicLandcover = False
self.var.staticLandCoverMaps = False
if "staticLandCoverMaps" in option:
self.var.staticLandCoverMaps = checkOption('staticLandCoverMaps')
self.var.coverTypes= list(map(str.strip, cbinding("coverTypes").split(",")))
landcoverAll = ['fracVegCover','interceptStor','interceptCap','availWaterInfiltration','interceptEvap',
'directRunoff', 'openWaterEvap']
for variable in landcoverAll: vars(self.var)[variable] = np.tile(globals.inZero, (6, 1))
landcoverPara = ['minInterceptCap','cropDeplFactor','rootFraction1',
'maxRootDepth', 'topWaterLayer','interflow',
'cropCoefficientNC_filename', 'interceptCapNC_filename','coverFractionNC_filename']
# arrays stored as list not as numpy, because it can contain strings, single parameters or arrays
# list is filled with append afterwards
for variable in landcoverPara: vars(self.var)[variable] = []
# fraction (m2) of a certain irrigation type over (only) total irrigation area ; will be assigned by the landSurface module
# output variable per land cover class
landcoverVars = ['irrTypeFracOverIrr','fractionArea','totAvlWater','cropKC', 'cropKC_landCover',
'effSatAt50', 'effPoreSizeBetaAt50', 'rootZoneWaterStorageMin','rootZoneWaterStorageRange',
# for 6 landcover types
for variable in landcoverVars: vars(self.var)[variable] = np.tile(globals.inZero,(6,1))
#for 4 landcover types with soil underneath
landcoverVarsSoil = ['arnoBeta','rootZoneWaterStorageCap','rootZoneWaterStorageCap12','perc1to2','perc2to3','theta1','theta2','theta3']
for variable in landcoverVarsSoil: vars(self.var)[variable] = np.tile(globals.inZero,(4,1))
soilVars = ['adjRoot','perc','capRise','rootDepth','storCap']
# For 3 soil layers and 4 landcover types
for variable in soilVars: vars(self.var)[variable]= np.tile(globals.inZero,(self.var.soilLayers,4,1))
# set aggregated storages to zero
self.var.landcoverSum = ['interceptStor', 'interflow',
'directRunoff', 'totalPotET', 'potTranspiration', 'availWaterInfiltration',
'interceptEvap', 'infiltration', 'actBareSoilEvap', 'landSurfaceRunoff', 'actTransTotal', 'gwRecharge',
'openWaterEvap','capRiseFromGW','perc3toGW','prefFlow', 'actualET', 'act_irrConsumption']
for variable in self.var.landcoverSum: vars(self.var)["sum_"+variable] = globals.inZero.copy()
# for three soil layers
soilVars = ['w1','w2','w3']
for variable in soilVars: vars(self.var)[variable] = np.tile(globals.inZero,(4,1))
for variable in soilVars: vars(self.var)["sum_" + variable] = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.totalET = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.act_SurfaceWaterAbstract = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.irrigatedArea_original = globals.inZero.copy()
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Load initial values and calculate basic soil parameters which are not changed in time
self.dynamic_fracIrrigation(init=True, dynamic = True)
i = 0
for coverType in self.var.coverTypes:
self.var.minInterceptCap.append(loadmap(coverType + "_minInterceptCap"))
# init values
if coverType in ['forest', 'grassland', 'irrPaddy', 'irrNonPaddy','sealed']:
self.var.interceptStor[i] = self.var.load_initial(coverType + "_interceptStor")
# summarize the following initial storages:
self.var.sum_interceptStor += self.var.fracVegCover[i] * self.var.interceptStor[i]
i += 1
self.var.minCropKC= loadmap('minCropKC')
self.var.minTopWaterLayer = loadmap("minTopWaterLayer")
self.var.maxGWCapRise = loadmap("maxGWCapRise")
i = 0
for coverType in self.var.coverTypes[:4]:
# calculate rootdepth for each soillayer and each land cover class
soildepth_factor = loadmap('soildepth_factor')
self.var.maxRootDepth.append(loadmap(coverType + "_maxRootDepth")* soildepth_factor)
self.var.rootDepth[0][i] = self.var.soildepth[0].copy() # 0.05 m
# if land cover = forest
if coverType != 'grassland':
# soil layer 1 = root max of land cover - first soil layer
h1 = np.maximum(self.var.soildepth[1], self.var.maxRootDepth[i] - self.var.soildepth[0])
self.var.rootDepth[1][i] = np.minimum(self.var.soildepth12 - 0.05, h1)
# soil layer is minimim 0.05 m
self.var.rootDepth[2][i] = np.maximum(0.05, self.var.soildepth12 - self.var.rootDepth[1][i])
self.var.rootDepth[1][i] = self.var.soildepth[1].copy()
self.var.rootDepth[2][i] = self.var.soildepth[2].copy()
i += 1
soilVars1 = ['KSat1','KSat2','KSat3','alpha1','alpha2','alpha3', 'lambda1','lambda2','lambda3','thetas1','thetas2','thetas3','thetar1','thetar2','thetar3']
for variable in soilVars1: vars(self.var)[variable] = []
# ksat multiplier
if 'ksat_fact' in binding:
ksat_fact = loadmap('ksat_fact') # define limit
ksat_fact = 1.
