.. _rst_variables: ######################## List of output variables ######################## This list of variables gives an overview of possible output variables. The description of output variables (under construction) is available here: CWatM\\cwatm\\variable_documentation\\selfvar.xlsx .. warning:: this list is still under construction. We have to complete descriptions and units for all variables. .. csv-table:: :header: "ID", "VariableName", "Description", "Unit", "Module" "V1", "modflow", "Flag: True if modflow_coupling = True in settings file", "-", "capillarRise" "V2", "storGroundwater", "simulated groundwater storage", "m", "capillarRise" "V3", "specificYield", "groundwater reservoir parameters (if ModFlow is not used) used to compute groundwater levels in capillary rise module", "m", "capillarRise" "V4", "maxGWCapRise", "influence of capillary rise above groundwater level", "m", "capillarRise" "V5", "dzRel0100", "map of relative elevation above flood plains (max elevation above plain)", "-", "capillarRise" "V6", "dzRel0090", "map of relative elevation above flood plains (90% elevation above plain)", "-", "capillarRise" "V7", "dzRel0080", "map of relative elevation above flood plains (80% elevation above plain)", "-", "capillarRise" "V8", "dzRel0070", "map of relative elevation above flood plains (70% elevation above plain)", "-", "capillarRise" "V9", "dzRel0060", "map of relative elevation above flood plains (60% elevation above plain)", "-", "capillarRise" "V10", "dzRel0050", "map of relative elevation above flood plains (median elevation above plain)", "-", "capillarRise" "V11", "dzRel0040", "map of relative elevation above flood plains (40% elevation above plain)", "-", "capillarRise" "V12", "dzRel0030", "map of relative elevation above flood plains (30% elevation above plain)", "-", "capillarRise" "V13", "dzRel0020", "map of relative elevation above flood plains (20% elevation above plain)", "-", "capillarRise" "V14", "dzRel0010", "map of relative elevation above flood plains (10% elevation above plain)", "-", "capillarRise" "V15", "dzRel0005", "map of relative elevation above flood plains (5% elevation above plain)", "-", "capillarRise" "V16", "dzRel0001", "map of relative elevation above flood plains (1% elevation above plain)", "-", "capillarRise" "V17", "capRiseFrac", "fraction of a grid cell where capillar rise may happen", "-", "capillarRise" "V18", "cut_ef_map", "if TRUE calculated maps of environmental flow are cut to the extend of the area map", "-", "environflow" "V19", "MAF", "Mean of discharge for all days", "m3/s", "environflow" "V20", "Q90", "10% of the lowest discharge for all days", "m3/s", "environflow" "V21", "MMF", "Mean of discharge for each month separately", "m3/s", "environflow" "V22", "MQ90", "10% of lowest discharge for each month separately", "m3/s", "environflow" "V23", "EF_VMF", "EF requirement with Variable Monthly Flow: Pastor et al.(2014): Accounting for environmental flow requirements in global water assessments\, Hydrol Earth Syst Sci\, 18\, p5041-5059", "m3/s", "environflow" "V25", "potBareSoilEvap", "potential bare soil evaporation (calculated with minus snow evaporation)", "m", "evaporation" "V26", "cropCorrect", "calibrated factor of crop KC factor", "-", "evaporation" "V27", "minCropKC", "minimum crop factor (default 0.2)", "-", "evaporation" "V28", "ETRef", "potential evapotranspiration rate from reference crop", "m", "evaporation" "V29", "snowEvap", "total evaporation from snow for a snow layers", "m", "evaporation" "V30", "SnowMelt", "total snow melt from all layers", "m", "evaporation" "V31", "cropKC", "crop coefficient for each of the 4 different land cover types (forest\, irrigated\, paddy\, others)", "-", "evaporation" "V32", "totalPotET", "Potential evaporation per land use class", "m", "evaporation" "V33", "potTranspiration", "Potential transpiration (after removing of evaporation)", "m", "evaporation" "V35", "Precipitation", "Precipitation (input for the model)", "m", "evaporation" "V36", "Rain", "Precipitation less snow", "m", "evaporation" "V37", "prevSnowCover", "snow cover of previous day (only for water balance)", "m", "evaporation" "V38", "SnowCover", "snow cover (sum over all layers)", "m", "evaporation" "V40", "pet_modus", "Flag: index which ETP approach is used e.g. 1 for Penman-Monteith", "-", "evaporationPot" "V41", "AlbedoCanopy", "Albedo of vegetation canopy (FAO\,1998) default =0.23", "-", "evaporationPot" "V42", "AlbedoSoil", "Albedo of bare soil surface (Supit et. al. 1994) default = 0.15", "-", "evaporationPot" "V43", "AlbedoWater", "Albedo of water surface (Supit et. al. 1994) default = 0.05", "-", "evaporationPot" "V44", "TMin", "minimum air temperature", "K", "evaporationPot" "V45", "TMax", "maximum air temperature", "K", "evaporationPot" "V46", "Psurf", "Instantaneous surface pressure", "Pa", "evaporationPot" "V47", "Qair", "specific humidity ", "kg/kg", "evaporationPot" "V48", "Tavg", "average air Temperature (input for the model)", "K", "evaporationPot" "V49", "Rsdl", "long wave downward surface radiation fluxes", "W/m2", "evaporationPot" "V50", "albedoLand", "albedo from land surface (from GlobAlbedo database)", "-", "evaporationPot" "V51", "albedoOpenWater", "albedo from open water surface (from GlobAlbedo database)", "-", "evaporationPot" "V52", "Rsds", "short wave downward surface radiation fluxes", "W/m2", "evaporationPot" "V53", "Wind", "wind speed", "m/s", "evaporationPot" "V55", "EWRef", "potential evaporation rate from water surface", "m", "evaporationPot" "V56", "adminSegments", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V57", "Crops", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V58", "cropKC_10day", "", "-", "evaporation_FUSE" "V59", "fracCrops", "", "-", "evaporation_FUSE" "V60", "fracVegCover", "Fraction of area covered by the corresponding landcover type", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V61", "fracCrops_Irr", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V62", "areaCrops_Irr_segment", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V63", "cellArea", "Cell area [m²] of each simulated