Source code for cwatm.hydrological_modules.initcondition

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name:        INITCONDITION
# Purpose:	   Read/write initial condtions for warm start
# Author:      PB
# Created:     19/08/2016
# Copyright:   (c) PB 2016
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

from cwatm.management_modules.data_handling import *
import importlib
# importlib to import pandas as pd in has crop sentitive version is used
# import pandas as pd

[docs]class initcondition(object): """ READ/WRITE INITIAL CONDITIONS all initial condition can be stored at the end of a run to be used as a **warm** start for a following up run **Global variables** ===================================== ====================================================================== ===== Variable [self.var] Description Unit ===================================== ====================================================================== ===== modflow Flag: True if modflow_coupling = True in settings file -- Crops_names Internal: List of specific crops -- includeCrops 1 when includeCrops=True in Settings, 0 otherwise bool Crops Internal: List of specific crops and Kc/Ky parameters -- includeDesal -- unlimitedDesal -- desalAnnualCap -- reservoir_transfers [['Giving reservoir'][i], ['Receiving reservoir'][i], ['Fraction of li array wwt_def -- wastewater_to_reservoirs -- loadInit Flag: if true initial conditions are loaded -- initLoadFile load file name of the initial condition data -- saveInit Flag: if true initial conditions are saved -- saveInitFile save file name of the initial condition data -- coverTypes land cover types - forest - grassland - irrPaddy - irrNonPaddy - water -- ===================================== ====================================================================== ===== **Functions** """ def __init__(self, model): self.var = model.var self.model = model
[docs] def crops_initialise(self, xl_settings_file_path): pd = importlib.import_module("pandas", package=None) df = pd.read_excel(xl_settings_file_path, sheet_name='Crops') # Crops = [ [planting month, [length of growth stage i, kc_i, ky_i]_i]_c] Crops = [] Crops_names = [] for i in df.index: crop = [df['Planting month'][i]] growth_stage_end_month=0 for gs in range(1, 5): #gs_parameters = [df['EM' + str(gs)][i], df['KC' + str(gs)][i], df['KY' + str(gs)][i]] growth_stage_end_month+=df['GS' + str(gs)][i] gs_parameters = [growth_stage_end_month, df['KC' + str(gs)][i], df['KY' + str(gs)][i]] crop.append(gs_parameters) Crops.append(crop) Crops_names.append(df['Crop'][i]) return Crops, Crops_names
[docs] def reservoir_transfers(self, xl_settings_file_path): pd = importlib.import_module("pandas", package=None) df = pd.read_excel(xl_settings_file_path, sheet_name='Reservoir_transfers') # reservoir_transfers = [ [Giving reservoir, Receiving reservoir, fraction of live storage] ] reservoir_transfers = [] for i in df.index: transfer = [df['Giving reservoir'][i], df['Receiving reservoir'][i], df['Fraction of live storage'][i]] if transfer[2] > 0: reservoir_transfers.append(transfer) return reservoir_transfers
# To initialize wastewater2reservoir; and wastewater attributes
[docs] def wastewater_to_reservoirs(self, xl_settings_file_path): # fix - build an object with wwtp_id as key and res as values. # get unique wwtp_id and iterate pd = importlib.import_module("pandas", package=None) df = pd.read_excel(xl_settings_file_path, sheet_name='Wastewater_to_reservoirs') wwtp_to_reservoir = {} for wwtpid in df['Sending WWTP'].unique(): wwtp_to_reservoir[wwtpid] = df[df['Sending WWTP'] == wwtpid]['Receiving Reservoir'].tolist() #transfer = [df['Sending WWTP'][i], df['Receiving Reservoir'][i]] #wwtp_to_reservoir.append(transfer) #print(wwtp_to_reservoir) return wwtp_to_reservoir
