# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Purpose:
# Author: PB
# Created: 10/01/2017
# Copyright: (c) PB 2017
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
from cwatm.management_modules.data_handling import *
[docs]class evaporationPot(object):
Calculate potential evapotranspiration from climate data mainly based on FAO 56 and LISVAP
Based on Penman Monteith
http://www.fao.org/docrep/X0490E/x0490e06.htm http://www.fao.org/docrep/X0490E/x0490e06.htm
**Global variables**
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
Variable [self.var] Description Unit
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
cropCorrect calibration factor of crop KC factor --
pet_modus Flag: index which ETP approach is used e.g. 1 for Penman-Monteith bool
AlbedoCanopy Albedo of vegetation canopy (FAO,1998) default =0.23 --
AlbedoSoil Albedo of bare soil surface (Supit et. al. 1994) default = 0.15 --
AlbedoWater Albedo of water surface (Supit et. al. 1994) default = 0.05 --
dem --
lat --
co2 --
albedoLand albedo from land surface (from GlobAlbedo database) --
albedoOpenWater albedo from open water surface (from GlobAlbedo database) --
ETRef potential evapotranspiration rate from reference crop m
only_radition --
TMin minimum air temperature K
TMax maximum air temperature K
Tavg Input, average air Temperature K
Rsds short wave downward surface radiation fluxes W/m2
EAct --
Psurf Instantaneous surface pressure Pa
Qair specific humidity kg/kg
Rsdl long wave downward surface radiation fluxes W/m2
Wind wind speed m/s
EWRef potential evaporation rate from water surface m
===================================== ====================================================================== =====
def __init__(self, model):
The constructor evaporationPot
self.var = model.var
self.model = model
[docs] def initial(self):
Initial part of evaporation type module
Load inictial parameters
Only run if *calc_evaporation* is True
#self.var.sumETRef = globals.inZero.copy()
self.var.cropCorrect = loadmap('crop_correct')
if checkOption('calc_evaporation'):
# Default calculation method is Penman Monteith
# if PET_modus is missing use Penman Monteith
self.var.pet_modus = 1
if "PET_modus" in option:
self.var.pet_modus = checkOption('PET_modus')
#if self.var.pet_modus == 1: self.initial_1()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def initial_1(self):
Initial part of evaporation type module
Load initial parameters
1: Penman Monteith
2: Milly and Dunne method
P. C. D. Milly* and K. A. Dunne, 2016: Potential evapotranspiration and continental drying, Nature Climate Change, DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE3046
Energy only PET: ET=0.8(Rn ?) equation 8
3: Yang et al. Penman Montheith correction method
Yang, Y., Roderick, M. L., Zhang, S., McVicar, T. R., and Donohue, R. J.: Hydrologic implications of vegetation response to elevated CO2 in climate projections, Nat. Clim. Change, 9, 44-48, 10.1038/s41558-018-0361-0, 2019.
Equation 14: where the term 2.14 accounts for changing [CO2] on rs
self.var.AlbedoCanopy = loadmap('AlbedoCanopy')
self.var.AlbedoSoil = loadmap('AlbedoSoil')
self.var.AlbedoWater = loadmap('AlbedoWater')
if self.var.only_radition:
self.var.dem = loadmap('dem')
self.var.lat = loadmap('latitude')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dynamic(self):
Dynamic part of the potential evaporation module
- ETRef - potential reference evapotranspiration rate [m/day]
- EWRef - potential evaporation rate from water surface [m/day]
if checkOption('calc_evaporation'):
if self.var.pet_modus == 1: self.dynamic_1()
if self.var.pet_modus == 2: self.dynamic_2()
if self.var.pet_modus == 3: self.dynamic_1()
if self.var.pet_modus == 4: self.dynamic_4()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dynamic_1(self):
Dynamic part of the potential evaporation module
Based on Penman Monteith - FAO 56
if self.var.pet_modus == 3:
#Yang et al.Penman Montheith correction method
# loading CO2 concentration RCP2.6-RCP8.5
if dateVar['newStart'] or dateVar['newYear']:
self.var.co2 = readnetcdf2('co2conc', dateVar['currDate'], "yearly", value="CO2", cut = False, compress= False)
ESatmin = 0.6108* np.exp((17.27 * self.var.TMin) / (self.var.TMin + 237.3))
ESatmax = 0.6108* np.exp((17.27 * self.var.TMax) / (self.var.TMax + 237.3))