mesh", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V64", "fracCrops_nonIrr", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V65", "activatedCrops", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V66", "monthCounter", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V67", "ratio_a_p_nonIrr", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V68", "totalPotET_month_nonIrr", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V69", "actTransTotal_month_nonIrr", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V70", "Yield_nonIrr", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V71", "currentKY", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V72", "currentKC", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V73", "PET_Sugar1_segments", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V74", "PET_Sugar2_segments", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V75", "PET_Sugar3_segments", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V76", "PET_Sorghum_segments", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V77", "PET_crop", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V78", "PET_crop_segments", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V79", "ETRefAverage_segments", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V80", "rainAverage_segments", "", "", "evaporation_FUSE" "V81", "recessionCoeff", "groundwater storage times this coefficient gives baseflow", "-", "groundwater" "V82", "kSatAquifer", "groundwater reservoir parameters (if ModFlow is not used)\, could be used to compute the recession coefficient", "m day-1", "groundwater" "V85", "prestorGroundwater", "storGroundwater at the beginning of each step", "m", "groundwater" "V86", "readAvlStorGroundwater", "same as storGroundwater but equal to 0 when inferior to a treshold", "m", "groundwater" "V88", "sum_gwRecharge", "groundwater recharge ", "m", "groundwater" "V89", "nonFossilGroundwaterAbs", "groundwater abstraction which is sustainable and not using fossil resources", "m", "groundwater" "V92", "InvCellArea", "Inverse of cell area of each simulated mesh", "m-1", "groundwater" "V93", "baseflow", "simulated baseflow (= groundwater discharge to river)", "m", "groundwater" "V94", "capillar", "Simulated flow from groundwater to the third CWatM soil layer", "m", "groundwater" "V95", "MtoM3", "Coefficient to change units", "-", "groundwater" "V97", "sum_prefFlow", "preferential flow from soil to groundwater (summed up for all land cover classes)", "m", "groundwater" "V99", "sum_perc3toGW", "percolation from 3rd soil layer to groundwater (summed up for all land cover classes)", "m", "groundwater" "V101", "sum_capRiseFromGW", "capillar rise from groundwater to 3rd soil layer (summed up for all land cover classes)", "m", "groundwater" "V106", "sum_landSurfaceRunoff", "Runoff concentration above the soil more interflow including all landcover types", "m", "groundwater" "V108", "totalET", "Total evapotranspiration for each cell including all landcover types", "m", "groundwater" "V111", "sampleInflow", "location of inflow point", "lat/lon", "inflow" "V112", "noinflowpoints", "number of inflow points", "-", "inflow" "V113", "inflowTs", "inflow time series data", "m3/s", "inflow" "V114", "QInM3Old", "Inflow from previous day", "m3", "inflow" "V115", "totalQInM3", "total inflow over time (for mass balance calculation)", "m3", "inflow" "V116", "inflowM3", "inflow to basin", "m3", "inflow" "V117", "DtSec", "number of seconds per timestep (default = 86400)", "s", "inflow" "V118", "coverTypes", "land cover types - forest - grassland - irrPaddy - irrNonPaddy - water - sealed", "-", "initcondition" "V119", "loadInit", "Flag: if true initial conditions are loaded", "-", "initcondition" "V120", "initLoadFile", "load file name of the initial condition data", "-", "initcondition" "V121", "saveInit", "Flag: if true initial conditions are saved", "-", "initcondition" "V122", "saveInitFile", "save file name of the initial condition data ", "-", "initcondition" "V124", "discharge", "discharge", "m3/s", "initcondition" "V127", "interceptCap", "interception capacity of vegetation", "m", "interception" "V128", "minInterceptCap", "Maximum interception read from file for forest and grassland land cover", "m", "interception" "V129", "interceptStor", "simulated vegetation interception storage", "m", "interception" "V130", "availWaterInfiltration", "quantity of water reaching the soil after interception\, more snowmelt", "m", "interception" "V131", "twothird", "2/3", "-", "interception" "V132", "interceptEvap", "simulated evaporation from water intercepted by vegetation", "m", "interception" "V133", "actualET", "simulated evapotranspiration from soil\, flooded area and vegetation", "m", "interception" "V134", "waterBodyID", "lakes/reservoirs map with a single ID for each lake/reservoir", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V137", "UpArea1", "upstream area of a grid cell", "m2", "lakes_reservoirs" "V138", "waterBodyOut", "biggest outlet (biggest accumulation of ldd network) of a waterbody ", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V139", "dirUp", "river network in upstream direction", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V140", "ldd_LR", "change river network (put pits in where lakes are)", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V141", "lddCompress", "compressed river network (without missing values)", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V142", "lddCompress_LR", "compressed river network lakes/reservoirs (without missing values)", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V143", "dirUp_LR", "river network direction upstream lake/reservoirs", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V144", "dirupLen_LR", "number of bifurcation upstream lake/reservoir", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V145", "dirupID_LR", "index river upstream lake/reservoir", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V146", "downstruct_LR", "river network downstream lake/reservoir", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V147", "catchment_LR", "catchments lake/reservoir", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V148", "dirDown_LR", "river network direktion downstream lake/reservoir", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V149", "lendirDown_LR", "number of river network connections lake/reservoir", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V150", "compress_LR", "boolean map as mask map for compressing lake/reservoir", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V151", "decompress_LR", "boolean map as mask map for decompressing