# thetas multiplier
if 'thetas_fact' in binding:
thetas_fact = loadmap('thetas_fact') # define limit
thetas_fact = 1.
# thetar multiplier - limits 0.1 - 2.0
if 'thetar_fact' in binding:
thetar_fact = loadmap('thetar_fact') # define limit
thetar_fact = np.maximum(0.1, np.minimum(thetar_fact, 2.0))
thetar_fact = 1.
i = 0
for coverType in self.var.coverTypes[:2]:
if i==0:
pre = coverType + "_"
pre = ""
# ksat in cm/d-1 -> m/dm
self.var.KSat1.append(ksat_fact * (loadmap(pre + "KSat1"))/100)
self.var.KSat2.append(ksat_fact * (loadmap(pre + "KSat2"))/100)
self.var.KSat3.append(ksat_fact * (loadmap(pre + "KSat3"))/100)
self.var.alpha1.append((loadmap(pre + "alpha1")))
self.var.alpha2.append((loadmap(pre + "alpha2")))
self.var.alpha3.append((loadmap(pre + "alpha3")))
self.var.lambda1.append((loadmap(pre + "lambda1")))
self.var.lambda2.append((loadmap(pre + "lambda2")))
self.var.lambda3.append((loadmap(pre + "lambda3")))
self.var.thetas1.append(thetas_fact * (loadmap(pre + "thetas1")))
self.var.thetas2.append(thetas_fact * (loadmap(pre + "thetas2")))
self.var.thetas3.append(thetas_fact * (loadmap(pre + "thetas3")))
self.var.thetar1.append(thetar_fact *(loadmap(pre + "thetar1")))
self.var.thetar2.append(thetar_fact *(loadmap(pre + "thetar2")))
self.var.thetar3.append(thetar_fact *(loadmap(pre + "thetar3")))
i += 1
# Van Genuchten n and m coefficients
# GenuN1=Lambda+1
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'):
genuN1 = [x + 1 for x in self.var.lambda1] # unit [-]
genuN2 = [x + 1 for x in self.var.lambda2]
genuN3 = [x + 1 for x in self.var.lambda3]
# self.var.GenuM1=Lambda1/GenuN1
self.var.genuM1 = [x / y for x, y in zip(self.var.lambda1, genuN1)]
self.var.genuM2 = [x / y for x, y in zip(self.var.lambda2, genuN2)]
self.var.genuM3 = [x / y for x, y in zip(self.var.lambda3, genuN3)]
# self.var.GenuInvM1=1/self.var.GenuM1
self.var.genuInvM1 = [1 / x for x in self.var.genuM1]
self.var.genuInvM2 = [1 / x for x in self.var.genuM2]
self.var.genuInvM3 = [1 / x for x in self.var.genuM3]
soilVars2 = ['ws1','ws2','ws3','wres1','wres2','wres3','wrange1','wrange2','wrange3','wfc1','wfc2','wfc3','wwp1','wwp2','wwp3','kunSatFC12','kunSatFC23']
for variable in soilVars2: vars(self.var)[variable] = []
i = 0
for coverType in self.var.coverTypes[:4]:
j = 0
if coverType != "forest": j = 1
self.var.ws1.append(self.var.thetas1[j] * self.var.rootDepth[0][i]) # unit [m]
self.var.ws2.append(self.var.thetas2[j] * self.var.rootDepth[1][i])
self.var.ws3.append(self.var.thetas3[j] * self.var.rootDepth[2][i])
self.var.wres1.append(self.var.thetar1[j] * self.var.rootDepth[0][i]) # unit [m] because of rootDepth [m]
self.var.wres2.append(self.var.thetar2[j] * self.var.rootDepth[1][i])
self.var.wres3.append(self.var.thetar3[j] * self.var.rootDepth[2][i])
self.var.wrange1.append(self.var.ws1[i] - self.var.wres1[i]) # unit [m]
self.var.wrange2.append(self.var.ws2[i] - self.var.wres2[i])
self.var.wrange3.append(self.var.ws3[i] - self.var.wres3[i])
# Soil moisture at field capacity (pF2, 100 cm) [cm water slice] # Mualem equation (van Genuchten, 1980)
# see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_retention_curve
# alpha in 1/cm * cm water slice e.g. 10**4.2 around 15000 cm water slice for wilting point
self.var.wfc1.append(self.var.wres1[i] + self.var.wrange1[i] / ((1 + (self.var.alpha1[j] * 100) ** genuN1[j]) ** self.var.genuM1[j]))
self.var.wfc2.append(self.var.wres2[i] + self.var.wrange2[i] / ((1 + (self.var.alpha2[j] * 100) ** genuN2[j]) ** self.var.genuM2[j]))
self.var.wfc3.append(self.var.wres3[i] + self.var.wrange3[i] / ((1 + (self.var.alpha3[j] * 100) ** genuN3[j]) ** self.var.genuM3[j]))
# Soil moisture at wilting point (pF4.2, 10**4.2 cm) [cm water slice] # Mualem equation (van Genuchten, 1980)
self.var.wwp1.append(self.var.wres1[i] + self.var.wrange1[i] / ((1 + (self.var.alpha1[j] * (10**4.2)) ** genuN1[j]) ** self.var.genuM1[j])) # unit [m]
self.var.wwp2.append(self.var.wres2[i] + self.var.wrange2[i] / ((1 + (self.var.alpha2[j] * (10**4.2)) ** genuN2[j]) ** self.var.genuM2[j]))
self.var.wwp3.append(self.var.wres3[i] + self.var.wrange3[i] / ((1 + (self.var.alpha3[j] * (10**4.2)) ** genuN3[j]) ** self.var.genuM3[j]))
satTerm1FC = np.maximum(0., self.var.wfc1[i] - self.var.wres1[i]) / self.var.wrange1[i] # unit [-]
