Source code for cwatm.hydrological_modules.evaporation

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name:        Evaporation module
# Purpose:
# Author:      PB
# Created:     01/08/2016
# Copyright:   (c) PB 2016
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

from cwatm.management_modules.data_handling import *
import re

[docs]class evaporation(object): """ Evaporation module Calculate potential evaporation and pot. transpiration **Global variables** ===================================== ====================================================================== ===== Variable [self.var] Description Unit ===================================== ====================================================================== ===== snowEvap total evaporation from snow for a snow layers m cropKC_landCover -- Crops_names Internal: List of specific crops -- activatedCrops -- load_initial Settings initLoad holds initial conditions for variables input fracCrops_nonIrr Fraction of cell currently planted with specific non-irr crops -- monthCounter -- fracCrops_IrrLandDemand -- fracCrops_nonIrrLandDemand -- ratio_a_p_nonIrr Ratio actual to potential evapotranspiration, monthly, non-irrigated [ % totalPotET_month -- ratio_a_p_Irr Ratio actual to potential evapotranspiration, monthly [crop specific] % Yield_nonIrr Relative monthly non-irrigated yield [crop specific] % currentKY Yield sensitivity coefficient [crop specific] Posit Yield_Irr Relative monthly irrigated yield [crop specific] % currentKC Current crop coefficient for specific crops -- generalIrrCrop_max -- generalnonIrrCrop_max -- weighted_KC_nonIrr -- weighted_KC_Irr -- weighted_KC_Irr_woFallow_fullKc -- _weighted_KC_Irr -- weighted_KC_Irr_woFallow -- PotET_crop -- totalPotET_month_segment -- PotETaverage_crop_segments -- areaCrops_Irr_segment -- areaCrops_nonIrr_segment -- areaPaddy_Irr_segment -- Precipitation_segment -- availableArableLand_segment -- cropCorrect calibration factor of crop KC factor -- includeCrops 1 when includeCrops=True in Settings, 0 otherwise bool Crops Internal: List of specific crops and Kc/Ky parameters -- potTranspiration Potential transpiration (after removing of evaporation) m cropKC crop coefficient for each of the 4 different land cover types (forest, -- minCropKC minimum crop factor (default 0.2) -- irrigatedArea_original -- frac_totalnonIrr Fraction sown with specific non-irrigated crops % frac_totalIrr_max Fraction sown with specific irrigated crops, maximum throughout simula % frac_totalnonIrr_max Fraction sown with specific non-irrigated crops, maximum throughout si % GeneralCrop_Irr Fraction of irrigated land class sown with generally representative cr % fallowIrr Fraction of fallowed irrigated land % fallowIrr_max Fraction of fallowed irrigated land, maximum throughout simulation % GeneralCrop_nonIrr Fraction of grasslands sown with generally representative crop % fallownonIrr Fraction of fallowed non-irrigated land % fallownonIrr_max Fraction of fallowed non-irrigated land, maximum throughout simulation % availableArableLand Fraction of land not currently planted with specific crops % cellArea Area of cell m2 ETRef potential evapotranspiration rate from reference crop m Precipitation Precipitation (input for the model) m SnowMelt total snow melt from all layers m Rain Precipitation less snow m prevSnowCover snow cover of previous day (only for water balance) m SnowCover snow cover (sum over all layers) m potBareSoilEvap potential bare soil evaporation (calculated with minus snow evaporatio m irr_Paddy_month -- fracCrops_Irr Fraction of cell currently planted with specific irrigated crops % actTransTotal_month_nonIrr Internal variable: Running total of transpiration for specific non-ir