lake/reservoir", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V152", "waterBodyOutC", "compressed map biggest outlet of each lake/reservoir", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V153", "resYearC", "compressed map of the year when the reservoirs is operating", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V154", "waterBodyTypC", "water body types 3 reservoirs and lakes (used as reservoirs but before the year of construction as lakes) 2 reservoirs (regulated discharge) 1 lakes (weirFormula)", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V155", "lakeArea", "area of each lake/reservoir", "m2", "lakes_reservoirs" "V156", "lakeAreaC", "compressed map of the area of each lake/reservoir", "m2", "lakes_reservoirs" "V157", "lakeDis0", "compressed map average discharge at the outlet of a lake/reservoir", "m3 s-1", "lakes_reservoirs" "V158", "lakeDis0C", "average discharge at the outlet of a lake/reservoir", "m3 s-1", "lakes_reservoirs" "V159", "lakeAC", "compressed map of parameter of channel width\, gravity and weir coefficient", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V160", "resVolumeC", "compressed map of reservoir volume", "Million m3", "lakes_reservoirs" "V161", "waterBodyIDC", "compressed map of water body index", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V162", "lakeEvaFactor", "a factor which increases evaporation from lake because of wind", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V163", "lakeEvaFactorC", "compressed map of a factor which increases evaporation from lake because of wind", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V165", "lakeResInflowDis", "inflow to lakes/reservoirs", "m3/s", "lakes_reservoirs" "V166", "reslakeoutflow", "", "m", "lakes_reservoirs" "V167", "reslakeinflow", "inflow to lakes/reservoirs", "m", "lakes_reservoirs" "V168", "lakeVolume", "volume of lakes", "m3", "lakes_reservoirs" "V169", "outLake", "outflow from lakes", "m", "lakes_reservoirs" "V170", "lakeStorage", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V171", "lakeInflow", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V172", "lakeOutflow", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V173", "reservoirStorage", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V174", "MtoM3C", "conversion factor from m to m3 (compressed map)", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V175", "EvapWaterBodyM", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V176", "lakeResInflowM", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V177", "lakeResOutflowM", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V178", "lakeInflowOldC", "inflow to the lake from previous days", "m/3", "lakes_reservoirs" "V180", "ChanQ", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V181", "LakeIndex", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V182", "chanQKin", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V183", "lakeFactor", "factor for the Modified Puls approach to calculate retention of the lake", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V184", "dtRouting", "number of seconds per routing timestep", "s", "lakes_reservoirs" "V185", "lakeFactorSqr", "square root factor for the Modified Puls approach to calculate retention of the lake", "-", "lakes_reservoirs" "V186", "lakeVolumeM3C", "compressed map of lake volume", "m3", "lakes_reservoirs" "V187", "lakeStorageC", "", "m3", "lakes_reservoirs" "V188", "lakeOutflowC", "compressed map of lake outflow ", "m3/s", "lakes_reservoirs" "V189", "lakeLevelC", "compressed map of lake level", "m", "lakes_reservoirs" "V190", "conLimitC", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V191", "normLimitC", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V192", "floodLimitC", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V193", "adjust_Normal_FloodC", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V194", "norm_floodLimitC", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V195", "ID", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V196", "minQC", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V197", "normQC", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V198", "nondmgQC", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V199", "deltaO", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V200", "deltaLN", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V201", "deltaLF", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V202", "deltaNFL", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V203", "reservoirFillC", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V204", "reservoirStorageM3C", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V205", "lakeResStorageC", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V206", "lakeResStorage", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V207", "prelakeResStorage", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V208", "waterBodyTypCTemp", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V209", "waterBodyTypCTemp", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V210", "sumEvapWaterBodyC", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V211", "sumlakeResInflow", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V212", "sumlakeResOutflow", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V213", "lakeResStorage_release_ratio", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V214", "lakeResStorage_release_ratioC", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V215", "lakeIn", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V216", "lakeEvapWaterBodyC", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V217", "evapWaterBodyC", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V218", "sumLakeEvapWaterBodyC", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V219", "noRoutingSteps", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V220", "QLakeOutM3Dt", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V221", "resEvapWaterBodyC", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V222", "sumResEvapWaterBodyC", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V223", "InvDtSec", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V224", "outflow", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V225", "runoff", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V226", "sumEvapWaterBodyC", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