satTerm2FC = np.maximum(0., self.var.wfc2[i] - self.var.wres2[i]) / self.var.wrange2[i]
satTerm3FC = np.maximum(0., self.var.wfc3[i] - self.var.wres3[i]) / self.var.wrange3[i]
# van Genuchten, Mualem equation see https://acsess.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.2136/sssaj2000.643843x
# with Mualem (1976) L = 0.5 -> np.sqrt(satTerm2FC)
kUnSat1FC = self.var.KSat1[j] * np.sqrt(satTerm1FC) * np.square(1 - (1 - satTerm1FC ** self.var.genuInvM1[j]) ** self.var.genuM1[j])
kUnSat2FC = self.var.KSat2[j] * np.sqrt(satTerm2FC) * np.square(1 - (1 - satTerm2FC ** self.var.genuInvM2[j]) ** self.var.genuM2[j])
self.var.kUnSat3FC = self.var.KSat3[j] * np.sqrt(satTerm3FC) * np.square(1 - (1 - satTerm3FC ** self.var.genuInvM3[j]) ** self.var.genuM3[j])
self.var.kunSatFC12.append(np.sqrt(kUnSat1FC * kUnSat2FC))
self.var.kunSatFC23.append(np.sqrt(kUnSat2FC * self.var.kUnSat3FC))
i += 1
i = 0
for coverType in self.var.coverTypes[:4]:
# other paramater values
# b coefficient of soil water storage capacity distribution
#self.var.minTopWaterLayer.append(loadmap(coverType + "_minTopWaterLayer"))
#self.var.minCropKC.append(loadmap(coverType + "_minCropKC"))
#self.var.minInterceptCap.append(loadmap(coverType + "_minInterceptCap"))
#self.var.cropDeplFactor.append(loadmap(coverType + "_cropDeplFactor"))
# parameter values
self.var.rootFraction1.append(loadmap(coverType + "_rootFraction1"))
#self.var.rootFraction2 = self.var.rootFraction1
self.var.maxRootDepth.append(loadmap(coverType + "_maxRootDepth"))
# store filenames
self.var.cropCoefficientNC_filename.append(coverType + "_cropCoefficientNC")
self.var.interceptCapNC_filename.append(coverType + "_interceptCapNC")
self.var.coverFractionNC_filename.append(coverType + "_coverFractionNC")
# init values
#self.var.interflow[i] = self.var.load_initial(coverType + "_interflow")
self.var.w1[i] = self.var.load_initial(coverType + "_w1",default = self.var.wwp1[i])
self.var.w2[i] = self.var.load_initial(coverType + "_w2",default = self.var.wwp2[i])
self.var.w3[i] = self.var.load_initial(coverType + "_w3",default = self.var.wwp3[i])
if self.var.modflow: # it is better to start with a humid soil to avoid too much pumping at the begining because of the irrigation demand
start_soil_humid = 0.75
if 'start_soil_humid' in binding:
start_soil_humid = loadmap('start_soil_humid')
if i == 0:
print('=> Soil moisture is filled at ', 100*start_soil_humid, ' % at the begining')
self.var.w1[i] = self.var.load_initial(coverType + "_w1", default=self.var.wwp1[i] + start_soil_humid*(self.var.wfc1[i]-self.var.wwp1[i]))
self.var.w2[i] = self.var.load_initial(coverType + "_w2", default=self.var.wwp2[i] + start_soil_humid*(self.var.wfc2[i]-self.var.wwp2[i]))
self.var.w3[i] = self.var.load_initial(coverType + "_w3", default=self.var.wwp3[i] + start_soil_humid*(self.var.wfc3[i]-self.var.wwp3[i]))
soilVars = ['w1', 'w2', 'w3']
for variable in soilVars:
vars(self.var)["sum_" + variable] = globals.inZero.copy()
for No in range(4):
vars(self.var)["sum_" + variable] += self.var.fracVegCover[No] * vars(self.var)[variable][No]
# for paddy irrigation flooded paddy fields
self.var.topwater = self.var.load_initial("topwater", default= 0.) * globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.sum_topwater = self.var.fracVegCover[2] * self.var.topwater
self.var.sum_soil = self.var.sum_w1 + self.var.sum_w2 + self.var.sum_w3 + self.var.sum_topwater
self.var.totalSto = self.var.SnowCover + self.var.sum_interceptStor + self.var.sum_soil
# Improved Arno's scheme parameters: Hageman and Gates 2003
# arnoBeta defines the shape of soil water capacity distribution curve as a function of topographic variability
# b = max( (oh - o0)/(oh + omax), 0.01)
# oh: the standard deviation of orography, o0: minimum std dev, omax: max std dev
self.var.arnoBetaOro = (self.var.ElevationStD - 10.0) / (self.var.ElevationStD + 1500.0)
self.var.arnoBetaOro = self.var.arnoBetaOro + loadmap('arnoBeta_add')
self.var.arnoBetaOro = np.minimum(1.2, np.maximum(0.01, self.var.arnoBetaOro))
self.var.arnoBeta[i] = self.var.arnoBetaOro + loadmap(coverType + "_arnoBeta")
self.var.arnoBeta[i] = np.minimum(1.2, np.maximum(0.01, self.var.arnoBeta[i]))