m actTransTotal_month_Irr Internal variable: Running total of transpiration for specific irriga m irr_crop_month -- frac_totalIrr Fraction sown with specific irrigated crops % weighted_KC_nonIrr_woFallow -- totalPotET Potential evaporation per land use class m fracVegCover Fraction of specific land covers (0=forest, 1=grasslands, etc.) % adminSegments Domestic agents Int ===================================== ====================================================================== ===== **Functions** """ def __init__(self, model): """The constructor evaporation""" self.var = model.var self.model = model
[docs] def dynamic(self, coverType, No): """ Dynamic part of the soil module calculating potential Evaporation for each land cover class with kc factor get crop coefficient, use potential ET, calculate potential bare soil evaporation and transpiration :param coverType: Land cover type: forest, grassland ... :param No: number of land cover type: forest = 0, grassland = 1 ... :return: potential evaporation from bare soil, potential transpiration """ # get crop coefficient # to get ETc from ET0 x kc factor ((see figure 4:) # crop coefficient read for forest and grassland from file # calculate potential bare soil evaporation - only once if No == 0: self.var.potBareSoilEvap = self.var.cropCorrect * self.var.minCropKC * self.var.ETRef # calculate snow and ice evaporation self.var.snowEvap = np.minimum(self.var.SnowMelt, self.var.potBareSoilEvap) self.var.potBareSoilEvap -= self.var.snowEvap self.var.iceEvap = np.minimum(self.var.IceMelt, self.var.potBareSoilEvap) self.var.potBareSoilEvap -= self.var.iceEvap self.var.SnowMelt -= self.var.snowEvap self.var.IceMelt -= self.var.iceEvap if dateVar['newStart'] or (dateVar['currDate'].day in [1,11,21]): self.var.cropKC[No] = readnetcdf2(coverType + '_cropCoefficientNC', dateVar['10day'], "10day") self.var.cropKC[No] = np.maximum(self.var.cropKC[No], self.var.minCropKC) self.var.cropKC_landCover[No] = self.var.cropKC[No].copy() if self.var.includeCrops: # includeCrops allows for crops and fallow land to makeup the landcovers grasslands and non-paddy, and # maintains including a representative vegetation. It is developed to allow users to decide on the crops # and parameters that are relevant for the study. The Excel cwatm_settings.xlsx is used to detail the crops # and associated parameters. Crops have a unique planting month and four growth stages. Each stage is associated with a # crop coefficient (Kc), yield response factor (Ky), and length. if No == 1: # Only go through this once: # I. new start and II. beginning of the month # I. new start if dateVar['newStart']: for z in ['irrM3_Paddy_month_segment', 'irr_Paddy_month', 'irr_crop', 'irr_crop_month', 'irrM3_crop_month_segment', 'ratio_a_p_nonIrr', 'ratio_a_p_Irr', 'fracCrops_IrrLandDemand', 'fracCrops_Irr', 'areaCrops_Irr_segment', 'areaCrops_nonIrr_segment', 'fracCrops_nonIrrLandDemand', 'fracCrops_nonIrr', 'activatedCrops', 'monthCounter', 'currentKC', 'totalPotET_month', 'PET_cropIrr_m3', 'actTransTotal_month_Irr', 'actTransTotal_month_nonIrr', 'currentKY', 'Yield_Irr', 'Yield_nonIrr', 'actTransTotal_crops_Irr', 'actTransTotal_crops_nonIrr', 'PotET_crop', 'PotETaverage_crop_segments', 'totalPotET_month_segment']: vars(self.var)[z] = np.tile(globals.inZero, (len(self.var.Crops), 1)) self.var.irr_Paddy_month = globals.inZero for z in [crop for crop in self.var.Crops_names]: vars(self.var)[z + '_Irr'] = globals.inZero vars(self.var)[z + '_nonIrr'] = globals.inZero # The general crops are representative vegetation. for c in