V227", "sumlakeResInflow", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V228", "sumlakeResOutflow", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V229", "reservoirStorageM3C", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V230", "lakeResStorageC", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V231", "EvapWaterBodyM_segments", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V232", "lakeResStorage_segments", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V233", "lakeResInflowM_segments", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V234", "lakeResOutflowM_segments", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V235", "SUMsumEvapWaterBodyC", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V236", "lakeResOutflowDis", "", "", "lakes_reservoirs" "V237", "smallpart", "", "", "lakes_res_small" "V238", "smalllakeArea", "", "", "lakes_res_small" "V239", "smalllakeDis0", "", "", "lakes_res_small" "V240", "smalllakeA", "", "", "lakes_res_small" "V241", "smalllakeFactor", "", "", "lakes_res_small" "V242", "smalllakeFactorSqr", "", "", "lakes_res_small" "V243", "smalllakeInflowOld", "", "", "lakes_res_small" "V244", "smalllakeVolumeM3", "", "", "lakes_res_small" "V245", "smalllakeOutflow", "", "", "lakes_res_small" "V246", "smalllakeLevel", "", "", "lakes_res_small" "V247", "smalllakeStorage", "", "", "lakes_res_small" "V248", "minsmalllakeVolumeM3", "", "", "lakes_res_small" "V249", "preSmalllakeStorage", "", "", "lakes_res_small" "V250", "smallLakeIn", "", "", "lakes_res_small" "V251", "smallevapWaterBody", "", "", "lakes_res_small" "V252", "minsmalllakeStorageM3", "", "", "lakes_res_small" "V253", "smalllakeStorageM3", "", "", "lakes_res_small" "V254", "smallLakeout", "", "", "lakes_res_small" "V255", "smallLakeDiff", "", "", "lakes_res_small" "V256", "smallrunoffDiff", "", "", "lakes_res_small" "V257", "dynamicLandcover", "", "", "landcoverType" "V258", "soilLayers", "Number of soil layers", "-", "landcoverType" "V259", "landcoverSum", "", "", "landcoverType" "V260", "act_SurfaceWaterAbstract", "", "", "landcoverType" "V261", "totalSto_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V262", "sum_runoff_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V263", "total_baseflow", "", "", "landcoverType" "V264", "total_channelStorage", "", "", "landcoverType" "V265", "sum_interceptStor", "Total of simulated vegetation interception storage including all landcover types", "m", "landcoverType" "V266", "minTopWaterLayer", "", "", "landcoverType" "V267", "cropDeplFactor", "", "", "landcoverType" "V268", "rootFraction1", "", "", "landcoverType" "V269", "rootFraction2", "", "", "landcoverType" "V270", "maxRootDepth", "", "", "landcoverType" "V271", "rootDepth", "", "", "landcoverType" "V272", "soildepth", "Thickness of the first soil layer", "m", "landcoverType" "V273", "soildepth12", "Total thickness of layer 2 and 3", "m", "landcoverType" "V274", "KSat1", "", "", "landcoverType" "V275", "KSat2", "", "", "landcoverType" "V276", "KSat3", "", "", "landcoverType" "V277", "alpha1", "", "", "landcoverType" "V278", "alpha2", "", "", "landcoverType" "V279", "alpha3", "", "", "landcoverType" "V280", "lambda1", "", "", "landcoverType" "V281", "lambda2", "", "", "landcoverType" "V282", "lambda3", "", "", "landcoverType" "V283", "thetas1", "", "", "landcoverType" "V284", "thetas2", "", "", "landcoverType" "V285", "thetas3", "", "", "landcoverType" "V286", "thetar1", "", "", "landcoverType" "V287", "thetar2", "", "", "landcoverType" "V288", "thetar3", "", "", "landcoverType" "V289", "GenuM1", "", "", "landcoverType" "V290", "genuM1", "", "", "landcoverType" "V291", "genuM2", "", "", "landcoverType" "V292", "genuM3", "", "", "landcoverType" "V293", "GenuInvM1", "", "", "landcoverType" "V294", "genuInvM1", "", "", "landcoverType" "V295", "genuInvM2", "", "", "landcoverType" "V296", "genuInvM3", "", "", "landcoverType" "V297", "GenuInvN1", "", "", "landcoverType" "V298", "genuInvN1", "", "", "landcoverType" "V299", "genuInvN2", "", "", "landcoverType" "V300", "genuInvN3", "", "", "landcoverType" "V301", "invAlpha1", "", "", "landcoverType" "V302", "invAlpha2", "", "", "landcoverType" "V303", "invAlpha3", "", "", "landcoverType" "V304", "ws1", "Maximum storage capacity in layer 1", "m", "landcoverType" "V305", "ws2", "Maximum storage capacity in layer 2", "m", "landcoverType" "V306", "ws3", "Maximum storage capacity in layer 3", "m", "landcoverType" "V307", "wres1", "Residual storage capacity in layer 1", "m", "landcoverType" "V308", "wres2", "Residual storage capacity in layer 2", "m", "landcoverType" "V309", "wres3", "Residual storage capacity in layer 3", "m", "landcoverType" "V310", "wrange1", "", "", "landcoverType" "V311", "wrange2", "", "", "landcoverType" "V312", "wrange3", "", "", "landcoverType" "V313", "wfc1", "Soil moisture at field capacity in layer 1", "", "landcoverType" "V314", "wfc2", "Soil moisture at field capacity in layer 2", "", "landcoverType" "V315", "wfc3", "Soil moisture at field capacity in layer 3", "", "landcoverType" "V316", "wwp1", "Soil moisture at wilting point in layer 1", "", "landcoverType" "V317", "wwp2", "Soil moisture at wilting point in layer 2", "", "landcoverType" "V318", "wwp3", "Soil moisture at wilting point in layer 3", "", "landcoverType" "V319", "kUnSat3FC", "", "", "landcoverType" "V320", "kunSatFC12", "", "", "landcoverType" "V321", "kunSatFC23", "", "", "landcoverType" "V322", "cropCoefficientNC_filename", "", "", "landcoverType" "V323", "interceptCapNC_filename", "", "", "landcoverType" "V324", "coverFractionNC_filename", "", "", "landcoverType" "V325", "interflow", "Simulated flow reaching runoff instead of groundwater", "m", "landcoverType" "V326", "w1", "Simulated water storage in the layer 1", "m", "landcoverType" "V327", "w2", "Simulated water storage in the layer 2", "m", "landcoverType" "V328", "w3", "Simulated water storage in the layer 3", "m", "landcoverType" "V329", "topwater", "quantity of water above the soil (flooding)", "m", "landcoverType" "V330", "sum_topwater", "quantity of water on the soil (flooding) (weighted sum for all landcover types)", "m", "landcoverType" "V331", "totalSto", "Total soil\,snow and vegetation storage for each cell including all landcover