# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name: Interception module
# Purpose:
# Author: PB
# Created: 01/08/2016
# Copyright: (c) PB 2016
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
from cwatm.management_modules.data_handling import *
[docs]class interception(object):
**Global variables**
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
Variable [self.var] Description Unit
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
snowEvap total evaporation from snow for a snow layers m
potTranspiration Potential transpiration (after removing of evaporation) m
interceptCap interception capacity of vegetation m
interceptEvap simulated evaporation from water intercepted by vegetation m
minInterceptCap Maximum interception read from file for forest and grassland land cove m
interceptStor simulated vegetation interception storage m
availWaterInfiltration quantity of water reaching the soil after interception, more snowmelt m
twothird 2/3 --
EWRef potential evaporation rate from water surface m
SnowMelt total snow melt from all layers m
Rain Precipitation less snow m
actualET simulated evapotranspiration from soil, flooded area and vegetation m
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
def __init__(self, model):
self.var = model.var
self.model = model
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] def dynamic(self,coverType, No):
Dynamic part of the interception module
calculating interception for each land cover class
:param coverType: Land cover type: forest, grassland ...
:param No: number of land cover type: forest = 0, grassland = 1 ...
:return: interception evaporation, interception storage, reduced pot. transpiration
if coverType in ['forest','grassland']:
## interceptCap Maximum interception read from file for forest and grassland land cover
# for specific days of the year - repeated every year
if dateVar['newStart'] or dateVar['new10day']: # check if first day of the year
self.var.interceptCap[No] = readnetcdf2(coverType + '_interceptCapNC', dateVar['10day'], "10day")
self.var.interceptCap[No] = np.maximum(self.var.interceptCap[No], self.var.minInterceptCap[No])
self.var.interceptCap[No] = self.var.minInterceptCap[No]
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
prevState = self.var.interceptStor[No].copy()
# Rain instead Pr, because snow is substracted later
# assuming that all interception storage is used the other time step
throughfall = np.maximum(0.0, self.var.Rain + self.var.interceptStor[No] - self.var.interceptCap[No])
# update interception storage after throughfall
self.var.interceptStor[No] = self.var.interceptStor[No] + self.var.Rain - throughfall
# availWaterInfiltration Available water for infiltration: throughfall + snow melt
self.var.availWaterInfiltration[No] = np.maximum(0.0, throughfall + self.var.SnowMelt + self.var.IceMelt)
if coverType in ['forest', 'grassland', 'irrPaddy', 'irrNonPaddy']:
mult = divideValues(self.var.interceptStor[No],self.var.interceptCap[No]) ** self.var.twothird
# interceptEvap evaporation from intercepted water (based on potTranspiration)
self.var.interceptEvap[No] = np.minimum(self.var.interceptStor[No], self.var.potTranspiration[No] * mult)
if coverType in ['sealed']:
self.var.interceptEvap[No] = np.maximum(np.minimum(self.var.interceptStor[No], self.var.EWRef),globals.inZero)
# update interception storage and potTranspiration
self.var.interceptStor[No] = self.var.interceptStor[No] - self.var.interceptEvap[No]
self.var.potTranspiration[No] = np.maximum(0, self.var.potTranspiration[No] - self.var.interceptEvap[No])
# update actual evaporation (after interceptEvap)
# interceptEvap is the first flux in ET, soil evapo and transpiration are added later
self.var.actualET[No] = self.var.interceptEvap[No] + self.var.snowEvap + self.var.iceEvap
#if (dateVar['curr'] == 15):
# ii=1
if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'):
[self.var.Rain, self.var.SnowMelt, self.var.IceMelt], # In
[self.var.availWaterInfiltration[No], self.var.interceptEvap[No]], # Out
[prevState], # prev storage
"Interception", False)