range(len(self.var.Crops)): self.var.activatedCrops[c] = self.var.load_initial("activatedCrops_" + str(c)) self.var.fracCrops_Irr[c] = self.var.load_initial('fracCrops_Irr_' + str(c)) self.var.fracCrops_nonIrr[c] = self.var.load_initial('fracCrops_nonIrr_' + str(c)) self.var.monthCounter[c] = self.var.load_initial("monthCounter_" + str(c)) if dateVar['newStart'] or dateVar['newYear']: crop_inflate_factor = 1 for i in range(len(self.var.Crops)): try: self.var.fracCrops_IrrLandDemand[i] = np.where( loadmap(self.var.Crops_names[i] + '_Irr') * crop_inflate_factor <= 1, loadmap(self.var.Crops_names[i] + '_Irr') * crop_inflate_factor, 1) self.var.fracCrops_nonIrrLandDemand[i] = np.where( loadmap(self.var.Crops_names[i] + '_nonIrr') * crop_inflate_factor <= 1, loadmap(self.var.Crops_names[i] + '_nonIrr') * crop_inflate_factor, 1) except: self.var.fracCrops_IrrLandDemand[i] = readnetcdf2(self.var.Crops_names[i] + '_Irr', dateVar['currDate'], 'yearly', value=re.split(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_[\]]', cbinding(self.var.Crops_names[i] + '_Irr'))[-2]) self.var.fracCrops_nonIrrLandDemand[i] = readnetcdf2(self.var.Crops_names[i] + '_nonIrr', dateVar['currDate'], 'yearly', value=re.split(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_[\]]', cbinding(self.var.Crops_names[i] + '_nonIrr'))[-2]) # in two places if 'crops_leftoverNotIrrigated' in binding: if i <= int(cbinding('crops_leftoverNotIrrigated')): #print('in evaporation: some crops not rainfed') self.var.fracCrops_nonIrrLandDemand[i] = globals.inZero.copy() # activatedCrops[c] = 1 where crop c is planned in at least 0.001% of the cell, and 0 otherwise. self.var.activatedCrops[i] = np.minimum(np.maximum((self.var.fracCrops_IrrLandDemand[i] + self.var.fracCrops_nonIrrLandDemand[i] + 0.99999) // 1, self.var.activatedCrops[i]), 1) if dateVar['currDate'].day == 1: if checkOption('moveIrrFallowToNonIrr'): # The irrigated land class may have given up fallow land to the grasslands land class. # If this is the case, these fallow lands are returned to the irrigated land class briefly to # allow them to be planted on in the irrigated land class, and then returned to the # grasslands land class. self.var.fracVegCover[3] = self.var.irrigatedArea_original.copy() remainderLand = np.maximum( globals.inZero.copy() + 1 - self.var.fracVegCover[4] - self.var.fracVegCover[3] - self.var.fracVegCover[5] - self.var.fracVegCover[2] - self.var.fracVegCover[0], globals.inZero.copy()) self.var.fracVegCover[1] = remainderLand.copy() for c in range(len(self.var.Crops)): # Dawn of the next month # We first harvest, and then we plant # Add a month, if the crop has already been planted self.var.monthCounter[c] += np.where(self.var.monthCounter[c] > 0, 1, 0) # Calculate relative yield for the last month self.var.ratio_a_p_nonIrr[c] = np.where( self.var.totalPotET_month[c] * self.var.activatedCrops[c] > 0, self.var.actTransTotal_month_nonIrr[c] / (self.var.totalPotET_month[c] * self.var.fracCrops_nonIrr[c]), 0) # This should always be <= 1. self.var.ratio_a_p_Irr[c] = np.where( self.var.totalPotET_month[c] * self.var.activatedCrops[c] > 0, self.var.actTransTotal_month_Irr[c] / (self.var.totalPotET_month[c] * self.var.fracCrops_Irr[c]), 0) # This should always be <= 1. self.var.Yield_nonIrr[c] = np.where(self.var.monthCounter[c] > 0, np.where(self.var.actTransTotal_month_nonIrr[c] > 0, np.maximum( 1 - self.var.currentKY[c] * ( 1 - self.var.ratio_a_p_nonIrr[c]), 0), 0), 0) self.var.Yield_Irr[c] = np.where(self.var.monthCounter[c] > 0, np.where(self.var.actTransTotal_month_Irr[c] > 0, np.maximum( 1 - self.var.currentKY[c] * ( 1 - self.var.ratio_a_p_Irr[c]), 0), 0), 0) # With the previous month's calculations of yields completed, on this first day of the month, we # reset the running totals of potential transpiration and transpiration (m) self.var.totalPotET_month[c] = globals.inZero.copy() self.var.actTransTotal_month_nonIrr[c] = globals.inZero.copy() self.var.actTransTotal_month_Irr[c] = globals.inZero.copy() self.var.irr_crop_month[c] = globals.inZero.copy() self.var.irr_Paddy_month = globals.inZero.copy() # Harvest crops that are finished growing: reset month counter and KC. New seeds are sown after harvesting towards the end. self.var.monthCounter[c] = np.where(self.var.monthCounter[c] > self.var.Crops[c][-1][0], 0, self.var.monthCounter[c]) self.var.currentKC[c] = np.where(self.var.monthCounter[c] == 0, 0, self.var.currentKC[c]) # Removing crops that been harvested self.var.fracCrops_Irr[c] = np.where(self.var.monthCounter[c] > 0, self.var.fracCrops_Irr[c], 0) self.var.fracCrops_nonIrr[c] = np.where(self.var.monthCounter[c] > 0, self.var.fracCrops_nonIrr[c], 0) for a in range(1, 4): self.var.currentKC[c] = np.where(self.var.monthCounter[c] > self.var.Crops[c][a][0], self.var.Crops[c][a + 1][1], self.var.currentKC[c]) self.var.currentKY[c] = np.where(self.var.monthCounter[c] > self.var.Crops[c][a][0], self.var.Crops[c][a + 1][2], self.var.currentKY[c]) # This calculates the current land being used for irrigated and non-irrigated crops frac_totalIrr, frac_totalnonIrr = globals.inZero.copy(), globals.inZero.copy() for i in range(len(self.var.Crops)): frac_totalIrr += self.var.fracCrops_Irr[i] frac_totalnonIrr += self.var.fracCrops_nonIrr[i] remainder_land_nonIrr = self.var.fracVegCover[1] - frac_totalnonIrr remainder_land_Irr = self.var.fracVegCover[3] - frac_totalIrr # Sowing seeds, if crop is not already growing, if there is sufficient space # If it is the planting month of the crop, the crop is planted both irrigated and non-irrigated, assuming the demanded land can be satisfied. self.var.fracCrops_Irr[c] = np.where( self.var.Crops[c][0] == dateVar['currDate'].month and self.var.monthCounter[c] == 0, np.where(remainder_land_Irr - self.var.fracCrops_IrrLandDemand[c] > 0, self.var.fracCrops_IrrLandDemand[c], 0), self.var.fracCrops_Irr[c]) if checkOption('leftoverIrrigatedCropIsRainfed'): self.var.fracCrops_nonIrrLandDemand[c] = self.var.fracCrops_IrrLandDemand[c] - \ self.var.fracCrops_Irr[c] if 'crops_leftoverNotIrrigated' in binding: if c <= int(cbinding('crops_leftoverNotIrrigated')): self.var.fracCrops_nonIrrLandDemand[c] = globals.inZero.copy() self.var.fracCrops_nonIrr[c] = np.where( self.var.Crops[c][0] == dateVar['currDate'].month and self.var.monthCounter[c] == 0, np.where(remainder_land_nonIrr - self.var.fracCrops_nonIrrLandDemand[c] > 0, self.var.fracCrops_nonIrrLandDemand[c], 0), self.var.fracCrops_nonIrr[c]) frac_totalIrr, frac_totalnonIrr = globals.inZero.copy(), globals.inZero.copy() for i in range(len(self.var.Crops)): frac_totalIrr += self.var.fracCrops_Irr[i] frac_totalnonIrr += self.var.fracCrops_nonIrr[i] # self.var.frac_totalIrr = frac_totalIrr.copy() # self.var.frac_totalnonIrr = frac_totalnonIrr.copy() remainder_land_nonIrr = self.var.fracVegCover[1] - frac_totalnonIrr remainder_land_Irr = self.var.fracVegCover[3] - frac_totalIrr # When it is the crop's planting month and it is not yet already planted (the month counter is zero). # The counter only starts if there is some of the crop growing in the cell (it is activated). # Otherwise, the month counter is kept constant self.var.monthCounter[c] = np.where( self.var.Crops[c][0] == dateVar['currDate'].month and self.var.monthCounter[c] == 0, self.var.activatedCrops[c], self.var.monthCounter[c]) self.var.currentKC[c] = np.where( self.var.Crops[c][0] == dateVar['currDate'].month and self.var.monthCounter[c] == 1, self.var.Crops[c][1][1], self.var.currentKC[c]) self.var.currentKY[c] = np.where( self.var.Crops[c][0] == dateVar['currDate'].month and self.var.monthCounter[c] == 