Source code for cwatm.cwatm_dynamic

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name:       CWAT Model Dynamic
# Purpose:
# Author:      burekpe
# Created:     16/05/2016
# Copyright:   (c) burekpe 2016
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

from cwatm.management_modules.data_handling import *
from cwatm.management_modules.messages import *

import time

[docs]class CWATModel_dyn(DynamicModel): # =========== DYNAMIC ====================================================
[docs] def dynamic(self): """ Dynamic part of CWATM calls the dynamic part of the hydrological modules Looping through time and space Note: if flags set the output on the screen can be changed e.g. * v: no output at all * l: time and first gauge discharge * t: timing of different processes at the end """ # self.CalendarDate = dateVar['dateStart'] + datetime.timedelta(days=dateVar['curr']) # self.CalendarDay = int(self.CalendarDate.strftime("%j")) timestep_dynamic(self) del timeMes[:] timemeasure("Start dynamic") # ************************************************************ """ up to here it was fun, now the real stuff starts """ if checkOption('calc_environflow') and (returnBool('calc_ef_afterRun') == False): # if only the dis is used for calculation of EF self.environflow_module.dynamic() self.output_module.dynamic(ef=True) header = "\n\n ======================== CWATM ONLY EF calculation===========\n" print(header + "done with Environmental Flow\n") sys.exit(400) self.readmeteo_module.dynamic() timemeasure("Read meteo") # 1. timing after read input maps if Flags['calib']: self.output_module.dynamic() return self.evaporationPot_module.dynamic() timemeasure("ET pot") # 2. timing after read input maps # if Flags['check']: return # if check than finish here """ Here it starts with hydrological modules: """ # ***** INFLOW HYDROGRAPHS (OPTIONAL)**************** self.inflow_module.dynamic() self.lakes_reservoirs_module.dynamic() # ***** RAIN AND SNOW ***************************************** self.snowfrost_module.dynamic() timemeasure("Snow") # 3. timing # ***** READ land use fraction maps*************************** self.landcoverType_module.dynamic_fracIrrigation(init=dateVar['newYear'], dynamic=self.var.dynamicLandcover) self.capillarRise_module.dynamic() timemeasure("Soil 1.Part") # 4. timing # ********* Soil splitted in different land cover fractions ************* self.landcoverType_module.dynamic() timemeasure("Soil main") # 5. timing if self.var.modflow: self.groundwater_modflow_module.dynamic() else: self.groundwater_module.dynamic() timemeasure("Groundwater") # 7. timing self.runoff_concentration_module.dynamic() timemeasure("Runoff conc.") # 8. timing self.lakes_res_small_module.dynamic() timemeasure("Small lakes") # 9. timing self.routing_kinematic_module.dynamic() timemeasure("Routing_Kin") # 10. timing self.waterquality1.dynamic() # calculate Total water storage (tws) [m] as a sum of # Groundwater [m] + soil [m] + lake and reservoir storage [m3] + channel storage [m3] # [m3] >> [m] --> * InvCellArea if self.var.modflow: groundwater_storage = self.var.groundwater_storage_available else: groundwater_storage = self.var.storGroundwater if (checkOption('includeRouting')): self.var.totalET_WB = self.var.EvapoChannel if checkOption('includeWaterBodies'): if returnBool('useSmallLakes'): # Sum off lake and reservoirs and small lakes self.var.lakeReservoirStorage = self.var.lakeResStorage + self.var.smalllakeStorage else: # Sum off lake and reservoirs - here without small lakes self.var.lakeReservoirStorage = self.var.lakeResStorage self.var.tws = groundwater_storage + self.var.totalSto \ + self.var.lakeReservoirStorage * self.var.InvCellArea \ + self.var.channelStorage * self.var.InvCellArea self.var.totalET_WB = self.var.totalET_WB + self.var.totalET + self.var.EvapWaterBodyM if returnBool('useSmallLakes'): self.var.totalET_WB = self.var.totalET_WB + self.var.smallevapWaterBody else: self.var.tws = groundwater_storage + self.var.totalSto + self.var.channelStorage * self.var.InvCellArea else: self.var.tws = groundwater_storage + self.var.totalSto if checkOption('includeRunoffConcentration'): self.var.tws = self.var.tws + self.var.gridcell_storage # ******* Calculate CUMULATIVE MASS BALANCE ERROR ********** # self.waterbalance_module.dynamic() # ------------------------------------------------------ # End of calculation ----------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------ self.waterbalance_module.checkWaterSoilGround() timemeasure("Waterbalance") # 11. timing self.environflow_module.dynamic() # in case environmental flow is calculated last self.output_module.dynamic() timemeasure("Output") # 12. timing self.init_module.dynamic() for i in range(len(timeMes)): # if self.currentTimeStep() == self.firstTimeStep(): if self.currentStep == self.firstStep: timeMesSum.append(timeMes[i] - timeMes[0]) else: timeMesSum[i] += timeMes[i] - timeMes[0] # if modflow is used, the temporary files produced by Modflow/Flopy have to be closed with finalize # otherwise they cannot be opend in the next run by pytest or calibration if self.var.modflow: if self.currentStep == self.lastStep: self.groundwater_modflow_module.modflow.finalize()
#self.var.sumsum_directRunoff += self.var.sum_directRunoff #self.var.sumsum_Runoff += self.var.sum_directRunoff #self.var.sumsum_Precipitation += self.var.Precipitation #self.var.sumsum_gwRecharge += self.var.sum_gwRecharge #runoff = self.var.baseflow + self.var.sum_landSurfaceRunoff #self.var.sumsum_Runoff += runoff #print self.sum_directRunoff, self.sum_interflowTotal, self.sum_landSurfaceRunoff, self.baseflow, runoff #print self.sumsum_Precipitation, self.sumsum_Runoff #report(decompress(self.var.sum_potTranspiration), "c:\work\output/") #report(decompress(self.var.directRunoff[3 ]), "c:\work\output\") #report(decompress(runoff), "c:\work\output\") #report(decompress(self.sumsum_Precipitation), "c:\work\output\") #report(decompress(runoff), "c:\work\output/")