# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Purpose:
# Author: PB
# Created: 13/07/2016
# Copyright: (c) PB 2016
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
import math
from cwatm.management_modules.data_handling import *
[docs]class inflow(object):
If option "inflow" is set to 1 the inflow hydrograph code is used otherwise dummy code is used
**Global variables**
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
Variable [self.var] Description Unit
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
sampleInflow location of inflow point lat/l
noinflowpoints number of inflow points --
inflowTs inflow time series data m3/s
totalQInM3 total inflow over time (for mass balance calculation) m3
inflowM3 inflow to basin m3
DtSec number of seconds per timestep (default = 86400) s
QInM3Old Inflow from previous day m3
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
def __init__(self, model):
self.var = model.var
self.model = model
[docs] def initial(self):
Initial part of the inflow module
Get the inflow points
calls function :meth:`hydrological_modules.getlocOutpoints`
calls function :meth:`hydrological_modules.join_struct_arrays2`
def getlocOutpoints(out):
Get location from Inflow (same as outflow) points
:param out: get out
:return: sampleAdresses - number and locs of the output
sampleAdresses = {}
for i in range(maskinfo['mapC'][0]):
if out[i]>0:
sampleAdresses[out[i]] = i
return sampleAdresses
def join_struct_arrays2(arrays):
Join arrays to a combined one
:param arrays:
:return: combined arry
:param arrays:
newdtype = sum((a.dtype.descr for a in arrays), [])
newrecarray = np.empty(len(arrays[0]), dtype=newdtype)
for a in arrays:
for name in a.dtype.names:
newrecarray[name] = a[name]
return newrecarray
if checkOption('inflow'):
localGauges = returnBool('InLocal')
where = "InflowPoints"
inflowPointsMap = cbinding(where)
coord = cbinding(where).split() # could be gauges, sites, lakeSites etc.
if len(coord) % 2 == 0:
inflowPoints = valuecell(coord, inflowPointsMap)
if os.path.exists(inflowPointsMap):
inflowPoints = loadmap(where, local=localGauges).astype(np.int64)
if len(coord) == 1:
msg = "Error 216: Checking output-points file\n"
msg = "Error 127: Coordinates are not pairs\n"
raise CWATMFileError(inflowPointsMap, msg, sname="Gauges")
inflowPoints[inflowPoints < 0] = 0
self.var.sampleInflow = getlocOutpoints(inflowPoints) # for key in sorted(mydict):
self.var.noinflowpoints = len(self.var.sampleInflow)
inDir = cbinding('In_Dir')
inflowFile = cbinding('QInTS').split()
inflowNames =[]
flagFirstTss = True
for name in inflowFile:
names =['timestep']
filename = os.path.join(inDir,name)
file = open(filename, "r")
# read data header
line = file.readline()
no = int(file.readline()) - 1
line = file.readline()
for i in range(no):
line = file.readline().strip('\n')
if line in inflowNames:
msg = "Error 217:" + line + " in: " + filename + " is used already"
raise CWATMError(msg)
skiplines = 3 + no
msg = "Error 218: Mistake reading inflow file\n"
raise CWATMFileError(os.path.join(inDir,name), sname=name)
tempTssData = np.genfromtxt(filename, skip_header=skiplines, names=names, usecols=names[1:], filling_values=0.0)
if flagFirstTss:
self.var.inflowTs = tempTssData.copy()
flagFirstTss = False
# copy temp data into the inflow data
self.var.inflowTs = join_struct_arrays2((self.var.inflowTs, tempTssData))
# join this dataset with the ones before
###import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rfn
###d = rfn.merge_arrays((a,b), flatten=True, usemask=False)
self.var.QInM3Old = globals.inZero.copy()
# Initialising cumulative output variables
# These are all needed to compute the cumulative mass balance error
self.var.totalQInM3 = globals.inZero.copy()
[docs] def dynamic(self):
Dynamic part of the inflow module
Use the inflow points to add inflow from time series file(s)
if checkOption('inflow'):
# Get inflow hydrograph at each inflow point [m3/s]
self.var.inflowM3 = globals.inZero.copy()
for key in self.var.sampleInflow:
loc = self.var.sampleInflow[key]
index = dateVar['curr']-1
self.var.inflowM3[loc] = self.var.inflowTs[str(key)][index] * self.var.DtSec
# Convert to [m3] per time step
self.var.totalQInM3 += self.var.inflowM3
# Map of total inflow from inflow hydrographs [m3]