1, self.var.Crops[c][1][2], self.var.currentKY[c]) #if No == 3 and (dateVar['newStart'] or dateVar['currDate'].day == 1): if dateVar['newStart'] or dateVar['currDate'].day == 1: frac_totalIrr, frac_totalnonIrr = globals.inZero.copy(), globals.inZero.copy() for i in range(len(self.var.Crops)): frac_totalIrr += self.var.fracCrops_Irr[i] frac_totalnonIrr += self.var.fracCrops_nonIrr[i] self.var.frac_totalIrr = frac_totalIrr.copy() self.var.frac_totalnonIrr = frac_totalnonIrr.copy() self.var.frac_totalIrr_max = np.maximum(frac_totalIrr, self.var.frac_totalIrr_max) self.var.frac_totalnonIrr_max = np.maximum(frac_totalnonIrr, self.var.frac_totalnonIrr_max) # UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Automatic fallowing for irrigated land self.var.generalIrrCrop_max = np.maximum(self.var.fracVegCover[3] - self.var.frac_totalIrr_max, globals.inZero.copy()) self.var.generalnonIrrCrop_max = np.maximum(self.var.fracVegCover[1] - self.var.frac_totalnonIrr_max, globals.inZero.copy()) # The representative vegetation is determined from a specific user-input map, as compared to being # determined automatically otherwise. if 'GeneralCrop_Irr' in binding and checkOption('use_GeneralCropIrr') == True: self.var.GeneralCrop_Irr = loadmap('GeneralCrop_Irr') self.var.GeneralCrop_Irr = np.minimum(self.var.fracVegCover[3] - frac_totalIrr, self.var.GeneralCrop_Irr) # Fallowing and general crop are determined automatically, and are not specific input maps. elif checkOption('use_GeneralCropIrr') == False: # Fallow land exists alongside general land as non-specific crop options. if checkOption('activate_fallow') == True: # Crop land that has been previously planted by a specific-crop is fallowed between plantings. if checkOption('automaticFallowingIrr') == True: self.var.GeneralCrop_Irr = self.var.generalIrrCrop_max.copy() # With the interest in fallowing without automatic fallowing nor a specific input map implies # the scenario without general lands -- only specific planted crops and fallow land. else: self.var.GeneralCrop_Irr = globals.inZero.copy() else: # activate_fallow = False implies that all non-planted grassland and non-paddy land is made # to be representative vegetation. self.var.GeneralCrop_Irr = self.var.fracVegCover[3] - self.var.frac_totalIrr self.var.fallowIrr = self.var.fracVegCover[3] - (self.var.frac_totalIrr + self.var.GeneralCrop_Irr) self.var.fallowIrr_max = np.maximum(self.var.fallowIrr, self.var.fallowIrr_max) # Updating irrigated land to not include fallow # Irrigated fallow land is moved to non-irrigated fallow land. Irrigated fallow land is #UNDER CONSTRUCTION if checkOption('moveIrrFallowToNonIrr'): self.var.fracVegCover[3] = self.var.frac_totalIrr + self.var.GeneralCrop_Irr remainderLand = np.maximum( globals.inZero.copy() + 1 - self.var.fracVegCover[4] - self.var.fracVegCover[3] - self.var.fracVegCover[5] - self.var.fracVegCover[2] - self.var.fracVegCover[0], globals.inZero.copy()) self.var.fracVegCover[1] = remainderLand.copy() if 'GeneralCrop_nonIrr' in binding and checkOption('use_GeneralCropnonIrr') == True: self.var.GeneralCrop_nonIrr = loadmap('GeneralCrop_nonIrr') self.var.GeneralCrop_nonIrr = np.minimum(self.var.fracVegCover[1] - frac_totalnonIrr, self.var.GeneralCrop_nonIrr) elif checkOption('use_GeneralCropnonIrr') == False: if checkOption('activate_fallow') == True: self.var.GeneralCrop_nonIrr = self.var.generalnonIrrCrop_max.copy() else: self.var.GeneralCrop_nonIrr = self.var.fracVegCover[1] - self.var.frac_totalnonIrr self.var.fallownonIrr = self.var.fracVegCover[1] - ( self.var.frac_totalnonIrr + self.var.GeneralCrop_nonIrr) self.var.fallownonIrr_max = np.maximum(self.var.fallownonIrr, self.var.fallownonIrr_max) self.var.availableArableLand = self.var.fallowIrr + self.var.fracVegCover[1] - frac_totalnonIrr if No == 1: self.var.weighted_KC_nonIrr = self.var.GeneralCrop_nonIrr * self.var.cropKC_landCover[1] for c in range(len(self.var.Crops)): self.var.weighted_KC_nonIrr += self.var.fracCrops_nonIrr[c] * self.var.currentKC[c] self.var.weighted_KC_nonIrr_woFallow = self.var.weighted_KC_nonIrr.copy() self.var.weighted_KC_nonIrr += self.var.fallownonIrr * self.var.minCropKC self.var.weighted_KC_nonIrr = np.where(self.var.fracVegCover[1] > 0, self.var.weighted_KC_nonIrr / self.var.fracVegCover[1], 0) self.var.cropKC[1] = self.var.weighted_KC_nonIrr.copy() if No == 3: self.var.weighted_KC_Irr = self.var.GeneralCrop_Irr * self.var.cropKC_landCover[3] for c in range(len(self.var.Crops)): self.var.weighted_KC_Irr += self.var.fracCrops_Irr[c] * self.var.currentKC[c] self.var.weighted_KC_Irr_woFallow_fullKc = self.var.weighted_KC_Irr.copy() self.var.weighted_KC_Irr += self.var.fallowIrr * self.var.minCropKC self.var.weighted_KC_Irr = np.where(self.var.fracVegCover[3] > 0, self.var.weighted_KC_Irr / self.var.fracVegCover[3], 0) self.var.cropKC[3] = self.var.weighted_KC_Irr.copy() self.var._weighted_KC_Irr = self.var.GeneralCrop_Irr * (self.var.cropKC_landCover[3]-self.var.minCropKC) for c in range(len(self.var.Crops)): self.var._weighted_KC_Irr += self.var.fracCrops_Irr[c] * (self.var.currentKC[c]-self.var.minCropKC) self.var.weighted_KC_Irr_woFallow = self.var._weighted_KC_Irr.copy() # calculate potential ET ## self.var.totalPotET total potential evapotranspiration for a reference crop for a land cover class [m] self.var.totalPotET[No] = self.var.cropCorrect * self.var.cropKC[No] * self.var.ETRef # calculate transpiration ## potTranspiration: Transpiration for each land cover class self.var.potTranspiration[No] = np.maximum(0., self.var.totalPotET[No] - self.var.potBareSoilEvap) #Dealt with above - self.var.snowEvap) if self.var.includeCrops: #checkOption('includeCrops') and checkOption('includeCropSpecificWaterUse'): if No == 3: #only goes through ones for c in range(len(self.var.Crops)): self.var.PotET_crop[c] = self.var.cropCorrect * self.var.currentKC[c] * self.var.ETRef self.var.totalPotET_month[c] += self.var.PotET_crop[c] #self.var.cropCorrect * self.var.currentKC[c] * self.var.ETRef #np.maximum(0., self.var.cropCorrect * self.var.currentKC[c] * self.var.ETRef - self.var.potBareSoilEvap - self.var.snowEvap) #For creating named crop maps #vars(self.var)[self.var.Crops_names[c]+'_Irr'] = self.var.fracCrops_Irr[c].copy() #vars(self.var)[self.var.Crops_names[c] + '_nonIrr'] = self.var.fracCrops_nonIrr[c].copy() if 'adminSegments' in binding: self.var.totalPotET_month_segment[c] = npareaaverage(self.var.totalPotET_month[c], self.var.adminSegments) self.var.PotETaverage_crop_segments[c] = npareaaverage(self.var.PotET_crop[c], self.var.adminSegments) self.var.areaCrops_Irr_segment[c] = npareatotal(self.var.fracCrops_Irr[c] * self.var.cellArea, self.var.adminSegments) self.var.areaCrops_nonIrr_segment[c] = npareatotal( self.var.fracCrops_nonIrr[c] * self.var.cellArea, self.var.adminSegments) if 'adminSegments' in binding: self.var.areaPaddy_Irr_segment = npareatotal(self.var.fracVegCover[2] * self.var.cellArea, self.var.adminSegments) self.var.Precipitation_segment = npareatotal(self.var.Precipitation * self.var.cellArea, self.var.adminSegments) self.var.availableArableLand_segment = npareatotal(self.var.availableArableLand * self.var.cellArea, self.var.adminSegments) if checkOption('calcWaterBalance'): self.model.waterbalance_module.waterBalanceCheck( [self.var.Rain,self.var.Snow], # In [self.var.Rain,self.var.SnowMelt,self.var.IceMelt,self.var.snowEvap,self.var.iceEvap], # Out [self.var.prevSnowCover], # prev storage [self.var.SnowCover], "Snow2", False)