types", "m", "landcoverType" "V332", "sum_w1", "", "", "landcoverType" "V333", "sum_w2", "", "", "landcoverType" "V334", "sum_w3", "", "", "landcoverType" "V335", "arnoBetaOro", "", "", "landcoverType" "V336", "ElevationStD", "", "", "landcoverType" "V337", "arnoBeta", "", "", "landcoverType" "V338", "adjRoot", "", "", "landcoverType" "V339", "maxtopwater", "maximum heigth of topwater", "m", "landcoverType" "V340", "landcoverSumSum", "", "", "landcoverType" "V341", "totAvlWater", "", "", "landcoverType" "V342", "gwstore", "", "", "landcoverType" "V343", "pregwstore", "", "", "landcoverType" "V344", "GWVolumeVariation", "", "", "landcoverType" "V345", "ActualPumpingRate", "Actual pumping rate occuring in ModFlow [m3/timestep]", "", "landcoverType" "V346", "current_modflowPumpingM", "", "m", "landcoverType" "V347", "riceWeight", "", "", "landcoverType" "V348", "sum_fracVegCover", "", "", "landcoverType" "V349", "modflow_timestep", "Chosen ModFlow model timestep (1day\, 7days\, 30days…)", "", "landcoverType" "V350", "presumed_sum_gwRecharge", "Previous groundwater recharge [m/timestep] (used for the ModFlow version)", "m", "landcoverType" "V351", "sumed_sum_gwRecharge", "", "", "landcoverType" "V352", "pretotalSto", "Previous totalSto", "m", "landcoverType" "V355", "modflowPumpingM", "", "", "landcoverType" "V359", "sum_directRunoff", "", "", "landcoverType" "V360", "sum_actTransTotal", "", "", "landcoverType" "V361", "sum_actBareSoilEvap", "", "", "landcoverType" "V362", "sum_openWaterEvap", "", "", "landcoverType" "V363", "sum_interceptEvap", "", "", "landcoverType" "V364", "addtoevapotrans", "", "", "landcoverType" "V365", "sum_runoff", "Runoff above the soil\, more interflow\, including all landcover types", "m", "landcoverType" "V366", "sum_interflow", "", "", "landcoverType" "V367", "nonIrrDemand", "", "", "landcoverType" "V368", "totalIrrDemand", "", "", "landcoverType" "V369", "totalETM3_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V370", "rainM3_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V371", "channelStorage_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V372", "channelStorage", "", "", "landcoverType" "V373", "prechannelStorage_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V374", "prechannelStorage", "", "", "landcoverType" "V375", "prelakeResStorage_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V376", "pretotalSto_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V377", "storGroundwater_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V378", "prestorGroundwater_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V379", "sum_interceptStor_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V380", "totalET_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V381", "EvapoChannel_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V382", "EvapoChannel", "", "", "landcoverType" "V383", "act_nonIrrConsumption_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V384", "act_nonIrrConsumption", "", "", "landcoverType" "V385", "gwstore_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V386", "GWVolumeVariation_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V387", "capillar_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V388", "baseflow_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V389", "sum_gwRecharge_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V390", "GW_Pumping_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V391", "GW_Pumping", "", "", "landcoverType" "V392", "ActualPumpingRate_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V393", "sum_actTransTotal_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V394", "actTransTotal_forest_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V395", "actTransTotal_forest", "", "", "landcoverType" "V396", "actTransTotal_grasslands_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V397", "actTransTotal_grasslands", "", "", "landcoverType" "V398", "actTransTotal_paddy_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V399", "actTransTotal_paddy", "", "", "landcoverType" "V400", "actTransTotal_nonpaddy_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V401", "actTransTotal_nonpaddy", "", "", "landcoverType" "V402", "sum_interceptEvap_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V403", "sum_openWaterEvap_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V404", "sum_actBareSoilEvap_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V405", "act_totalIrrConsumption_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V406", "act_totalIrrConsumption", "", "", "landcoverType" "V407", "act_SurfaceWaterAbstract_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V408", "sum_perc3toGW_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V409", "sum_prefFlow_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V410", "act_bigLakeResAbst_segments", "", "", "landcoverType" "V411", "act_bigLakeResAbst", "", "", "landcoverType" "V412", "act_SurfaceWaterAbstract", "", "", "landcoverType" "V413", "current_modflowPumpingM", "", "", "landcoverType" "V414", "act_totalWaterWithdrawal", "", "", "landcoverType" "V415", "act_SurfaceWaterAbstract", "", "", "landcoverType" "V416", "cwatbudg_old", "", "", "landcoverType" "V417", "storcwat_old", "", "", "landcoverType" "V418", "gwVariation_old", "", "", "landcoverType" "V419", "presumed_sum_gwRecharge", "", "", "landcoverType" "V420", "sum_gwRecharge", "", "", "landcoverType" "V421", "baseflow", "", "", "landcoverType" "V422", "capillar", "", "", "landcoverType" "V423", "ActualPumpingRate", "", "", "landcoverType" "V424", "GWVolumeVariation", "", "", "landcoverType" "V425", "GWVolumeVariation", "", "", "landcoverType" "V426", "demand_old", "", "", "landcoverType" "V427", "GW_pumping", "", "", "landcoverType" "V428", "sum_availWaterInfiltration", "", "", "landcoverType" "V429", "sumirrConsumption", "", "", "landcoverType" "V430", "waterWithdrawal", "", "", "landcoverType" "V431", "nonIrruse", "", "", "landcoverType" "V432", "returnFlow", "", "", "landcoverType" "V433", "sumsum_Precipitation", "", "", "landcoverType" "V434", "sumsum_gwRecharge", "", "", "landcoverType" "V437", "cellLength", "length of a grid cell", "m", "miscInitial" "V438", "PixelArea", "area of a grid cell", "m2", "miscInitial" "V439", "InvCellLength", "inverse cell length", "m-1", "miscInitial" "V440", "DtDay", "seconds in a timestep (default=86400)", "s", "miscInitial" "V441", "InvDtDay", "inverse seconds in a timestep (default=86400)", "s-1", "miscInitial" "V442", "DtSecChannel", "seconds