ESat = (ESatmin + ESatmax) / 2.0 # [KPa]
# http://www.fao.org/docrep/X0490E/x0490e07.htm equation 11/12
RNup = 4.903E-9 * (((self.var.TMin + 273.16) ** 4) + ((self.var.TMax + 273.16) ** 4)) / 2
# Up longwave radiation [MJ/m2/day]
LatHeatVap = 2.501 - 0.002361 * self.var.Tavg
# latent heat of vaporization [MJ/kg]
# --------------------------------
# if only daily calculate radiation is given instead of longwave down and shortwave down radiation
if self.var.only_radition:
# FAO 56 - https://www.fao.org/3/x0490E/x0490e07.htm#solar%20radiation equation 39
radian = np.pi / 180 * self.var.lat
distanceSun = 1 + 0.033 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * dateVar['doy'] / 365)
# Chapter 3: equation 24
declin = 0.409 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * dateVar['doy'] / 365 - 1.39)
ws = np.arccos(-np.tan(radian * np.tan(declin)))
Ra = 24 *60 / np.pi * 0.082 * distanceSun * (ws * np.sin(radian) * np.sin(declin) + np.cos(radian) * np.cos(declin) * np.sin(ws))
# Equation 21 Chapter 3
Rso = Ra * (0.75 + (2 * 10 ** -5 * self.var.dem)) # in MJ/m2/day
# Equation 37 Chapter 3
RsRso = 1.35 * self.var.Rsds/Rso - 0.35
RsRso = np.minimum(np.maximum(RsRso, 0.05), 1)
EmNet = (0.34 - 0.14 * np.sqrt(self.var.EAct)) # Eact in hPa but needed in kPa : kpa = 0.1 * hPa - conversion done in readmeteo
RLN = RNup * EmNet * RsRso
# Equation 39 Chapter 3
Psycon = 0.00163 * (101.3 / LatHeatVap)
# psychrometric constant at sea level [mbar/deg C]
#Psycon = 0.665E-3 * self.var.Psurf
# psychrometric constant [kPa C-1]
# http://www.fao.org/docrep/X0490E/x0490e07.htm Equation 8
# see http://www.fao.org/docrep/X0490E/x0490e08.htm#penman%20monteith%20equation
Psycon = Psycon * ((293 - 0.0065 * self.var.dem) / 293) ** 5.26 # in [KPa deg C-1]
# http://www.fao.org/docrep/X0490E/x0490e07.htm Equation 7
Psycon = 0.665E-3 * self.var.Psurf
# psychrometric constant [kPa C-1]
# http://www.fao.org/docrep/X0490E/x0490e07.htm Equation 8
# see http://www.fao.org/docrep/X0490E/x0490e08.htm#penman%20monteith%20equation
# calculate vapor pressure
# Fao 56 Page 36
# calculate actual vapour pressure
if returnBool('useHuss'):
# if specific humidity calculate actual vapour pressure this way
self.var.EAct = (self.var.Psurf * self.var.Qair) / ((0.378 * self.var.Qair) + 0.622)
# http://www.eol.ucar.edu/projects/ceop/dm/documents/refdata_report/eqns.html
# (self.var.Psurf * self.var.Qair)/0.622
# old calculation not completely ok
# if relative humidity
self.var.EAct = ESat * self.var.Qair / 100.0
# longwave radiation balance
RLN = RNup - self.var.Rsdl
# RDL is stored on disk as W/m2 but converted in MJ/m2/s in readmeteo.py
# ************************************************************
# ***** NET ABSORBED RADIATION *******************************
# ************************************************************
if returnBool('albedo'):
if dateVar['newStart'] or dateVar['newMonth']: # loading every month a new map
self.var.albedoLand = readnetcdf2('albedoMaps', dateVar['currDate'], useDaily='month',value='albedoLand')
self.var.albedoOpenWater = readnetcdf2('albedoMaps', dateVar['currDate'], useDaily='month',value='albedoWater')
RNA = np.maximum(((1 - self.var.albedoLand) * self.var.Rsds - RLN) / LatHeatVap, 0.0)
RNAWater = np.maximum(((1 - self.var.albedoOpenWater) * self.var.Rsds - RLN) / LatHeatVap, 0.0)
RNA = np.maximum(((1 - self.var.AlbedoCanopy) * self.var.Rsds - RLN) / LatHeatVap, 0.0)
# net absorbed radiation of reference vegetation canopy [mm/d]
# RNASoil = np.maximum(((1 - self.var.AlbedoSoil) * self.var.Rsds - RLN) / LatHeatVap, 0.0)
# net absorbed radiation of bare soil surface
RNAWater = np.maximum(((1 - self.var.AlbedoWater) * self.var.Rsds - RLN) / LatHeatVap, 0.0)
# net absorbed radiation of water surface
VapPressDef = np.maximum(ESat - self.var.EAct, 0.0)
Delta = ((4098.0 * ESat) / ((self.var.Tavg + 237.3)**2))
# slope of saturated vapour pressure curve [kPa/deg C]
# Equation 13 Chapter 3
# Chapter 2 Equation 6
windpart = 900 * self.var.Wind / (self.var.Tavg + 273.16)
if self.var.pet_modus == 1:
denominator = Delta + Psycon *(1 + 0.34 * self.var.Wind)
# Yang et al.Penman Montheith correction method: term 2 accounts for changing [CO2] on rs.
denominator = Delta + Psycon * (1 + self.var.Wind*(0.34+0.00024*(self.var.co2-300.)))