# Due to large rooting depths, the third (final) soil layer may be pushed to its minimum of 0.05 m.
# In such a case, it may be better to turn off the root fractioning feature, as there is limited depth
# in the third soil layer to hold water, while having a significant fraction of the rootss.
# TODO: Extend soil depths to match maximum root depths
rootFrac = np.tile(globals.inZero,(self.var.soilLayers,1))
fractionroot12 = self.var.rootDepth[0][i] / (self.var.rootDepth[0][i] + self.var.rootDepth[1][i] )
rootFrac[0] = fractionroot12 * self.var.rootFraction1[i]
rootFrac[1] = (1 - fractionroot12) * self.var.rootFraction1[i]
rootFrac[2] = 1.0 - self.var.rootFraction1[i]
if 'rootFrac' in binding:
if not checkOption('rootFrac'):
root_depth_sum = self.var.rootDepth[0][i] + self.var.rootDepth[1][i] + self.var.rootDepth[2][i]
for layer in range(3):
rootFrac[layer] = self.var.rootDepth[layer][i] / root_depth_sum
rootFracSum = np.sum(rootFrac,axis=0)
for soilLayer in range(self.var.soilLayers):
self.var.adjRoot[soilLayer][i] = rootFrac[soilLayer] / rootFracSum
i += 1
# for maximum of topwater flooding (default = 0.05m)
self.var.maxtopwater = 0.05
if "irrPaddy_maxtopwater" in binding:
self.var.maxtopwater = loadmap('irrPaddy_maxtopwater')
#self.var.landcoverSumSum = ['directRunoff', 'totalPotET', 'potTranspiration', "Precipitation", 'ETRef','gwRecharge','Runoff']
#for variable in self.var.landcoverSumSum:
# vars(self.var)["sumsum_" + variable] = globals.inZero.copy()
# for irrigation of non paddy -> No =3
totalWaterPlant1 = np.maximum(0., self.var.wfc1[3] - self.var.wwp1[3]) #* self.var.rootDepth[0][3]
totalWaterPlant2 = np.maximum(0., self.var.wfc2[3] - self.var.wwp2[3]) #* self.var.rootDepth[1][3]
#totalWaterPlant3 = np.maximum(0., self.var.wfc3[3] - self.var.wwp3[3]) * self.var.rootDepth[2][3]
self.var.totAvlWater = totalWaterPlant1 + totalWaterPlant2 #+ totalWaterPlant3
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dynamic_fracIrrigation(self, init = False, dynamic = True):
Dynamic part of the land cover type module
Calculating fraction of land cover
* loads the fraction of landcover for each year from netcdf maps
* calculate the fraction of 6 land cover types based on the maps
:param init: (optional) True: set for the first time of a run
:param dynamic: used in the dynmic run not in the initial phase
:return: -
#if checkOption('includeIrrigation') and checkOption('dynamicIrrigationArea'):
# updating fracVegCover of landCover (for historical irrigation areas, done at yearly basis)
# if first day of the year or first day of run
if init and dynamic:
if self.var.staticLandCoverMaps:
self.var.fracVegCover[0] = loadmap('forest_fracVegCover')
self.var.fracVegCover[2] = loadmap('irrPaddy_fracVegCover')
self.var.fracVegCover[3] = loadmap('irrNonPaddy_fracVegCover')
self.var.fracVegCover[4] = loadmap('sealed_fracVegCover')
self.var.fracVegCover[5] = loadmap('water_fracVegCover')
if self.var.dynamicLandcover:
landcoverYear = dateVar['currDate']
landcoverYear = datetime.datetime(int(binding['fixLandcoverYear']), 1, 1)
i = 0
for coverType in self.var.coverTypes:
self.var.fracVegCover[i] = readnetcdf2('fractionLandcover', landcoverYear, useDaily="yearly", value= 'frac'+coverType)
i += 1
if 'static_irrigation_map' in option:
if checkOption('static_irrigation_map'):
self.var.fracVegCover[3] = loadmap('irrNonPaddy_fracVegCover')
# for Xiaogang's agent model
if "paddyfraction" in binding:
self.var.fracVegCover[2] = loadmap('paddyfraction')
self.var.fracVegCover[3] = loadmap('nonpaddyfraction')
#if "Burgenland" in option:
# if checkOption('Burgenland'):
# self.var.fracVegCover[3] = 0.8*self.var.fracVegCover[1]
# self.var.fracVegCover[1] = 0.2 * self.var.fracVegCover[1]
# correction of grassland if sum is not 1.0
sum = np.sum(self.var.fracVegCover,axis=0)
self.var.fracVegCover[1] = np.maximum(0.,self.var.fracVegCover[1] + 1.0 - sum)
sum = np.sum(self.var.fracVegCover, axis=0)
self.var.fracVegCover[0] = np.maximum(0., self.var.fracVegCover[0] + 1.0 - sum)
sum = np.sum(self.var.fracVegCover,axis=0)
if 'excludeGlacierArea' in option:
if checkOption('excludeGlacierArea'):