in a substep of channel routing", "s", "miscInitial" "V443", "MMtoM", "Coefficient to change units", "-", "miscInitial" "V444", "MtoMM", "Coefficient to change units", "-", "miscInitial" "V445", "M3toM", "Coefficient to change units", "-", "miscInitial" "V446", "con_precipitation", "conversion factor for precipitation", "-", "miscInitial" "V447", "con_e", "conversion factor for evaporation", "-", "miscInitial" "V448", "modflowsteady", "True if modflow_steadystate = True in settings file", "-", "readmeteo" "V449", "preMaps", "choose between steady state precipitation maps for steady state modflow or normal precipitation maps", "-", "readmeteo" "V450", "tempMaps", "choose between steady state temperature maps for steady state modflow or normal maps", "-", "readmeteo" "V451", "evaTMaps", "choose between steady state ETP water maps for steady state modflow or normal maps", "-", "readmeteo" "V452", "eva0Maps", "choose between steady state ETP reference maps for steady state modflow or normal maps", "-", "readmeteo" "V453", "wc2_tavg", "High resolution WorldClim map for average temperature", "K", "readmeteo" "V454", "wc4_tavg", "upscaled to low resolution WorldClim map for average temperature", "K", "readmeteo" "V455", "wc2_tmin", "High resolution WorldClim map for min temperature", "K", "readmeteo" "V456", "wc4_tmin", "upscaled to low resolution WorldClim map for min temperature", "K", "readmeteo" "V457", "wc2_tmax", "High resolution WorldClim map for max temperature", "K", "readmeteo" "V458", "wc4_tmax", "upscaled to low resolution WorldClim map for max temperature", "K", "readmeteo" "V459", "wc2_prec", "High resolution WorldClim map for precipitation", "m", "readmeteo" "V460", "wc4_prec", "upscaled to low resolution WorldClim map for precipitation", "m", "readmeteo" "V461", "demHigh", "digital elevation model high resolution", "m", "readmeteo" "V462", "demAnomaly", "digital elevation model anomaly (high resolution - low resolution)", "m", "readmeteo" "V463", "meteomapsscale", "if meteo maps have the same extend as the other spatial static maps -> meteomapsscale = True", "-", "readmeteo" "V464", "meteodown", "if meteo maps should be downscaled", "-", "readmeteo" "V465", "prec", "precipitation in m", "m", "readmeteo" "V466", "temp", "average temperature in Celsius deg", "C°", "readmeteo" "V467", "Tmin", "minimum temperature in Celsius deg", "C°", "readmeteo" "V468", "Tmax", "maximum temperature in celsius deg", "C°", "readmeteo" "V469", "WtoMJ", "Conversion factor from [W] to [MJ] for radiation: 86400 * 1E-6", "-", "readmeteo" "V471", "runoff_peak", "peak time of runoff in seconds for each land use class", "s", "runoff_concentration" "V472", "tpeak_interflow", "peak time of interflow", "s", "runoff_concentration" "V473", "tpeak_baseflow", "peak time of baseflow", "s", "runoff_concentration" "V474", "maxtime_runoff_conc", "maximum time till all flow is at the outlet", "s", "runoff_concentration" "V475", "runoff_conc", "runoff after concentration - triangular-weighting method", "m", "runoff_concentration" "V476", "directRunoff", "Simulated surface runoff", "m", "runoff_concentration" "V477", "landSurfaceRunoff", "Runoff concentration above the soil more interflow", "m", "runoff_concentration" "V478", "openWaterEvap", "Simulated evaporation from open areas", "m", "sealed_water" "V479", "actTransTotal", "Total actual transpiration from the three soil layers", "m", "sealed_water" "V480", "actBareSoilEvap", "Simulated evaporation from the first soil layer", "m", "sealed_water" "V482", "numberSnowLayers", "Number of snow layers (up to 10)", "-", "snow_frost" "V483", "glaciertransportZone", "Number of layers which can be mimiced as glacier transport zone", "-", "snow_frost" "V485", "deltaInvNorm", "Quantile of the normal distribution (for different numbers of snow layers)", "-", "snow_frost" "V486", "DeltaTSnow", "Temperature lapse rate x std. deviation of elevation", "C°", "snow_frost" "V487", "SnowDayDegrees", "day of the year to degrees: 360/365.25 = 0.9856", "-", "snow_frost" "V488", "summerSeasonStart", "day when summer season starts = 165 ", "-", "snow_frost" "V489", "IceDayDegrees", "days of summer (15th June-15th Sept.) to degree: 180/(259-165)", "-", "snow_frost" "V490", "SnowSeason", "seasonal melt factor ", "m C°-1 day-1", "snow_frost" "V491", "TempSnow", "Average temperature at which snow melts", "C°", "snow_frost" "V492", "SnowFactor", "Multiplier applied to precipitation that falls as snow", "-", "snow_frost" "V493", "SnowMeltCoef", "Snow melt coefficient - default: 0.004", "-", "snow_frost" "V494", "IceMeltCoef", "Ice melt coefficnet - default 0.007", "-", "snow_frost" "V495", "TempMelt", "Average temperature at which snow melts", "C°", "snow_frost" "V496", "SnowCoverS", "snow cover for each layer", "m", "snow_frost" "V497", "Kfrost", "Snow depth reduction coefficient\, (HH\, p. 7.28)", "m-1", "snow_frost" "V498", "Afrost", "Daily decay coefficient\, (Handbook of Hydrology\, p. 7.28)", "-", "snow_frost" "V499", "FrostIndexThreshold", "Degree Days Frost Threshold (stops infiltration\, percolation and capillary rise)", "-", "snow_frost" "V500", "SnowWaterEquivalent", "Snow water equivalent\, (based on snow density of 450 kg/m3) (e.g. Tarboton and Luce\, 1996)", "-", "snow_frost" "V501", "MaskMap", "Mask map to limit calculation to a mask", "-", "snow_frost" "V502", "FrostIndex", "FrostIndex - Molnau and Bissel (1983)\, A Continuous Frozen Ground Index for Flood Forecasting", "-", "snow_frost" "V503", "extfrostindex", "Flag for second frostindex", "-", "snow_frost" "V504", "FrostIndexThreshold2", "FrostIndex2 - Molnau and Bissel (1983)\, A Continuous Frozen Ground Index for Flood Forecasting", "", "snow_frost" "V505", "frostInd1", "forstindex 1", "", "snow_frost" "V506", "frostInd2", "frostindex 2", "", "snow_frost" "V507", "frostindexS", "array for frostindex", "", "snow_frost" "V508", "Snow", "Snow (equal to a part of Precipitation)", "m", "snow_frost" "V512", "percolationImp", "Fraction of area covered by the corresponding landcover type", "m", "soil" "V513", "cropGroupNumber", "soil water depletion fraction\, Van Diepen et al.