numerator1 = Delta / denominator
numerator2 = Psycon / denominator
# the 0.408 constant is replace by 1/LatHeatVap see above
RNAN = RNA * numerator1
#RNANSoil = RNASoil * numerator1
RNANWater = RNAWater * numerator1
EA = windpart * VapPressDef * numerator2
# Potential evapo(transpi)ration is calculated for two reference surfaces:
# 1. Reference vegetation canopy
# 2. Open water surface
self.var.ETRef = (RNAN + EA) * 0.001
# potential reference evapotranspiration rate [m/day] # from mm to m with 0.001
#self.var.ESRef = RNANSoil + EA
# potential evaporation rate from a bare soil surface [m/day]
self.var.EWRef = (RNANWater + EA) * 0.001
ii =1
# potential evaporation rate from water surface [m/day]
# -> here we are at ET0 (see http://www.fao.org/docrep/X0490E/x0490e04.htm#TopOfPage figure 4:)
#self.var.sumETRef = self.var.sumETRef + self.var.ETRef*1000
#if dateVar['curr'] ==32:
#report(decompress(self.var.sumETRef), "C:\work\output2/sumetref.map")
[docs] def dynamic_2(self):
Dynamic part of the potential evaporation module
2: Milly and Dunne method
P. C. D. Milly* and K. A. Dunne, 2016: Potential evapotranspiration and continental drying, Nature Climate Change, DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE3046
Energy only PET = 0.8(Rn ? ) equation 8
LatHeatVap = 2.501 - 0.002361 * self.var.Tavg
# latent heat of vaporization [MJ/kg]
RNup = 4.903E-9 * (((self.var.TMin + 273.16) ** 4) + ((self.var.TMax + 273.16) ** 4)) / 2
# Up longwave radiation [MJ/m2/day]
if self.var.only_radition:
# FAO 56 - https://www.fao.org/3/x0490E/x0490e07.htm#solar%20radiation equation 39
a = dateVar['doy']
#radian = np.pi / 180 * self.var.lat
radian = np.pi / 180 * -20
#distanceSun = 1 + 0.033 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * dateVar['doy'] / 365)
distanceSun = 1 + 0.033 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * 246 / 365)
#declin = 0.409 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * dateVar['doy'] / 365 - 1.39)
declin = 0.409 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * 246 / 365 - 1.39)
ws = np.arccos(-np.tan(radian * np.tan(declin)))
Ra = 24 *60 / np.pi * 0.082 * distanceSun * (ws * np.sin(radian) * np.sin(declin) + np.cos(radian) * np.cos(declin) * np.sin(ws))
Rso = Ra * (0.75 + (2 * 10 ** -5 * self.var.dem)) # in MJ/m2/day
RsRso = 1.35 * self.var.Rsds/Rso - 0.35
RsRso = np.minimum(np.maximum(RsRso, 0.05), 1)
EmNet = (0.34 - 0.14 * np.sqrt(self.var.EAct)) # Eact in hPa but needed in kPa : kpa = 0.1 * hPa - conversion done in readmeteo
RLN = RNup * EmNet * RsRso
RLN = RNup - self.var.Rsdl
# RDL is stored on disk as W/m2 but converted in MJ/m2/s in readmeteo.py
if returnBool('albedo'):
if dateVar['newStart'] or dateVar['newMonth']: # loading every month a new map
self.var.albedoLand = readnetcdf2('albedoMaps', dateVar['currDate'], useDaily='month',value='albedoLand')
self.var.albedoOpenWater = readnetcdf2('albedoMaps', dateVar['currDate'], useDaily='month',value='albedoWater')
RNA = np.maximum(((1 - self.var.albedoLand) * self.var.Rsds - RLN) / LatHeatVap, 0.0)
RNAWater = np.maximum(((1 - self.var.albedoOpenWater) * self.var.Rsds - RLN) / LatHeatVap, 0.0)
RNA = np.maximum(((1 - self.var.AlbedoCanopy) * self.var.Rsds - RLN) / LatHeatVap, 0.0)
# net absorbed radiation of reference vegetation canopy [mm/d]
# RNASoil = np.maximum(((1 - self.var.AlbedoSoil) * self.var.Rsds - RLN) / LatHeatVap, 0.0)
# net absorbed radiation of bare soil surface
RNAWater = np.maximum(((1 - self.var.AlbedoWater) * self.var.Rsds - RLN) / LatHeatVap, 0.0)