[docs] def wasterwater_def(self, xl_settings_file_path): pd = importlib.import_module("pandas", package=None) df = pd.read_excel(xl_settings_file_path, sheet_name='Wastewater_def') cols = ['From year', 'To year', 'Volume (cubic m per day)', 'Treatment days', 'Treatment level', 'Export share', 'Domestic', 'Industrial', 'min_HRT'] wwtp_definitions = {} for wwtpid in df['WWTP ID'].unique(): wwtp_definitions[wwtpid] = df[df['WWTP ID'] == wwtpid][cols].to_numpy() return wwtp_definitions
[docs] def desalinationCapacity(self, xl_settings_file_path): pd = importlib.import_module("pandas", package=None) df = pd.read_excel(xl_settings_file_path, sheet_name='Desalination') s_year = globals.dateVar['dateBegin'].year e_year = globals.dateVar['dateEnd'].year desalCap = {} lastDesal = 0 for year in range(s_year, e_year + 1): if np.in1d(year, df['Year']): lastDesal = df[df['Year'] == year]['Capacity'].to_list()[0] desalCap[year] = lastDesal return desalCap
[docs] def initial(self): """ initial part of the initcondition module Puts all the variables which has to be stored in 2 lists: * initCondVar: the name of the variable in the init netcdf file * initCondVarValue: the variable as it can be read with the 'eval' command Reads the parameter *save_initial* and *save_initial* to know if to save or load initial values """ # list all initiatial variables # Snow & Frost number = int(loadmap('NumberSnowLayers')) for i in range(number): initCondVar.append("SnowCover"+str(i+1)) initCondVarValue.append("SnowCoverS["+str(i)+"]") initCondVar.append("FrostIndex") initCondVarValue.append("FrostIndex") if checkOption('includeRunoffConcentration'): for i in range(10): initCondVar.append("runoff_conc" + str(i + 1)) initCondVarValue.append("runoff_conc[" + str(i) + "]") # soil / landcover i = 0 self.var.coverTypes = list(map(str.strip, cbinding("coverTypes").split(","))) # soil paddy irrigation initCondVar.append("topwater") initCondVarValue.append("topwater") for coverType in self.var.coverTypes: if coverType in ['forest', 'grassland', 'irrPaddy', 'irrNonPaddy']: for cond in ["interceptStor", "w1","w2","w3"]: initCondVar.append(coverType+"_"+ cond) initCondVarValue.append(cond+"["+str(i)+"]") if coverType in ['sealed']: for cond in ["interceptStor"]: initCondVar.append(coverType+"_"+ cond) initCondVarValue.append(cond+"["+str(i)+"]") i += 1 self.var.includeCrops = False if "includeCrops" in option: self.var.includeCrops = checkOption('includeCrops') if self.var.includeCrops: if 'Excel_settings_file' in binding: xl_settings_file_path = cbinding('Excel_settings_file') self.var.Crops, self.var.Crops_names = self.crops_initialise(xl_settings_file_path) else: msg = "The Excel settings file needs to be included into the settings file:\n" \ "Excel_settings_file ="+r"*PATH*\cwatm_settings.xlsx"+"\n" raise CWATMError(msg) initCondVar.append('frac_totalIrr_max') initCondVarValue.append('frac_totalIrr_max') initCondVar.append('frac_totalnonIrr_max') initCondVarValue.append('frac_totalnonIrr_max') for c in range(len(self.var.Crops)): initCondVar.append('monthCounter_'+ str(c)) initCondVarValue.append('monthCounter['+str(c)+']') initCondVar.append('fracCrops_Irr_'+ str(c)) initCondVarValue.append('fracCrops_Irr['+str(c)+']') initCondVar.append('fracCrops_nonIrr_'+ str(c)) initCondVarValue.append('fracCrops_nonIrr['+str(c)+']') initCondVar.append('activatedCrops_'+ str(c)) initCondVarValue.append('activatedCrops['+str(c)+']') # water demand initCondVar.append("unmetDemandPaddy") initCondVarValue.append("unmetDemandPaddy") initCondVar.append("unmetDemandNonpaddy") initCondVarValue.append("unmetDemandNonpaddy") # Desalination