#substract glacier area from grassland fraction later on
self.var.fracGlacierCover = readnetcdf2('fractionGlaciercover', landcoverYear, useDaily="yearly",
value='on_area', cut = False)
self.var.fracVegCover[1] = self.var.fracVegCover[1] - self.var.fracGlacierCover
#if there are some pixels where grassland is not large enough to substract glacier area, the other lancovertypes have to be used
# forest, irrNonPaddy, irrPaddy, sealed, water
ind_landcovertype_glaciers = [1,0,3,2,4,5]
for i, ind in enumerate(ind_landcovertype_glaciers[:-1]):
if any(self.var.fracVegCover[ind] < 0):
#substract glacier area from landcovertype
self.var.fracVegCover[ind_landcovertype_glaciers[i+1]][np.where(self.var.fracVegCover[ind] < 0)] -= np.abs(self.var.fracVegCover[ind][np.where(self.var.fracVegCover[ind] < 0)])
self.var.fracVegCover[ind][np.where(self.var.fracVegCover[ind] < 0)] = 0
#assert that all land cover classes larger than zero
assert (self.var.fracVegCover >= 0).all()
assert np.mean(sum) == np.mean(np.sum(self.var.fracVegCover,axis=0)) + np.mean(self.var.fracGlacierCover)
"""temp = loadmap('reservoir_command_areas').astype(np.int)
self.var.fracVegCover[3] += np.where(temp > 0, self.var.fracVegCover[1] * 0.25,
self.var.fracVegCover[1] -= np.where(temp > 0, self.var.fracVegCover[1] * 0.25,
self.var.fracVegCover[3] += np.where(temp == 46, self.var.fracVegCover[1] * 0.25,
self.var.fracVegCover[1] -= np.where(temp == 46, self.var.fracVegCover[1] * 0.25,
self.var.irrigatedArea_original = self.var.fracVegCover[3].copy()
# sum of landcover without water and sealed
# self.var.sum_fracVegCover = np.sum(self.var.fracVegCover[0:4], axis=0)
# if irrigation is off every fraction of paddy and non paddy irrigation is put to land dcover 'grassland'
if not(checkOption('includeIrrigation')):
self.var.fracVegCover[1] = self.var.fracVegCover[1] + self.var.fracVegCover[2] + self.var.fracVegCover[3]
self.var.fracVegCover[2] = 0.0
self.var.fracVegCover[3] = 0.0
#self.var.fracVegCover[0] = self.var.fracVegCover[0] + self.var.fracVegCover[4]
#self.var.fracVegCover[1] = self.var.fracVegCover[1] + self.var.fracVegCover[5]
self.var.fracVegCover[0] = 0.2 # forest
self.var.fracVegCover[1] = 0.2 # others (grassland)
self.var.fracVegCover[2] = 0.2 # paddy irrigation
self.var.fracVegCover[3] = 0.2 # non paddy irrigation
self.var.fracVegCover[4] = 0.1
self.var.fracVegCover[5] = 0.1
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dynamic(self):
Dynamic part of the land cover type module
Calculating soil for each of the 6 land cover class
* calls evaporation_module.dynamic
* calls interception_module.dynamic
* calls soil_module.dynamic
* calls sealed_water_module.dynamic
And sums every thing up depending on the land cover type fraction
#if (dateVar['curr'] == 15):
# ii=1
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
preIntStor = self.var.sum_interceptStor.copy()
preStor1 = self.var.sum_w1.copy()
preStor2 = self.var.sum_w2.copy()
preStor3 = self.var.sum_w3.copy()
pretop = self.var.sum_topwater
### To compute water balance for modflow
# Currently, only daily time scale is implemented for this version')
#if self.var.modflow:
#if (dateVar['curr'] - int(dateVar['curr'] / self.var.modflow_timestep) * self.var.modflow_timestep) == 1 and \
# dateVar['curr'] > self.var.modflow_timestep: # if it is the first step of the week
# self.var.presumed_sum_gwRecharge = self.var.sumed_sum_gwRecharge.copy()
# stormodf = np.nansum((self.var.presumed_sum_gwRecharge/self.var.modflow_timestep-self.var.capillar-self.var.baseflow) * self.var.cellArea) # From ModFlow during the previous step
# stormodf = self.var.GWVolumeVariation / self.var.modflow_timestep # GW volume change from the previous ModFlow run (difference betwwen water levels times porosity)
self.var.pretotalSto = self.var.totalSto.copy()
coverNo = 0
# update soil (loop per each land cover type):
for coverType in self.var.coverTypes:
if checkOption('includeIrrigation'):
usecovertype = 4 # include paddy and non paddy irrigation
usecovertype = 2 # exclude irrigation