# net absorbed radiation of water surface
# 1. Reference vegetation canopy
# 2. Open water surface
self.var.ETRef = 0.8 * RNA * 0.001
# potential reference evapotranspiration rate [m/day] # from mm to m with 0.001
# potential evaporation rate from a bare soil surface [m/day]
self.var.EWRef = 0.8 * RNAWater * 0.001
[docs] def dynamic_4(self):
Dynamic part of the potential evaporation module
4. Priestley-Taylor 1.26 * delat
uses only tmin, tmax, tavg, rsds, rlds (or rsd)
ESatmin = 0.6108* np.exp((17.27 * self.var.TMin) / (self.var.TMin + 237.3))
ESatmax = 0.6108* np.exp((17.27 * self.var.TMax) / (self.var.TMax + 237.3))
ESat = (ESatmin + ESatmax) / 2.0 # [KPa]
# http://www.fao.org/docrep/X0490E/x0490e07.htm equation 11/12
RNup = 4.903E-9 * (((self.var.TMin + 273.16) ** 4) + ((self.var.TMax + 273.16) ** 4)) / 2
# Up longwave radiation [MJ/m2/day]
LatHeatVap = 2.501 - 0.002361 * self.var.Tavg
# latent heat of vaporization [MJ/kg]
# if only daily calculate radiation is given instead of longwave down and shortwave down radiation
if self.var.only_radition:
# FAO 56 - https://www.fao.org/3/x0490E/x0490e07.htm#solar%20radiation equation 39
a = dateVar['doy']
#radian = np.pi / 180 * self.var.lat
radian = np.pi / 180 * -20
#distanceSun = 1 + 0.033 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * dateVar['doy'] / 365)
distanceSun = 1 + 0.033 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * 246 / 365)
#declin = 0.409 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * dateVar['doy'] / 365 - 1.39)
declin = 0.409 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * 246 / 365 - 1.39)
ws = np.arccos(-np.tan(radian * np.tan(declin)))
Ra = 24 *60 / np.pi * 0.082 * distanceSun * (ws * np.sin(radian) * np.sin(declin) + np.cos(radian) * np.cos(declin) * np.sin(ws))
Rso = Ra * (0.75 + (2 * 10 ** -5 * self.var.dem)) # in MJ/m2/day
RsRso = 1.35 * self.var.Rsds/Rso - 0.35
RsRso = np.minimum(np.maximum(RsRso, 0.05), 1)
EmNet = (0.34 - 0.14 * np.sqrt(self.var.EAct)) # Eact in hPa but needed in kPa : kpa = 0.1 * hPa - conversion done in readmeteo
RLN = RNup * EmNet * RsRso
Psycon = 0.00163 * (101.3 / LatHeatVap)
# psychrometric constant at sea level [mbar/deg C]
#Psycon = 0.665E-3 * self.var.Psurf
# psychrometric constant [kPa C-1]
# http://www.fao.org/docrep/X0490E/x0490e07.htm Equation 8
# see http://www.fao.org/docrep/X0490E/x0490e08.htm#penman%20monteith%20equation
Psycon = Psycon * ((293 - 0.0065 * self.var.dem) / 293) ** 5.26 # in [KPa deg C-1]
# http://www.fao.org/docrep/X0490E/x0490e07.htm Equation 7
RLN = RNup - self.var.Rsdl
Psycon = 0.665E-3 * self.var.Psurf
# psychrometric constant [kPa C-1]
# http://www.fao.org/docrep/ X0490E/ x0490e07.htm Equation 8
# see http://www.fao.org/docrep/X0490E/x0490e08.htm#penman%20monteith%20equation
# RDL is stored on disk as W/m2 but converted in MJ/m2/s in readmeteo.py
RNA = np.maximum(((1 - self.var.AlbedoCanopy) * self.var.Rsds - RLN) / LatHeatVap, 0.0)
RNAWater = np.maximum(((1 - self.var.AlbedoWater) * self.var.Rsds - RLN) / LatHeatVap, 0.0)
Delta = ((4098.0 * ESat) / ((self.var.Tavg + 237.3)**2))
# slope of saturated vapour pressure curve [mbar/deg C]
RNAN = 1.1 * Delta / (Delta + Psycon) * RNA
#RNANSoil = RNASoil * numerator1
RNANWater = 1.26 * Delta / (Delta + Psycon) * RNAWater
# 1. Reference vegetation canopy
# 2. Open water surface
self.var.ETRef = RNAN * 0.001
# potential reference evapotranspiration rate [m/day] # from mm to m with 0.001
# potential evaporation rate from a bare soil surface [m/day]
self.var.EWRef = RNANWater * 0.001