\, 1988: WOFOST 6.0\, p.86\, Doorenbos et. al 1978", "-", "soil" "V514", "cPrefFlow", "Factor influencing preferential flow (flow from surface to GW)", "-", "soil" "V515", "act_irrConsumption", "actual irrgation water consumption", "m", "soil" "V516", "rws", "Transpiration reduction factor (in case of water stress)", "-", "soil" "V517", "prefFlow", "Flow going directly from rainfall to groundwater", "m", "soil" "V518", "infiltration", "Water actually infiltrating the soil", "m", "soil" "V520", "capRiseFromGW", "Simulated capillary rise from groundwater", "m", "soil" "V521", "NoSubSteps", "Number of sub steps to calculate soil percolation", "-", "soil" "V522", "perc1to2", "Simulated water flow from soil layer 1 to soil layer 2", "m", "soil" "V523", "perc2to3", "Simulated water flow from soil layer 2 to soil layer 3", "m", "soil" "V524", "perc3toGW", "Simulated water flow from soil layer 3 to groundwater", "m", "soil" "V525", "theta1", "fraction of water in soil compartment 1 for each land use class", "-", "soil" "V526", "theta2", "fraction of water in soil compartment 2 for each land use class", "-", "soil" "V527", "theta3", "fraction of water in soil compartment 3 for each land use class", "-", "soil" "V531", "gwRecharge", "groundwater recharge", "m", "soil" "V534", "nonIrrReturnFlow", "", "", "waterbalance" "V535", "localQW", "", "", "waterbalance" "V536", "channelStorageBefore", "", "", "waterbalance" "V537", "sum_balanceStore", "", "", "waterbalance" "V538", "sum_balanceFlux", "", "", "waterbalance" "V539", "catchmentAll", "", "", "waterbalance" "V540", "catchmentNo", "", "", "waterbalance" "V541", "unmetDemand", "", "", "waterbalance" "V542", "act_irrDemand", "", "", "waterbalance" "V543", "act_nonIrrDemand", "", "", "waterbalance" "V544", "returnflowIrr", "", "", "waterbalance" "V546", "nonIrrReturnFlowFraction", "", "", "waterbalance" "V547", "sumsideflow", "", "", "waterbalance" "V548", "sumIrrDemand", "", "", "waterbalance" "V549", "outlets", "", "", "waterbalance" "V550", "sum_irrDemand", "", "", "waterbalance" "V551", "sum_act_SurfaceWaterAbstract", "", "", "waterbalance" "V552", "pretotalSoil", "", "", "waterbalance" "V553", "totalSoil", "", "", "waterbalance" "V554", "sumP", "", "", "waterbalance" "V555", "sumETA", "", "", "waterbalance" "V556", "noOutpoints", "", "", "waterbalance" "V557", "evalCatch", "", "", "waterbalance" "V558", "area", "", "", "waterbalance" "V559", "catchment", "", "", "waterbalance" "V560", "sumRunoff", "", "", "waterbalance" "V561", "sumDelta1", "", "", "waterbalance" "V562", "sumDelta2", "", "", "waterbalance" "V563", "sumAll", "", "", "waterbalance" "V564", "allocSegments", "", "", "waterdemand" "V565", "segmentArea", "", "", "waterdemand" "V566", "reservoir_command_areas", "", "", "waterdemand" "V567", "swAbstractionFraction", "", "", "waterdemand" "V568", "domesticTime", "", "", "waterdemand" "V569", "industryTime", "", "", "waterdemand" "V570", "livestockTime", "", "", "waterdemand" "V571", "domWithdrawalVar", "", "", "waterdemand" "V572", "domConsumptionVar", "", "", "waterdemand" "V573", "indWithdrawalVar", "", "", "waterdemand" "V574", "indConsumptionVar", "", "", "waterdemand" "V575", "livVar", "", "", "waterdemand" "V576", "uselivestock", "", "", "waterdemand" "V577", "demand_unit", "", "", "waterdemand" "V578", "use_environflow", "", "", "waterdemand" "V579", "unmetDemandPaddy", "", "", "waterdemand" "V580", "unmetDemandNonpaddy", "", "", "waterdemand" "V581", "efficiencyPaddy", "", "", "waterdemand" "V582", "efficiencyNonpaddy", "", "", "waterdemand" "V583", "returnfractionIrr", "", "", "waterdemand" "V584", "alphaDepletion", "", "", "waterdemand" "V585", "modflowPumping", "", "", "waterdemand" "V586", "modflowDepth2", "", "", "waterdemand" "V587", "modflowStorGW2", "", "", "waterdemand" "V588", "modflowDepth2_segments", "", "", "waterdemand" "V589", "modflowTopography", "", "", "waterdemand" "V590", "crops", "", "", "waterdemand" "V591", "head2", "", "", "waterdemand" "V592", "demand_Segment", "", "", "waterdemand" "V593", "lakeResStorage_ratio_CA", "", "", "waterdemand" "V594", "lakeResStorage_ratio", "", "", "waterdemand" "V595", "print_modflowPumpingM", "", "", "waterdemand" "V596", "act_bigLakeResAbst_alloc", "", "", "waterdemand" "V597", "act_channelAbstract", "", "", "waterdemand" "V598", "act_LocalLakeAbstract", "", "", "waterdemand" "V599", "leakageC_daily_segments", "", "", "waterdemand" "V600", "leakageC", "", "", "waterdemand" "V601", "act_indDemand", "", "", "waterdemand" "V602", "act_domDemand", "", "", "waterdemand" "V603", "act_livDemand", "", "", "waterdemand" "V604", "totalWaterDemand", "", "", "waterdemand" "V605", "act_irrWithdrawal", "", "", "waterdemand" "V606", "act_nonIrrWithdrawal", "", "", "waterdemand" "V607", "act_indConsumption", "", "", "waterdemand" "V608", "act_domConsumption", "", "", "waterdemand" "V609", "act_livConsumption", "", "", "waterdemand" "V610", "act_totalWaterConsumption", "", "", "waterdemand" "V611", "ind_efficiency", "", "", "waterdemand" "V612", "dom_efficiency", "", "", "waterdemand" "V613", "liv_efficiency", "", "", "waterdemand" "V614", "act_LocalLakeAbstract_segments", "", "", "waterdemand" "V615", "envFlowm3s", "", "", "waterdemand" "V616", "envFlow", "", "", "waterdemand" "V617", "channelAlpha", "", "", "waterdemand" "V618", "chanLength", "", "", "waterdemand" "V619", "readAvlChannelStorageM", "", "", "waterdemand" "V620", "industryDemand", "", "", "waterdemand" "V621", "pot_industryConsumption", "", "", "waterdemand" "V622", "domesticDemand", "", "", "waterdemand" "V623", "pot_domesticConsumption", "", "", "waterdemand" "V624", "livestockDemand", "", "", "waterdemand" "V625", "pot_livestockConsumption", "", "", "waterdemand" "V626", "pot_nonIrrConsumption", "", "", "waterdemand" "V627", "pot_irrConsumption", "", "", "waterdemand" "V628", "irrDemand", "", "", "waterdemand" "V629", "minsmalllakeStorage", "", "", "waterdemand" "V630", "act_smallLakeResAbst", "", "", "waterdemand" "V631", "actLakeResAbst", "", "", 