self.var.includeDesal = False self.var.unlimitedDesal = False if 'includeDesalination' in option: self.var.includeDesal = checkOption('includeDesalination') if self.var.includeDesal: self.var.unlimitedDesal = returnBool('unlimitedDesalinationCapacity') if not self.var.unlimitedDesal: xl_settings_file_path = cbinding('Excel_settings_file') self.var.desalAnnualCap = self.desalinationCapacity(xl_settings_file_path) # groundwater if not self.var.modflow: initCondVar.append("storGroundwater") initCondVarValue.append("storGroundwater") # routing Var1 = ["channelStorage", "discharge", "riverbedExchange"] Var2 = ["channelStorage", "discharge", "riverbedExchange"] initCondVar.extend(Var1) initCondVarValue.extend(Var2) # lakes & reservoirs if checkOption('includeWaterBodies'): Var1 = ["lakeInflow", "lakeStorage","reservoirStorage","outLake","lakeOutflow"] Var2 = ["lakeInflow","lakeVolume","reservoirStorage","outLake","lakeOutflow"] initCondVar.extend(Var1) initCondVarValue.extend(Var2) # lakes & reservoirs if checkOption('includeWaterBodies'): if returnBool('useSmallLakes'): Var1 = ["smalllakeInflow","smalllakeStorage","smalllakeOutflow"] Var2 = ["smalllakeInflowOld","smalllakeVolumeM3","smalllakeOutflow"] initCondVar.extend(Var1) initCondVarValue.extend(Var2) if 'reservoir_transfers' in option: if checkOption('reservoir_transfers'): if 'Excel_settings_file' in binding: xl_settings_file_path = cbinding('Excel_settings_file') self.var.reservoir_transfers = self.reservoir_transfers(xl_settings_file_path) if 'includeWastewater' in option: if checkOption('includeWastewater'): if 'Excel_settings_file' in binding: xl_settings_file_path = cbinding('Excel_settings_file') self.var.wwt_def = self.wasterwater_def(xl_settings_file_path) self.var.wastewater_to_reservoirs = self.wastewater_to_reservoirs(xl_settings_file_path) if 'relax_irrigation_agents' in option: if checkOption('relax_irrigation_agents'): if 'irrigation_agent_SW_request_month_m3' in binding: initCondVar.append("relaxSWagent") initCondVarValue.append("relaxSWagent") if 'irrigation_agent_GW_request_month_m3' in binding: initCondVar.append("relaxGWagent") initCondVarValue.append("relaxGWagent") # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # Load init file - a single file can be loaded - needs path and file name self.var.loadInit = returnBool('load_initial') if self.var.loadInit: self.var.initLoadFile = cbinding('initLoad') # Safe init file # several initial conditions can be stored in different netcdf files # initSave has the path and the first part of the name # intInit has the dates - as a single date, as several dates # or in certain interval e.g. 2y = every 2 years, 3m = every 3 month, 15d = every 15 days self.var.saveInit = returnBool('save_initial') #self.var.initmap = {} if self.var.saveInit: self.var.saveInitFile = cbinding('initSave') initdates = cbinding('StepInit').split() datetosaveInit(initdates,dateVar['dateBegin'],dateVar['dateEnd'])
#for d in initdates: # dd = datetoInt(d, dateVar['dateBegin']) # dateVar['intInit'].append(datetoInt(d, dateVar['dateBegin']))
[docs] def dynamic(self): """ Dynamic part of the initcondition module write initital conditions into a single netcdf file Note: Several dates can be stored in different netcdf files """ if self.var.saveInit: if dateVar['curr'] in dateVar['intInit']: saveFile = self.var.saveInitFile + "_" + "" % (dateVar['currDate'].year, dateVar['currDate'].month, dateVar['currDate'].day) initVar=[] i = 0 for var in initCondVar: variabel = "self.var."+initCondVarValue[i] #print variabel initVar.append(eval(variabel)) i += 1 writeIniNetcdf(saveFile, initCondVar,initVar)