# calculate evaporation and transpiration for soil land cover types (not for sealed and water covered areas)
if coverNo < usecovertype:
self.model.evaporation_module.dynamic(coverType, coverNo)
self.model.interception_module.dynamic(coverType, coverNo)
coverNo += 1
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Calculate water available for infiltration
# ********* WATER Demand *************************
# Allow Urban runoff to be collected by wastewater collection systems from sealed areas
if self.var.includeWastewater:
self.var.wwtUrbanLeakage = np.where(self.var.wwtColArea > 0, self.var.availWaterInfiltration[4] * self.var.urbanleak, 0.)
self.var.availWaterInfiltration[4] -= self.var.wwtUrbanLeakage
self.var.wwtUrbanLeakage = self.var.fracVegCover[4] * self.var.wwtUrbanLeakage
# Calculate soil
coverNo = 0
for coverType in self.var.coverTypes:
if checkOption('includeIrrigation'):
usecovertype = 4 # include paddy and non paddy irrigation
usecovertype = 2 # exclude irrgation
if coverNo < usecovertype:
self.model.soil_module.dynamic(coverType, coverNo)
if coverNo > 3:
# calculate for openwater and sealed area
self.model.sealed_water_module.dynamic(coverType, coverNo)
coverNo += 1
# aggregated variables by fraction of land cover
for variable in self.var.landcoverSum:
vars(self.var)["sum_" + variable] = globals.inZero.copy()
for No in range(6):
vars(self.var)["sum_" + variable] += self.var.fracVegCover[No] * vars(self.var)[variable][No]
#print "--", self.var.sum_directRunoff
self.var.prefFlow_GW = divideValues(self.var.sum_prefFlow, self.var.sum_prefFlow + self.var.sum_perc3toGW) * self.var.sum_gwRecharge
self.var.perc3toGW_GW = divideValues(self.var.sum_perc3toGW,
self.var.sum_prefFlow + self.var.sum_perc3toGW) * self.var.sum_gwRecharge
#print('landcoverType, first use of permeability')
if self.var.modflow:
# computing leakage from rivers (if modflow coupling is used)
# leakage depends on water bodies storage, water bodies fraction and modflow saturated area
self.var.riverbedExchangeM = np.minimum(self.var.leakageriver_factor * np.maximum(self.var.fracVegCover[5], 0) *
((1 - self.var.capriseindex + 0.25) // 1),
0.80 * self.var.readAvlChannelStorageM) # leakage in m/d
self.var.riverbedExchangeM = np.where(self.var.riverbedExchangeM > self.var.InvCellArea,
self.var.riverbedExchangeM, 0) # to avoid too small values
# if there is a lake in this cell, there is no leakage
if checkOption('includeWaterBodies'):
self.var.riverbedExchangeM = np.where(self.var.waterBodyID > 0, 0., self.var.riverbedExchangeM)
self.var.riverbedExchangeM3 = self.var.riverbedExchangeM * self.var.cellArea # converting leakage in m3
# self.var.riverbedExchangeM3 is then removed from river storage in routing_kinematic module
# adding leakage from river to the groundwater recharge
self.var.sum_gwRecharge += self.var.riverbedExchangeM
self.var.leakageIntoGw = self.var.leakageCanals_M * (1 - self.var.capriseindex)
self.var.leakageIntoRunoff = self.var.leakageCanals_M * self.var.capriseindex
self.var.sum_gwRecharge += self.var.leakageIntoGw
if checkOption('includeWaterBodies'):
# first, lakes variable need to be extended to their area and not only to the discharge point
lakeIDbyID = np.unique(self.var.waterBodyID)
if len(lakeIDbyID) > 1:
lakestor_id = np.copy(self.var.lakeStorage)
resstor_id = np.copy(self.var.resStorage)
for id in range(len(lakeIDbyID)): # for each lake or reservoir
if lakeIDbyID[id] != 0:
temp_map = np.where(self.var.waterBodyID == lakeIDbyID[id], np.where(self.var.lakeStorage > 0, 1, 0), 0) # Looking for the discharge point of the lake
if np.sum(temp_map) == 0: # try reservoir
temp_map = np.where(self.var.waterBodyID == lakeIDbyID[id], np.where(self.var.resStorage > 0, 1, 0), 0) # Looking for the discharge point of the reservoir
discharge_point = np.nanargmax(temp_map) # Index of the cell where the lake outlet is stored
if self.var.waterBodyTypTemp[discharge_point] != 0:
if self.var.waterBodyTypTemp[discharge_point] == 1: # this is a lake
# computing the lake area
area_stor = np.sum(np.where(self.var.waterBodyID == lakeIDbyID[id], self.var.cellArea, 0)) # required to keep mass balance rigth