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"waterdemand_beforeAllocSegments2" "V651", "frac_used_Segment", "", "", "waterdemand_beforeAllocSegments2" "V652", "lakeResStorage_alloc", "", "", "waterdemand_beforeAllocSegments2" "V653", "metRemainSegment", "", "", "waterdemand_beforeAllocSegments2" "V654", "pot_GroundwaterAbstract", "", "", "waterdemand_beforeAllocSegments2" "V655", "act_nonIrrConsumption", "", "", "waterdemand_beforeAllocSegments2" "V656", "waterquality", "", "", "waterquality1" "V657", "celllenght", "", "", "waterquality1" "V658", "downdist", "", "", "waterquality1" "V659", "totalCrossSectionArea", "", "", "waterquality1" "V660", "travelDistance", "", "", "waterquality1" "V661", "travelTime", "", "", "waterquality1" "V662", "waterLevel", "", "", "waterquality1" "V663", "waterTemperature", "", "", "waterquality1" "V664", "dirupLen", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V665", "dirupID", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V666", "dirDown", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V667", "lendirDown", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V668", "ups", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V669", "UpArea", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V670", "beta", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V671", "chanMan", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V672", "chanGrad", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V673", "chanWidth", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V674", "chanDepth", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V675", "invbeta", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V676", "invchanLength", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V677", "invdtRouting", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V678", "totalCrossSectionAreaBankFull", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V679", "TotalCrossSectionAreaBankFull", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V680", "chanWettedPerimeterAlpha", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V681", "alpPower", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V682", "invchannelAlpha", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V683", "readAvlChannelStorage", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V684", "channelAlphaPcr", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V685", "chanLengthPcr", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V686", "SUMEvapoChannel", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V687", "sumbalance", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V688", "dynamicFracWat", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V689", "QDelta", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V690", "inflowDt", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V691", "Pumping_daily_segments", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V692", "disold", "", "", "routing_kinematic" "V693", "modflowexe", "Path to the ModFlow.exe file", "-", "groundwater_modflow" "V694", "PathModflow", "Path to the ModFlow folder where input data and ModFlow runs are stored", "-", "groundwater_modflow" "V695", "PathModflowOutput", "Path to the ModFlow folder where ModFlow runs are stored", "-", "groundwater_modflow" "V696", "res_ModFlow", "Chosen ModFlow model resolution", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V697", "Ndays_steady", "Number of steady state run before the transient simulation", "-", "groundwater_modflow" "V698", "nlay", "Number of ModFlow layers", "-", "groundwater_modflow" "V699", "Gleesonindex", "", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V83", "head_development", "", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V700", "actual_thick", "Array (nlays\, nrows\, ncols) of layers thickness", "m", "groundwater_modflow" "V701", "coef", "A coefficient defined by the user to artificially increase layer thickness", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V702", "delv2", "Array (nlays\, nrows\, ncols) of layers thickness times coef", "m", "groundwater_modflow" "V703", "riverPercentage", "Array (nrows\, ncol) defining the percentage of rivers on each ModFlow cell", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V704", "hk0", "Array (nrows\, ncol) defining the groundwater permeability [m/s]", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V705", "poro", "Array (nrows\, ncol) defining the groundwater porosity []", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V707", "basin", "Array (nrows\, ncol) defining wich cells are active (1 or 0)", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V708", "waterTable3", "Array (nrows\, ncol) defining DRAIN altitude [masl] on each cell", "m", "groundwater_modflow" "V709", "botm", "Array (nlays+1\, nrows\, ncols) of layers top and botm [masl]", "m", "groundwater_modflow" "V710", "modflowtotalSoilThickness", "Array (nrows\, ncol) used to compute water table depth in post-processing", "m", "groundwater_modflow" "V711", "nameModflowModel", "Name of the ModFlow model (used for ModFlow output)", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V712", "steady_previous", "True if a previous simulated map is used to defined the initial water table", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V713", "head", "Simulated ModFlow water level [masl]", "m", "groundwater_modflow" "V714", "modflow_text_to_write", "", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V715", "modflow_compteur", "Counts each day relatively to the chosen ModFlow timestep\, allow to run ModFlow only once by timestep", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V716", "writeerror", "", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V717", "nameerrorfile", "", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V718", "storGroundwater1", "", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V719", "modflowStorGW", "", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V720", "modflowWaterLevel", "Simulated ModFlow water level [masl]", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V721", "premodflowWaterLevel", "", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V722", "sumstorGW", "", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V723", "sumstorGW2", "", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V724", "totaldifference", "", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V725", "prestorGroundwater1", "", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V726", "rgw", "", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V727", "GWVolumeVariation_cell", "", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V728", "GW_storage_ModFlow", "", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V729", "preGW_storage_ModFlow", "", "", "groundwater_modflow" "V730", "waterTable3", "", "", "ModFlow_modelV5" "V731", "modflowDepth", "", "", "ModFlow_modelV5" "V732", "Volume_modflow", "", "", "modflow_steady_transient" "V734", "modflowGwStore", "", "", "modflow_steady_transient"