# computing the lake storage in meter and put this value in each cell including the lake
lakestor_id = np.where(self.var.waterBodyID == lakeIDbyID[id],
self.var.lakeStorage[discharge_point] / area_stor, lakestor_id) # in meter
else: # this is a reservoir
# computing the reservoir area
area_stor = np.sum(np.where(self.var.waterBodyID == lakeIDbyID[id], self.var.cellArea, 0)) # required to keep mass balance rigth
# computing the reservoir storage in meter and put this value in each cell including the reservoir
resstor_id = np.where(self.var.waterBodyID == lakeIDbyID[id],
self.var.resStorage[discharge_point] / area_stor, resstor_id) # in meter
# Gathering lakes and reservoirs in the same array
lakeResStorage = np.where(self.var.waterBodyTypTemp == 0, 0., np.where(self.var.waterBodyTypTemp == 1, lakestor_id, resstor_id)) # in meter
minlake = np.maximum(0., 0.98 * lakeResStorage) # reasonable but arbitrary limit
# leakage depends on water bodies storage, water bodies fraction and modflow saturated area
lakebedExchangeM_temp = np.minimum(self.var.leakagelake_factor * np.maximum(self.var.fracVegCover[5], 0) *
((1 - self.var.capriseindex + 0.25) // 1), minlake) # leakage in m/d
# Now, leakage is converted again from the lake/reservoir area to discharge point to be removed from the lake/reservoir store
self.var.lakebedExchangeM = np.zeros(np.shape(self.var.cellArea))
for id in range(len(lakeIDbyID)): # for each lake or reservoir
if lakeIDbyID[id] != 0:
temp_map = np.where(self.var.waterBodyID == lakeIDbyID[id], np.where(self.var.lakeStorage > 0, 1, 0), 0) # Looking for the discharge point of the lake
if np.sum(temp_map) == 0: # try reservoir
temp_map = np.where(self.var.waterBodyID == lakeIDbyID[id], np.where(self.var.resStorage > 0, 1, 0), 0) # Looking for the discharge point of the reservoir
discharge_point = np.nanargmax(temp_map) # Index of the cell where the lake outlet is stored
# Converting the lake/reservoir leakage from meter to cubic meter and put this value in the cell corresponding to the outlet
self.var.lakebedExchangeM[discharge_point] = np.sum(np.where(self.var.waterBodyID == lakeIDbyID[id],
lakebedExchangeM_temp * self.var.cellArea, 0)) # in m3
self.var.lakebedExchangeM = self.var.lakebedExchangeM / self.var.MtoM3 # in meter
# compressed version for lakes and reservoirs
lakeExchangeM = np.compress(self.var.compress_LR, self.var.lakebedExchangeM)
# substract from both, because it is sorted by self.var.waterBodyTypCTemp
self.var.lakeStorageC = self.var.lakeStorageC - lakeExchangeM * self.var.MtoM3C
self.var.lakeVolumeM3C = self.var.lakeVolumeM3C - lakeExchangeM * self.var.MtoM3C
self.var.reservoirStorageM3C = self.var.reservoirStorageM3C - lakeExchangeM * self.var.MtoM3C
# and from the combined one for waterbalance issues
self.var.lakeResStorageC = self.var.lakeResStorageC - lakeExchangeM * self.var.MtoM3C
self.var.lakeResStorage = globals.inZero.copy()
np.put(self.var.lakeResStorage, self.var.decompress_LR, self.var.lakeResStorageC)
# adding leakage from lakes and reservoirs to the groundwater recharge
self.var.sum_gwRecharge += lakebedExchangeM_temp
if self.var.includeWastewaterPits:
self.var.sum_gwRecharge += self.var.pitLatrinToGW
soilVars = ['w1','w2','w3']
for variable in soilVars:
vars(self.var)["sum_" + variable] = globals.inZero.copy()
for No in range(4):
vars(self.var)["sum_" + variable] += self.var.fracVegCover[No] * vars(self.var)[variable][No]
self.var.sum_topwater = self.var.fracVegCover[2] * self.var.topwater
self.var.totalET = self.var.sum_actTransTotal + self.var.sum_actBareSoilEvap + self.var.sum_openWaterEvap + self.var.sum_interceptEvap + self.var.snowEvap + self.var.iceEvap + self.var.addtoevapotrans
# addtoevapotrans: part of water demand which is lost due to evaporation
self.var.sum_soil = self.var.sum_w1 + self.var.sum_w2 + self.var.sum_w3 + self.var.sum_topwater
self.var.totalSto = self.var.SnowCover + self.var.sum_interceptStor + self.var.sum_soil
# leakageIntoRunoff is also added in runoff_concentration
self.var.sum_runoff = self.var.sum_directRunoff + self.var.sum_interflow + self.var.leakageIntoRunoff
### Printing the soil+GW water balance (considering no pumping), without the surface part
#print('Date : ', dateVar['currDatestr'])
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
if self.var.modflow:
if dateVar['curr'] > self.var.modflow_timestep: # from the second step
storcwat = np.sum((self.var.totalSto - self.var.pretotalSto) * self.var.cellArea) # Daily CWAT storage variations
#cwatbudg = np.sum((self.var.Precipitation - self.var.sum_runoff - self.var.totalET + self.var.presumed_sum_gwRecharge / self.var.modflow_timestep - self.var.sum_gwRecharge - self.var.baseflow) * self.var.cellArea) # Inputs-Outputs (baseflow comes from the previous ModFlow model)
cwatbudg = np.sum((self.var.Precipitation - self.var.sum_runoff - self.var.totalET + self.var.sum_gwRecharge - self.var.sum_gwRecharge - self.var.baseflow) * self.var.cellArea) # Inputs-Outputs (baseflow comes from the previous ModFlow model)
print('CWatM-ModFlow water balance error [%]: ',
round(100 * (cwatbudg - storcwat - self.var.GWVolumeVariation / self.var.modflow_timestep) /
(0.5 * cwatbudg + 0.5 * storcwat + 0.5 * self.var.GWVolumeVariation / self.var.modflow_timestep) * 100) / 100)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#if (dateVar['curr'] == 104):
# ii=1
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
[self.var.Rain,self.var.SnowMelt], # In
[self.var.sum_availWaterInfiltration,self.var.sum_interceptEvap], # Out
[preIntStor], # prev storage
"InterAll", False)
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
[self.var.sum_availWaterInfiltration,self.var.sum_capRiseFromGW, self.var.sum_act_irrConsumption], # In
[self.var.sum_directRunoff,self.var.sum_perc3toGW, self.var.sum_prefFlow,
self.var.sum_actTransTotal, self.var.sum_actBareSoilEvap,self.var.sum_openWaterEvap], # Out
[pretop,preStor1,preStor2,preStor3], # prev storage
[self.var.sum_w1, self.var.sum_w2, self.var.sum_w3,self.var.sum_topwater],
"Soil_sum1", False)
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
[self.var.Rain,self.var.SnowMelt, self.var.sum_act_irrConsumption], # In
self.var.sum_actTransTotal, self.var.sum_actBareSoilEvap,self.var.sum_openWaterEvap,self.var.sum_interceptEvap], # Out
[pretop,preStor1,preStor2,preStor3,preIntStor], # prev storage
[self.var.sum_w1, self.var.sum_w2, self.var.sum_w3,self.var.sum_interceptStor,self.var.sum_topwater],
"Soil_sum111", False)
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
[self.var.Rain,self.var.Snow, self.var.sum_act_irrConsumption], # In
self.var.sum_actTransTotal, self.var.sum_actBareSoilEvap,self.var.sum_openWaterEvap,self.var.sum_interceptEvap,self.var.snowEvap, self.var.iceEvap], # Out
[pretop,preStor1,preStor2,preStor3,preIntStor,self.var.prevSnowCover], # prev storage
[self.var.sum_w1, self.var.sum_w2, self.var.sum_w3,self.var.sum_interceptStor,self.var.SnowCover,self.var.sum_topwater],
"Soil_sum2", False)
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
[self.var.Rain,self.var.Snow, self.var.sum_act_irrConsumption], # In
self.var.sum_actTransTotal, self.var.sum_actBareSoilEvap, self.var.sum_openWaterEvap, self.var.sum_interceptEvap, self.var.snowEvap, self.var.iceEvap], # Out
[self.var.pretotalSto], # prev storage
"Soil_sum2b", False)
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
[self.var.Rain,self.var.Snow,self.var.act_irrWithdrawal], # In
self.var.totalET,self.var.act_nonIrrConsumption,self.var.returnFlow ], # Out
[self.var.pretotalSto], # prev storage
"Soil_sum3", False) # -> something wrong
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
[self.var.Rain,self.var.Snow], # In
[self.var.sum_runoff,self.var.sum_gwRecharge,self.var.totalET ], # out
[self.var.pretotalSto], # prev storage
"Soil_sum4", False)
#[self.var.waterWithdrawal], # In
#[self.var.sumirrConsumption, self.var.returnFlow, self.var.addtoevapotrans, nonIrruse], # Out
#a = decompress(self.var.sumsum_Precipitation)
#b = cellvalue(a,81,379)
#print self.var.sum_directRunoff
#report(decompress(self.var.sumsum_Precipitation), "c:\work\output\Prsum.map")
#report(decompress(self.var.sumsum_gwRecharge), "c:\work\output\gwrsum.map")